NC Pre-K Program Evaluation Rubric

Increase Student Achievement

I.  Director guides and supports continuous improvement in teacher effectiveness and student achievement.

Objective / 1 / 3 / 5
In addition to meeting expectations,
Lesson plans are of high quality and include differentiation. / Weekly lesson plans are not consistently reviewed before implementation. / All components of the weekly lesson plan template are reviewed for quality and differentiation before implementation. / After weekly lesson plan are reviewed for quality and differentiation, teachers are given written feedback.
Teachers and students have access to resources for learning as a result of having internet access in their classroom. / Internet access is not available to teachers and students in the classroom. / Internet access is available to students and the teacher in the classroom. / Lesson plans reflect integration of technology to increase student learning.
Teaching Strategies Gold data is used to assess student acquisition of skills and to plan lessons that meet student needs. . / T.S. Gold data is collected and recorded as required by the Pre-K program. Parent reports are generated from this data. / Lesson plans include TS Gold objectives.
Teachers have an assessment plan in place to support efficient data collection. / Re-teach days have a clear focus based on T.S. Gold data.
The PPVT is scheduled and monitored by directors. / PPVT dates are not scheduled in a timely manner. The Testing Code of Ethics is not reviewed before testing begins at the site. / Director works collaboratively with the Literacy Coach to schedule and monitor PPVT administration. The Testing Code of Ethics is reviewed before testing begins at the site. / Director ensures PPVT scores are validated and recorded accurately.
Appropriate interventions and modifications are in place to support identified students. / Interventions and modifications are not in place to support identified students. / Interventions and modifications are in place to support identified students. / Student progress is evident due to interventions and modifications.
Students demonstrate growth on PPVT. / Below 90% of students show growth on the PPVT at the end of the school year. / 90-94% of students show growth on the PPVT at the end of the school year. / 95-100% of students show growth on the PPVT at the end of the school year.
NC Pre-K site implements policies and procedure to support student learning. / Written policies/procedures are not in place related to;
Following class schedules
Minimizing interruptions
Requesting sick leave
Obtaining a substitute
Completing lesson plans
Using cell phones / Written policies are in place related to:
Following class schedules
Minimizing interruptions
Requesting sick leave
Obtaining a substitute
Completing lesson plans
Using cell phones / Additional written policies are in place.

II.  The curriculum is implemented with fidelity.

Objective / 1 / 3 / 5
In addition to meeting expectations,
Teachers are observed formally and informally and receive feedback from their director on an ongoing basis. / Teachers only receive feedback from their director after a formal observation. / All teachers receive feedback from their director two times a month. / All teachers receive written feedback from their director twice a month.
Materials needed to implement the curriculum are provided. / Materials are not consistently provided or are inadequate. / Materials are provided as needed to implement the curriculum. / A procedure is in place to ensure materials are purchased and given to staff. Staff signs to document they received needed materials.

III.  Director’s leadership impacts overall success of the NC Pre-K program.

Objective / 1 / 3 / 5
In addition to meeting expectations,
NC Pre-K Director’s decisions support program goals and requirements. / Some director decisions negatively impact the NC Pre-K program. / Director supplies 2-3 examples of decisions made that support the NC Pre-K goals and requirements at their site. / Director supplies more than 3 examples of decisions made that support the NC Pre-K goals and requirements at their site.
NC Pre-K director and staff meet monthly to share program information and discuss program, staff and student needs. / Monthly meeting includes sharing of program information but there is not a written agenda. Teachers do not have an opportunity to have input into agenda items. / Regularly scheduled monthly meeting has a written agenda that demonstrates staff involvement in the development of the agenda and in decision making. / The monthly meeting schedule is communicated at the beginning of the year and held as scheduled.
End of year Teaching Strategies Gold data indicate that children are ready for kindergarten. / T.S. Gold Class Profiles indicate that 80% or less of students are rated at expectations for kindergarten readiness in: Social/Emotional/Literacy/Language and Math Domains. / T.S. Gold Class Profiles indicate that 80%- 85% of students are rated at expectations for kindergarten readiness in:
Social/Emotional/Literacy/Language and Math Domains. / T.S. Gold Class Profiles indicate that more than 85% of students are rated at expectations for kindergarten readiness in:
Social/Emotional/Literacy/Language and Math Domains.
Teacher survey results indicate that feedback and support provided by their director caused a change in their behavior and positively impacted student achievement. / Teachers indicate, through a survey, that the director does not provide clear/constructive feedback that impacts student achievement. / Teachers indicate, through a survey, that the director provides clear constructive feedback that impacts student achievement. / Teachers indicate, through a survey, that the director provides clear concise written feedback that impacts student achievement.

Support Family Engagement

IV.  NC Pre-K site works collaboratively with parents to equip them to support their child’s growth and success.

Objective / 1 / 3 / 5
In addition to meeting expectations,
All parents participate in Parent Orientation before the child starts school. / Parent Orientation includes organized materials, agenda, and childcare. / Parent Orientation includes organized materials, agenda, childcare, translator if applicable and is offered more than once. 100% of parents attend one orientation session. / Parent orientation has additional ways to engage parents:
ex. Refreshments; Tour of facility
All families have a home visit with the teacher before the child starts school. / Home visits are not completed with all students. / 100% of the families have a home visit. Home visit procedures are followed. / 100% of families have home visits before the child starts Pre-K.
All families participate in at least four school activities. / All families did not participate in 4 activities. Center did not provide sufficient activities or opportunities for parent engagement. / All families participate in 4 activities. Center provides many activities for parental involvement (fieldtrips, class visits, workshops, special events, etc.) / 85% of the families participate in more than 4 school activities.
Each child reads at least 100 books with their parents during the school year. / Less than 100% of parents read 100 books. / 100% of parents read 100 books. / 85% of parents read more than 100 books.
Four or more high quality parent workshops are offered during the school year. / Less than 85% of parents attend one parent workshop. / 85% of parents attend one parent workshop. / 100% of parents attend at least one parent workshop.
NC Pre-K site communicates with families to increase student attendance and on time arrival. / No specific policies and procedures are in place related to student attendance and on-time arrival. / Specific policies and procedures are in place related to student attendance and on-time behavior. / Specific incentives are provided to encourage student attendance and on-time behavior.
Parents participate in Parent- Teacher conferences. / Less than 100% of parents attend conferences. / 100% of parents attend a conference. / Teachers hold additional conferences for targeted students to provide progress reports on identified goals.
Teachers provide resources for parents to help students practice skills at home. / 100% of parents check out a Parent Resource Tub activity or teacher - made material to support their child’s growth once during the school year. / 100% of parents check out Parent Resource Tub activities or teacher-made materials to support their child’s growth four times during the school year. / 100% of parents check out Parent Resource Tub activities or teacher - made materials to support their child’s growth more than four times during the school year.
Objective / 1 / 3 / 5
In addition to meeting expectations,
The NC Pre-K site provides on-going, two-way and purposeful communication with parents. / Teachers provide a monthly newsletter to parents. / Teachers provide a monthly newsletter and daily communication folder for parents. / Teachers utilize technology to communicate with parents. (Examples: emails and websites)
T.S. Gold Parent Reports contain helpful information for parents in understanding their child's progress as well as the goals the teacher has established for their child. / Parent reports contain minimal comments and next steps. / Parent reports are sent to parents on the suggested dates and contain helpful comments describing child’s strengths, areas of progress, next steps / Teachers support parents in understanding the TS Gold Parent Reports by giving written and/or verbal explanations that are “parent friendly”.

Demonstrate Program Quality

V.  Operations at the NC Pre-K sites support program quality.

Objective / 1 / 3 / 5
In addition to meeting expectations,
NC Pre-K contract requirements are fulfilled on time. / Director meets requirements and deadlines below 85% of the time. / Director meets requirements and deadlines 86 - 94% of the time. / Director meets requirements and deadlines 95 - 100% of the time.
NC Pre-K staff members receive salary and benefits on schedule. / No regular pay schedule is in place. Paycheck funds are not available. There is a lapse in benefits. / Teachers and teacher assistants are given a schedule for when they should receive paychecks, Paychecks are paid on time, and funds are available for teachers/assistants to cash their paycheck on the scheduled day. / Direct Deposit is made available to NC Pre-K staff.
NC Pre-K site ensures that students receive transportation. / Student transportation needs are not addressed. Site does not offer transportation. / Site works with families to ensure transportation needs are met. / Site offers transportation and uses the maximum scholarships available.
Pursue Continuous Improvement

VI.  NC Pre-K Site establishes goals to impact student achievement following self-evaluation and feedback.

Objective / 1 / 3 / 5
In addition to meeting expectations,
NC Pre-K site tracked progress and met targets on time. / Site Plan progress is not tracked and/or targets are not met on time. / Site plan progress is tracked and targets are met on time. / Site plan progress is tracked and targets are met ahead of time. Additional goals are established.