Ms. Montgomery's Lesson Plans

6th Grade ELA

2013-2013 School Year

Week 3: August 26-August 30

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
-Bellwork: End Marks
--Pass Vocabulary Words out (These are posted on my website as well under Week 3 Vocabulary)
--Students will take a quiz based upon the reading of the short story "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros, that we read aloud in the classroom last week.
--Students will receive the short story for the week, President Cleveland, Where Are You? by Robert Comier (This reading will be due NEXT Tuesday, we will have a quiz on it.)
--We will be going to the Library the 2nd half of the period to check out books. / Due: Vocabulary Definitions
-Bellwork: End Marks (check HW during this time)
-Students will receive Vocabulary Crossword.
-We will discuss simple subjects in a sentence.
-We will begin our writing for Personal Narratives. Students will receive Letter to Families handout, as well as Personal Narrative Assignment Sheet.
-We will discuss things we take for granted today, that they did not have 50 years ago; each class will make their own chart.
-I will read "Introduction: A Life Remembered" and have a discussion about memories with students.
Homework: Vocabulary Crossword; Students will finish simple subject worksheet; signed note to families. Please have a person in place to interview this weekend, either by phone-call, or face-to-face. Please have a definite person by Thursday! / Due: Vocabulary Crossword; Grammar Homework; Signed note from parents.
-Bellwork: End Marks (check HW during this time)
-Pass out Wordsearch of Vocabulary Words
-Homework Check: Simple Subjects
-Grammar Lesson: Verbs/Simple Predicates
-We will read: My Father's Legacy: the Lion and the Mountain. Discuss with students.
-Students will break into groups of 3 and start creating a list of possible questions they could ask the person they are interviewing.
Homework: Grammar Worksheet on verbs; Vocabulary Crossword; List of at least 5 possible questions to ask the person they are interviewing; Please have a confirmed person by tomorrow. / Due: Vocabulary Crossword; Grammar Homework
-Bellwork: End Marks (check HW during this time)
-HW Check: verbs/simple predicates
-Students will receive extra practice on simple subjects and simple predicates (Learning Check on Friday)
-Students will receive "Oral History Questions" list.
-Students will break into groups of 3, and will create 10 questions to ask during their Interview.
Homework: Extra Practice worksheet on grammar concepts; 10 definite questions. / Due: Extra Practice worksheets; 10-questions for interview.
--I will be having my Great-Aunt Linna Craft come in and I will be doing a mock-interview, and she will be talking to the students about the importance of asking questions and keeping memories.
Homework: Students will need to complete interview by Wednesday, September 4th, and bring their answers with them to class... Vocabulary/Spelling Test on Tuesday, September 3rd.
(See above lesson plans)
-Students will have a Learning Check on: Complete Subject; Complete Predicate; Simple Subject; Simple Predicate. / Honors:
(see above lesson plans)
Extensions: Students will be doing an activity with compound subjects and compound verbs.
Homework: Vocabulary Crossword; compound subject/verbs worksheet; signed note to families. / Honors:
(see above lesson plans)
-Homework Check on compound subjects/verbs.
-Grammar Lesson: Kind of sentences (Declarative; Interrogative; Imperative; Exclamatory) / Honors:
(see above lesson plans)
-HW Check: Kinds of Sentences
-Extra Practice on Compound Subject/Verbs and Kinds of sentences.
Homework: Extra Practice worksheet on grammar concepts; 10 definite questions; Old Fashion Book Report #1 due tomorrow. / Honors:
(see above lesson plans)
Due: Old Fashion Book Report #1 Due.
Collaborative Class:
-Students will receive the 'modified' vocabulary list. (Website: Vocabulary Week 3-Modified)
-We will use the dictionaries to find the vocabulary words together and write the definitions.
-We will be going over the Plot Diagram in this class over the story "Eleven." / Collaborative Class:
(See Above Lesson Plan)
-Students will receive the 10-word Crossword
Homework: Vocabulary Crossword; Students will finish simple subject worksheet; signed note to families. / Collaborative Class:
-We will create a list of possible questions as a class, rather than breaking into groups. / Collaborative Class:
-I will have a list of questions on a handout, and students are to pick 10 questions to write in their question chart.
Homework: See above, and Spelling/Vocabulary Test. / Collaborative Class:
-Students will take Spelling/Vocabulary Test.
(See above Lesson Plans)