
Name ______

English 12R

Mrs. Garcia and Mrs. Medina

Table of Contents

Overview Pages 3-4

PHS Research Process Page 5

Narrowing the Topic Page 6

Thesis Pages 7-10

Research Proposal Pages 11-12

Sample Research Proposal Page 13

Thesis Statement Checklist Page 14

Evaluation Tool Pages 15-16

Refined Research Questions Page 17

Refined Thesis Statement Page 18

Note Cards Page 19

Final Thesis Statement Page 20

Outline Option A Page 21

Outline Option B Pages 22-24

Research Paper Checklist Page 25

Research Paper Format Page 26

Databases Pages 27-28

Paraphrasing Page 29

Parenthetical Citation Cheat Sheet Pages 30-31

Sample MLA Works Cited Page Page 32

MLA Works Cited Pages 33-37

Rough Draft Scoring Sheet & Rubric Pages 38-39

Requirements for Final Paper Submission Page 40

Presentation Rubric Page 41

What is the Senior English Paper and Presentation?

The Senior English Paper and Presentation can be viewed as a “coming together” of the skills that you have been developing throughout the course of your middle and high school educational experience (reading, writing, research, critical thinking, presenting, and independent learning). The paper will be the final requirement that you will complete for English class. The end result will be a research paper and a final presentation. The paper will be completed in several steps which will be outlined in your quarter syllabi. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a report!

The Senior English Paper (Due upon presentation)

The first draft of your research paper will count as two test grades for the second quarter. You must include a cover page with your thesis statement on it. Your paper will be written on a topic of your choice that has been approved by your teacher. Keep in mind that this paper will be written in several steps so you should never feel overwhelmed. The process of writing this paper will consist of small tasks assigned throughout. No one should be writing this paper the night before it’s due. Your final research paper will count as two test grades for the fourth quarter. A copy of the rubric that will be used to grade both can be found at the back of this packet.

A high quality paper:

·  Is well-written, well-organized, and is completely free of grammatical/mechanical errors.

·  Uses language that is engaging and sophisticated.

·  Incorporates research (via citations) that is relevant and varied.

·  Sheds “new light” on the subject. It must go above and beyond a simple report.

·  Provides critical analysis based on the research.

·  Is written in MLA format and contains a properly formatted “Works Cited” page (see attached).

As far as sources are concerned, it is definitely in your best interest to consult a number of sources since this will provide you with an expanded perspective on your subject. REMINDER: Encyclopedias are not acceptable sources. The following is a list of potential sources that can be used for this project:

·  Research journals and books

·  Field Research (an interview with a person(s), visiting a location that will support your work, shadowing someone, writing letters to various people/sources, etc.)

·  Accredited Internet sites (no personal web pages)

·  Additional non-fiction print sources where relevant.

A Word on Plagiarism (see rules and policies)

It goes without saying that plagiarism will not be tolerated. If it is determined that a student is guilty of plagiarism, that student will receive an automatic zero for the paper which could possibly jeopardize graduation. There will be no chance to re-do a plagiarized paper for a passing grade. If you are unsure of how to cite sources, please see your English teacher. In addition, an MLA style works cited guide can be found at the back of this packet so that you may refer to it as you are writing your paper.

The Presentation

Each of you will be given one class period to present your project to the class. Presentations will take place in the fourth quarter and will count as two test grades. Your presentation should:

·  be creative and should keep the audience engaged throughout.

·  run 30 minutes. You should defend your thesis for 20 minutes, but you may include a brief Do Now, less than five minutes of relevant video, and relevant class discussion at the end of your presentation to reach the 30 minute mark.

·  teach the class about your topic and defend you thesis through facts. You will need a hard copy of a works cited page and your thesis.

·  be compatible to PHS – see Ms. Nycz or Ms. Vidal.

Please do not worry about presenting. When the time comes, you will have so much information and will be so well-versed on your subject that you will easily fill the time. Also, each of you will meet with your English teacher to discuss your presentation and to come up with a game plan. A copy of the rubric that will be used to grade you can be found at the back of this packet.

Grading Procedures

Several assignments will be given throughout the year to help keep you on track with the overall project. Also, the Senior Paper and Presentation will account for all of your fourth quarter average, so simple math will tell you how it will impact your final grade for the year. Remember that the paper and presentation count as two test grades each.


______If you lose your original rough draft with the corrections and suggestions, you will not be allowed to submit a final paper and will receive two zeros for the fourth quarter.

______If you are not in school the day you are scheduled to present, you will receive two zeros for the presentation.

______If you fail the paper or the presentation in the fourth quarter, you will not be allowed to make up the grade.


1. Choose, Define, and Focus Project

·  What are some appropriate topics?

·  What questions do I need to ask?

·  What information will I need?

·  What do I want to know?

End Products

Choose a general topic

Develop research questions

Write a research proposal

Create an initial thesis

2. Locating and Accessing Information

·  What are all the possible sources to check?

·  What are the best sources of information for my thesis?

·  Where can I find these sources?

·  Where can I find the information in the source?

·  Have I included non-print sources?

End Products

Annotated bibliography (minimum of 10 sources)

Evaluation sheets (one per source)

Refine research questions

Refine thesis statement

3. Use of Information

·  Which sources best answer my research questions?

·  What information is in this source?

·  What information from the source is relevant to my thesis?

End Products

Note sheets

Note cards (aligned with research questions)

4. Synthesis

·  How will I organize my information?

·  How will I present my information?

End Products

Final thesis revision


Rough draft or final paper


5. Evaluation

·  Did I complete all the steps of the project?

·  Did I fully address my thesis statement?

End Products

Conferencing (minimum of one)


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Handout created by: Barbara J. Shoemaker, School Media Specialist, Mill Road Elementary, K-2

Red Hook Central School District, Red Hook, NY

Handout modified by: Plainedge High School teachers, Plainedge UFSD, North Massapequa, NY

Narrowing the Topic

Name ______

Teacher ______

Period ______

TOPIC ______




SUB TOPIC #2 ______




SUB TOPIC #3 ______




SUB TOPIC #4 ______




SUB TOPIC #5 ______




Research Proposal

Name ______

Teacher ______

Period ______

Directions: Complete the worksheet below using as much detail as possible. In addition, you must type your proposal and submit it to or it will not be accepted. A model of the typed proposal is attached. Staple this worksheet to the back of your typed proposal.



Initial Thesis Statement


Research Found that will Prove Your Initial Thesis Statement (include citations)





Research Questions (You must have a minimum of 10 questions which cannot be answered with a simple yes or no)






Research Proposal Sample

Topic: The topic I have chosen argues that horse racing needs to be regulated in order to make it safer for the animals. It is abusive in that the horses’ bodies are being pushed past their limit. They are also being drugged, and less-valuable horses are physically mistreated. We are seeing more horses now getting hurt and put down due to racing injuries. Once horses are no longer being used, some are carelessly sent to slaughter, even after a successful career. Horses are also bred improperly creating unhealthy horses. I chose this topic because it is something I am interested in and something I care about. I already have some knowledge of it and I have the access to explore it further. I also think that promoting more awareness of it is important. I do not believe that the sport needs to be eliminated, but regulations need to take place in order to make it safer for the horses.

Initial Thesis Statement: The sport of horse racing needs to be regulated by the boards of horse racing across the world to better ensure proper treatment of the horses. This must be done through the creation of new rules and the strict enforcement of them, for currently, the sport of horse racing is abusive.

Research: The sport of horse racing mistreats the horses in varying areas. Firstly, the expectations of owners and trainers exceed the natural abilities of the animals. Their bodies are pushed beyond their breaking point, and that is why so many horses are getting hurt. Different drugs are being used to mask these injuries, such as furosemide, which (supposedly) stops bleeding in the lungs (Brammer 14). “The issue here is that the animals should not be pushed to the point of pulmonary hemorrhage” (Engormix 3). If there is blood in their airways, they are being pushed too hard and should not be running in the first place.

Another issue is inbreeding. Horses with unhealthy traits are being bred to create more unhealthy horses. For example, Eight Belles and Barbaro were both descended from Native Dancer. Native Dancer was known to have issues with his lower legs, and this was clearly shown as a trait passed down through the bloodlines (Democratic Underground). Eight Belles is now dead because her front ankles broke just after placing second in the Kentucky Derby, and she had to be put down right there on the track. Her death finally sparked a controversy among the racing world. But the problem is it took a horse to drop dead in front of hundreds of thousands of people in one of the world’s biggest races for some questioning to finally be sparked, when the well being of the horses should have been paramount to begin with.

Through both research and personal experience, I have also found that what happens to horses after their racing career is another important issue. Even after a successful career, some horses have been carelessly thrown away to slaughter.

The solution to these issues is simple: regulation. There needs to be stricter rules enforced to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals. The physical demands of the animals needs to be more realistic, breeding needs to be done much more carefully, and horses must be placed in responsible homes after retirement.

Research Questions:

1)  What rules are currently in place in the sport of horse racing?

2)  What has been done recently in order to better protect racehorses?

3)  What are the purposes of the different drugs administered to racehorses?

4)  What can be done now to protect the horses?

5)  How can the sport be improved to be less demanding on the horses’ bodies?

6)  How is the sport abusive?

7)  What is the history of horse racing?

8)  Who is in charge of horse racing?

9)  What is the process by which rules and regulations are established?

10)  Who creates these laws?

Thesis Statement Checklist

Name of Student ______

Name of Teacher ______

Approved ______

Rejected ______

Reasons for Rejection:

Thesis is not research-based
Thesis is not clear
Thesis is an opinion or fact with no room for argument
Thesis is one-sided with no room for disagreement
Thesis is too broad
Thesis is grammatically incorrect


Evaluation Tool

Name ______

Date ______

Research Topic ______

Name of Site ______

Article Title ______

Article Author(s) ______


Book Title ______

Book Author(s) ______

Directions: For each question in sections I – II, place an x in the appropriate box. In section III, write out the author’s thesis statement. You will use these evaluation sheets to create your own thesis statement and annotated bibliography down the road. All answers should be in the YES column for this to be a viable resource. If a NO is checked, a conference must be held with the teacher and a strong case made as to why this source should be allowed in the research paper.

I. Credibility / YES / NO
1) Is there an author, organization, or agency that takes credit for the information?
2) Is the source reputable (a college site, governmental organization, database, etc.)?
3) Is the tone of the source free of humor, sarcasm, and informal language?
4) Is the source free of careless errors/editing (documents without dates, misspelled words, bad grammar, etc.)?
5) Is the source age-appropriate for a high school research paper?
II. Accuracy / YES / NO
1) Is the information objective (not obviously biased)?
2) Does the information acknowledge other viewpoints?
3) Is the information factually based (supportable with facts, not pure opinion)?
4) Is the information up-to-date?

III. Author’s Thesis Statement (Make sure you are not giving the topic of the article but the specific argument of the author)