“Our Redeemer--the LORD Almighty is his name…” Isaiah 47:4

Ruth 1-4:22

  • Ruth chose to stay with Naomi and God’s people
  • God provides a redeemer to Ruth and Naomi
  • Jesus is God’s Redeemer for those who trust in Him

Oh, the women were so sad! The women were crying and crying. Naomi, Orpah and Ruth were so sad.

Some years earlier Naomi and her husband and two sons had moved away from God’s land in Bethlehem. There had been a drought (that’s a time when no rain comes and it makes it hard to find food) and Naomi’s husband said, “Let’s move to Moab, maybe we can find food and good jobs there.”

For some time they lived in the land of Moab, but the people of Moab did not believe in the One True God. The people of Moab worshiped idols—which are not God. But Naomi continued to pray to the one true God—the God of the Bible. While they lived in Moab her sons had married Orpah and Ruth. Naomi told Orpah and Ruth about the true God of the Bible.

Now, the women were so sad because all of their husbands had died! First, Naomi’s husband died. Her sons, along withOrpah and Ruth, had taken care of Naomi. But then Orpah’s husband died and Ruth’s husband died. Now the three women were all alone in a land that was not Naomi’s real home. Naomi decided she needed to go back to Bethlehem, where her other relatives were and where the people worshiped the true God.

As the women cried together Naomi told the girls, “You should go back to your families. Go and maybe you’ll be happy with your family.” The girls loved Naomi and did not want to leave her but she insisted. Orpah went back to her family. (Read from Ruth 1:16-17) But Ruth said, “No! I will not leave you. Where you go, I will go, where you live, I will live. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God!” Ruth chose the One true living God and she wanted to be part of His people and with Naomi’s family. She would not go back to worship idols!

Naomi and Ruth left Moab and traveled the long hard road back to Bethlehem. They were still so sad. As they entered the town of Bethlehem some of the women noticed Naomi right away. “Naomi, is that you?” they called out. “Do not call me Naomi anymore.” she said sadly. (Naomi means pleasant, happy)”Call me Mara instead because I am so sad.” (Mara means bitter, unhappy). Poor Naomi and Ruth; they had nothing. Not even any food.

But, the Bible tells us that God was about to help the women! God knows everyone’s hearts. And God saw that Ruth trusted Him! Faith in God pleases God. God provides for His people who trust Him. This is what happened:

It was harvest time. There was a certain man named Boaz who was a close relative of Naomi’s. This man loved God and trusted all of God’s promises. Boaz had many fields and when Ruth and Naomi were trying to find a little grain to make some bread, Ruth went to Boaz’s field to search for grain that had fallen on the ground. (This was something poor people could do. God commanded the Israelite people to allow some grain to hit the ground so poor people could get food from it.)

As Ruth searched and searched the ground and picked up little bits of grain Boaz noticed her. He asked his servant, “Who is that young woman?” “That is the Moabite woman that came with Naomi from the land of Moab” said the servant.

“Be sure to leave extra grain for her” Boaz commanded his workers. And be sure she stays safe. God was moving Boaz’s heart to take care of Ruth!

Later Boaz talked with Ruth. “Don’t go to any other fields. Stay here in my field and be sure to get lots of water along with my servants. I will see they take care of you. I have heard of your loyalty to your mother-in-law and that you have come to trust the Lord God of Israel.” And then Boaz gave her extra grain to take to Naomi.

Ruth took all of the grain to her mother-in-law and they were able to make some bread. It was good to have something to eat! But Naomi also noticed that Boaz was very nice to Ruth…maybe, just maybe, Boaz would redeem them!

A redeemer was a person who would buy back the land that someone else had sold or lost when they became too poor or had died. If Boaz bought back Naomi’s land, they would no longer be without any food or protection. It would be very expensive for Boaz to buy back that land and there was another rule, if Boaz bought the land, Ruth would have to be his wife.

Naomi told Ruth to go back to Boaz when the harvest dinner was over and wait for him. Naomi gave Ruth very specific directions so that Boaz would know that Ruth wanted him to redeem her. Ruth obeyed all that Naomi told her to do.

And it happened! Boaz wanted to be Ruth and Naomi’s redeemer! He went to the men in the city and said, “You are all witnesses today that I have bought from the hand of Naomi all that belonged to her husband and sons that died. I also will marry Ruth!” All of the people said, “We are your witnesses!”

So Boaz married Ruth. Boaz redeemed her. He saved her from being poor and without any protection. Boaz saved her from being like a slave with no home. Ruth was so happy…and Naomi was so happy!

The women in the town of Bethlehem said, “Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel” (read from Ruth 4:14)

And then Ruth and Boaz had a baby boy! Naomi was so happy to have a little baby boy to take care of. They named this little boy Obed. Obed grew up and became the father of Jesse and Jesse was the father of King David! And they were all the great, great, great, great grandfathers of the Lord Jesus when He came as a man!

God blessed Ruth and Naomi with a redeemer. Ruth trusted God and God rewarded her faith.

God gives us a redeemer too. His name is the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus paid a very high price for us. All people are lost in sin and separated from God. But Jesus died on the cross and paid the price so we could come back to God’s family and be called God’s sons and daughters. We have to like Ruth, trust God and say, “Yes, Jesus, I want you to be my Redeemer, my Savior. I will go where you go and I will follow You, no matter what”

Faith is trusting God and all that God says in His Bible. Faith is trusting Jesus as our Redeemer!

There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son!

Q& A

What land did Naomi and her family move to when there was no food? Jerusalem or Moab?

Did the people of Moab worship the true God or idols?

What happened to Naomi’s husbands and sons?

Which girl wanted to stay with Naomi and have God be her God? Orpah or Ruth

Did Naomi and Ruth have a home and food when they got back to Bethlehem or were they very poor?

What did Ruth do to try to find some food?

Who noticed her?

What did Boaz do to show kindness to Ruth?

Who was Ruth’s redeemer?

Did Naomi stay sad or was she very happy at the end of the story?

What happened after Boaz redeemed Ruth?

What was their son’s name?

Who ended up being born from this family many years later?

Who is our Redeemer?


Teach a new one: There is a Redeemer

God is so good

If you love Jesus

Jesus loves me, this I know

Infant sample story:

There once was a woman named Ruth. Ruth was not part of God’s people, but Ruth wanted to be part of God’s family.

Ruth had some very sad things happen, her husband died. Ruth and her husband’s mother, Naomi, cried and cried.

Even in this sadness, God had a plan and a promise. God would help Ruth.

Ruth trusted God and God’s promises. Ruth had faith; Ruth trusted God.

Ruth and Naomi went back to live with God’s people

God provided Ruth with a redeemer. A redeemer would help Ruth. God provided Boaz to be Ruth’s helper. Boaz saved Ruth and Naomi from their trouble.

Ruth and Boaz got married! God gave Ruth and Boaz a baby boy. God helped Ruth and gave Ruth great joy.

God gives us Jesus to save us from our trouble. Jesus saves us from sin. Jesus brings us into His family. Jesus bring His people who trust Him eternal life and great joy.

Jesus is our Redeemer.