It is God who intricately shapes us in our mother’s womb (Psalms 139:13-16) and orchestrates circumstances that help mold us into who we are today. He adopts us into His eternal family, equips us with Spiritual gifts, implants His vision into our hearts and calls us to serve Him. He is also the one who has promised to instruct us and counsel us in the way which we should go. God truly loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives.

This Career Pathway Map is designed as a tool to help you assess God’s awesome design in your life, the desires He has placed in your heart and His special direction in how He plans to uniquely use you in His kingdom. The desired outcome is that knowing these things will help you have greater clarity in weighing ministry options and finding your best contribution as you seek to be a good steward of all God has entrusted to you.

Of course, there is no magic formula in doing career planning. The key is taking the time needed to wait on the Lord and get into the process. This map is divided into three major sections that will help guide you in the process. First, Knowyour God-given design, the desires He has put in your heart and His unique direction (leading) for your life. Second, Discern your best contribution as you seek to serve Him. Finally Plan your continued development to be more effective as you serve Him.By working through the map questions you should be able to clearly identify the way that God has wired you and the dreams he has placed in you that will enable you to make your best contribution for the kingdom.

As you work through this map, remember that this is not merely an intellectual exercise. For a believer, career path planning is primarily a spiritual exercise of coming into God’s presence, listening to His voice and being sensitive to follow His leading and direction. As we seek Him with a proper attitude, He promises to instruct us, teach us and counsel us in the way in which we should go. He also often chooses to use the wise counsel of other mature believers who know us well to help us in the process.

Instructions:Prayerfully complete this map on your own. Seek feedback from two or three people who know you well. Then meet your coach to review and revise what you have written. Make sure you have a clear action plan in place for your continued growth and development.

God’s Design(how God has shaped me)
  1. Gifts and Abilities
  • Identify the gifts and talents you believe God has given you.
  • Think about your work and ministry experience, what are things you feel you have done well?
  • List additional strengths from your experience/observation and/or from assessment tools you have used.
/ My Spiritual Gifts are:
My Natural Talents are:
My Strengths are:
  1. Personality Type
  • God created us with unique personalities which influence how we work and live. Describe personality type.
  • Personality assessment tools can help you understand your personality type. Some good assessments are: Birkman, DISC, Meyers Briggs, Strengths Finder
/ Key personality information:
Feedback from Those who know you well:
God given Desires & Direction (desires God has placed on my heart)
3. Passions and Burdens
  • List 1 or 2 things that you are passionate about – strong burdens you believe God has placed on your heart and that you feel He wants you to invest your life in.
  • What ministry/work have you done that excites/fulfils you?
  • Write down 2 or 3 of your core values.
/ I am passionate about:
My core values are:
4. Calling
  • What are some key verses you believe God used to call you into ministry?
  • What are past ministry experiences that seemed to indicate that you were doing what God called you to do?
/ Significant calling verses:
Past Experiences that confirmed God’s leading:
Feedback from those who know you well:
Scriptural Encouragement (As you work through this guide, how has God spoken to you?)
  1. God’s Design and Desires Summary
Based on the information you have gathered, summarize how God has made you and the burdens He has put on your heart (what are some words and phrases that describe who you are and what excites you):
  1. My Mission:
God designs and calls us for a mission. Compose a clear, concise personal mission statement.
  1. Describe what your ideal role would look like:

Keep in mind that there is probably no role that is a perfect fit – actually a role with significant overlap between your skills and the Job description may be perfect for you!

  1. Exploring the options

Once you have an idea of what type of role may be the best fit for you, you are better able to assess the opportunities that are before you. List the ministry opportunities that you are aware of (they could include your current role as well as possible future ministry options) across the top of the top of the chart. Next, set criteria based on your job fit summary information above as well as other life issues to consider (e.g. family, needs, health considerations, life balance, etc), and list them in the left column. Give each criteria a priority rating (4=non-negotiable, 3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low). Prayerfully rate how each opportunity meets each criteria (using the rating number for each criteria). Of course, this is not an exact science, but it is likely that the highest ranking options would be your best ministry choices.


As you consider your current role or future ministry role, there will be further area of personal or professional development you will need to pursue to be more effective or help you meet new job qualifications/expectations.

The 5 E’s of development can help you think through and plan various methods for development. Prayerfully fill in the chart listing development opportunities and making development plans with SMART goals (a coach can help you form and implement of your development plans):

Further Development (5 E’s)
  1. Expose (Name a few good mentors who can model what you need to develop in):
  1. Equip (Identify courses/seminars/conferences/etc to attend, or literature to read):
  1. Experience (Seek out hands-on opportunities that are available to practice the skill):
  1. Evaluate (Assess using feedback from other friends & assessment tools):
  1. Environment (List the environment you need to grow and function most effectively):


We all encounter transitions in life, but transitions can be difficult. A result of working through this worksheet may include the need for you to transition to a ministry role that fits you better. In this process you should step out in faith, trusting God and following His leading, but it also helps to realize and be prepared for the difficult aspects related to transitions. Over the transition period different emotions will take place – from anger or loss at the beginning to confusion in the middle and ultimately to hopefulness at the end. So be prepared for one of the greatest times of both growth and anxiety.


This career pathway planning map offers initial help to lead you into the next chapter of your career. It begins with Knowing how God has made you and the burdens He has put on your heart, Discerning your best contribution and Planningfurther areas of growth and development. In all three sections, it is wise to consult with others who know you well, your supervisor and/or a career path coach for their valuable input and support.