More Ad Techniques (Used in TV ads and Internet Ads—flash)

1 Involvement: Captures the attention of audience with new, weird, unusual, catchy images, songs, etc.

2. Appeal to Emotion: Appeals to our need for belonging to a group. Examples might be:

Showing a group of people enjoying a product (Coke or other soft drinks), or showing a family enjoying a product (Campbell’s soup, etc)

3. Buzz Words (also seen in print ads)

4. Association (also seen in print ads):Product is associated with wealth, fame, power, sexuality, etc. Examples: Lexus car ads shown in luxurious settings, certain perfume associated with sex appeal, or luxury or wealth.

5. Positioning and Market Segmentation: The ad appeals to different segments of a population.Examples: Showing kids’ cereal commercials at 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Or showing beer and truck ads during the Super Bowl.

6. Fear (also seen in print ads): Technique used to make consumer feel uneasy or apprehensive unless they HAVE this product to ameliorate their fears.