NCETM West Midlands Regional Newsletter

Issue 16 - 4 November 2008

Welcome to the latest issue of what was previously called the West Midlands email update.

Latest News

· We know that compulsory tests for 14-year olds (‘KS3 SATs’) have been scrapped. If you are a secondary teacher, did you welcome that news for you and/or your pupils? Why not join the discussion in the Secondary Forum here? If you are a primary teacher, what is your view about the continuing tests for 7- and 11-year olds? For instance, what do you think of the statement from ATM? Click here for a link to the ATM statement and/or to join the debate in the Primary Forum.

· Have you had a chance to look at the recent HMI report ‘Mathematics: understanding the score’. I found Part B particularly interesting. It discusses the issues in mathematics and barriers to improving learning, but it also helpfully describes characteristics of good and outstanding practice, suggesting how to move from ‘satisfactory’ to ‘good’. I also noted the statement that ‘a shared philosophy about effective learning in mathematics often underpins the work of the best primary schools and secondary departments.’ Do you have a favourite quote/section? Or something you strongly disagree with?

· A reminder that Thursday 4 December is Number Day - a great opportunity to get pupils to enjoy maths and raise money for the NSPCC and ChildLine. For more information and the Resource pack, click here.

Events and Courses

· The next MME (Midland Mathematics Education) seminar is at 5pm on Wednesday 19 November at Warwick University. The seminar will be led by Dr Candia Morgan (Institute of Education, London) and the title is ‘Critical discourse analysis of curriculum documents focusing on the impact of curriculum on teacher and/or student identity’. Everyone is welcome. For further details click here.

· There is a free, full-day TI-Nspire initial training event on Friday 21 November at King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls, Birmingham. Discounted equipment and follow-up training will be available. See the Courses and events section or click here for further details.

· On Saturday 22 November in Warwick, Dave Hewitt from Birmingham University will be introducing the excellent new Grid Algebra software from ATM. For further details, contact Sue Johnston-Wilder at

· There will be two free, full-day NCETM Subject Learning Coaches Network meetings: on Monday 24 November at Wolverhampton College, Paget Road Campus, Wolverhampton; on Wednesday 3 December at Warwick University. We will be focussing as usual on the promotion of active teaching and learning approaches through sharing successful classroom experiences and effective resources. Also included will be an update on the support available from the NCETM including funding for practitioner action research projects and distribution. See the Courses and events section or click here for further details.

· The next national NCETM conference is on Wednesday 3 December in Manchester. The title is ‘Adding Value in Mathematics: CPD Partnerships between Schools, Colleges and HEIs’. This free, one-day conference will bring together schools, colleges and HEIs to explore how we can all work together to the benefit of all. Why not join delegates from across the country to explore innovative student resources, effective CPD research projects, case studies from teachers undertaking Masters, exhibitions from HEIs and online and regional networks? We look forward to seeing the excellent work going on in the West Midlands well represented at the conference! Click here for further details.

New on the portal

· Primary teachers - have you seen issue 3 of the Primary Magazine? The authors explore the mathematical possibilities of children’s book week in the ‘Focus’; the feature, ‘A little bit of history’, looks at the Greek number system; the interview is with Johnny Ball, a well-known celebrity and television presenter; and this month’s CPD opportunity in ‘Something to share’ focuses on effective questioning.

· Secondary teachers - have you seen the new Up2d8 resources which are part of the latest issue of the Secondary Magazine? These fortnightly resources explore a range of mathematical themes in a topical context, the first set being based around ‘Bonfire Night’. The resource is not intended to be a set of instructions but rather a framework which you can personalise to fit your classroom and your learners.

· The third of three articles by Rob Eastaway, all to do with connections, has recently been published on the portal. All three articles have been stimulating, challenging, entertaining and more. This latest one (Joined Up Teachers) offers serious food for thought about how teachers might work together for their benefit and for their learners’ benefit. I recommend all three articles!

As ever, we would welcome feedback on this e-update (including suggestions for inclusion in future updates) and/or on other regional activities. Similarly, please let us know if you do not want to receive future updates - please email . The archive of the WM Email Updates is available on the West Midlands regional pages here, so that you can easily locate information you may have missed before, or noticed and meant to come back to.

Tim Coombs
Regional Co-ordinator, West Midlands
National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics

St Mary's Court
55 St Mary's Road
South Yorkshire S2 4AN
M 07768 978309
F 0114 281 6021

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The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) supports the professional development of teachers of mathematics through an extensive online learning community and a network of regional coordinators. It is funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families.

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