Montana University System

Staff Compensation Plan



Montana University System Staff Compensation Plan Guidelines specific to Progression Pay:

5.0 Progression Pay

5.1 Definition

5.1.1 Progression pay is awarded when an employee has advanced to a higher level title of an approved Career Ladder. A position vacancy notice is not required in order for an employee to progress within a Career Ladder. Career Ladders are not available for all positions, or for all employees.

5.1.2 There are two requirements for Progression Pay:

a. The department must have an operational need for the higher level work; and

b. The employee must be interested in the higher level work and must have demonstrated the potential to attain the necessary skills to perform it successfully.

5.2 Eligibility

5.2.1 Permanent employees who have successfully completed their probationary periods are eligible for Progression Pay if all other criteria are met. The employee must have no active disciplinary actions and must have an accurate Role Description, in addition to having received a satisfactory or better rating on the most recent Performance Review. Temporary and fixed-term employees are not eligible for Progression Pay.

5.2.2 The primary criterion for advancement through an approved Career Ladder is whether the department needs someone to perform more complex duties and responsibilities.

5.3 Types of Career Ladders

5.3.1 Job Series Career Ladders are developed where levels already exist within position titles, i.e., Administrative Associates; Accounting Associates; Mail Services employees, etc. The distinguishing characteristics are analyzed by the campus Human Resources Office.

5.3.2 Individual Career Ladders may be used for progressions where no Job Series Career Ladder exists. An Individual Career Ladder shall specify the education, experience, distinguishing characteristics and responsibilities required for progression to each level of the Individual Career Ladder.

5.4 Procedures for Development

Step 1: Employee and supervisor agree to request approval for a Career Ladder.

Step 2: The necessary forms must be completed as required by the campus, signed and submitted to the Human Resources Office for approval:

Campus Human Resource representatives are available to provide assistance in designing a Career Ladder and in completing the form.

Step 3: Each request shall include a proposed timeline for the employee's acquisition of the necessary skills and knowledge. Each level of a Career Ladder typically requires six (6) months to one (1) year for completion. The length of time required is based on:

a. the time it will take the employee to attain the qualifications, knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the higher level work and the time it will take the employee to demonstrate effectiveness at the higher level; and

b. the time it will take the department to develop the need for the higher-level responsibilities.

Step 4: The campus Human Resources Office must also review, approve and sign the form.

5.5 Amount

5.5.1 Progression Pay is an increase to the base rate, which is awarded when the employee completes each level of an approved Career Ladder. Employees who successfully complete a Career Ladder shall be eligible for a 9% increase in base rate or the low entry rate of the new job title, whichever is greater. The effective date of the Career Ladder increase shall be specified in the plan but may be delayed if an action plan has not been completed. Progression pay may be implemented in one increment upon completion of the progression plan or may be implemented in up to three proportionate (but not compounded) increments.

5.5.3 All Career Ladder increases shall be approved by the campus Human Resource Office upon evidence of completion of the Career Ladder.

5.5.4  A Career Ladder increase will not be justification for a salary adjustment for other employees with the same job title.


Confirmation of Eligibility for Progression

Employee Name: / Position Number:
Employee GID: / Current Title:
Employee Hire date: / Proposed Title:
Department: / Union Affiliation:
Proposed Effective Date: / Payroll Index Number(s):

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This form is to be used for Progression requests for individual staff members whose responsibilities and performance have increased beyond his/her current job title. Upon completion, please submit electronically to . For instructions regarding voting buttons (using Outlook) please click here. For non-Outlook users please click here.

1.  Has the employee completed the required probationary period and is the employee in good standing?

2.  Does the employee have on file any formal disciplinary action(s) that would preclude eligibility for a Progression Plan? (Employees with formal disciplinary action(s) on file issued within the preceding 12-month period will not be eligible for a Progression Plan. Employees with formal disciplinary action(s) on file older than the preceding 12 months may be ineligible for a Progression Plan unless the supervisor certifies in writing that the performance problem has been corrected.)

3.  Does the most recent annual performance review show an overall rating of “Satisfactory” or above or “Competent” or above expectations (depending on which evaluation form was utilized)?

4.  Does the department have funding for proposed increase upon completion of progression?

5.  Does the department have a legitimate need for the new level of duties required of this position (please explain)?

6.  Does the department structure allow for this position?

(Are the duties being moved to this position from another incumbent to this one? If the duties are being moved, is the other incumbent’s position jeopardized? Please explain in detail)

7.  Has this department been free of layoffs in similar classifications for the past 12 months?

8.  How many progressions has this employee already completed?

9.  Have at least 6 months elapsed since employee’s last progression plan?

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Revised Role Description and Action Plan

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10. Complete a revised Job Description (pages 3-6) identifying the new duties the employee will assume and those that will be retained (if applicable) upon completion of this progression plan.

11. Action Plan

Define and explain the actual steps to be taken to progress to the desired level. What will the employee need to learn or what skills need to be gained in order to perform the higher level duties? Provide estimated expected dates of completion.

Step A.

To be completed by:

Step b.

To be completed by:

(Insert additional steps if needed)


Employee’s Signature / Title / Date
Supervisor’s Signature / Title / Date
Dept. Head/Director’s Signature / Title / Date
Dean Signature / Title / Date
Provost/VP’s Signature / Title / Date
AES/ES/G&C (when funding requires) / Date
Human Resources Approval / Date
Job Description
Date: / Job Title:
Classified / Professional / Faculty / Skilled Craft
Executive / Administrative / New – Unknown
For Professional, Administrative and Executive positions, please indicated if MUS Contract, LOA or BOR?
Vacant Position – No Change / Vacant Position – Revised
New Position / Revised Position Description for Incumbent
Incumbent Name:
Position Number: / Department: / Index No:
Salaried or Hourly: / Org No: / FTE:

For Human Resources Use Only:

OT Eligible: / Union Eligible:

1.  General Statement

(Summarize the purpose of the position and the department.)

2.  Duties and Responsibilities

(List essential functions (primary duties and responsibilities) of the position as well as the duties that the employee exercises independent authority, judgment, initiative and discretion.)



List any secondary duties assigned to this position:



3.  Required Qualifications – Experience, Education, Knowledge & Skills

("Required qualifications" refers to the minimum and "must have" education and experience standards for an applicant to be considered.)



4.  Preferred Qualifications – Experience, Education, Knowledge & Skills

("Preferred qualifications" refers to standards that will improve an employee's ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position and enhance their performance.)



5.  Required Abilities

(Required Abilities refers to the intrinsic abilities that an employee must have to be successful in this role that are difficult to demonstrate or evaluate in application materials. This is the “Successful Candidate” section of the Vacancy Announcement that candidates are not expected to respond to in writing.)



6.  Special Requirements

(Please list any special requirements for this position such as a Commercial Driver’s License, Certifications, etc.)


7.  Physical Demands

(Please list any physical requirements of the position. Also include outside work conditions, exposure to chemicals, blood borne pathogens, dust or fumes, climbing ladders, etc.)



8.  Reporting Line

This position reports to the following position:
This position has supervisory duties? / Yes / No

If Yes, list the position number, position title and FTE:

Position # / Position Title / FTE

9.  Required Signatures

Supervisor Signatures – indicates approval of Job Description.

Immediate Supervisor Printed Name / Immediate Supervisor Signature / Date
Department Head/Director Printed Name / Department Head/Director Signature / Date

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of my current job description.

Employee Printed Name / Employee Signature / Date

10.  Revision History

Revision Date: / Summary of Revision(s):


Completion of Progression Plan

(To be submitted after completion of pre-approved progression plan)

Employee Name: /

Position Number:

Employee GID: / Current Base Rate:
Department: / Index Number(s):
Supervisor: / Contact Phone Number:
Areas of Growth / Progress Made
Outline specific progress made on all Action Plan criteria, including licensing or certification, and training / Completion date
Action Plan
Employee’s Signature / Title / Date
Supervisor’s Signature / Title / Date
Dept. Head/Director’s Signature / Title / Date
Dean Signature / Title / Date
Provost/VP’s Signature / Title / Date
AES/ES/G&C (when funding requires) / Date
Human Resources Approval / Date

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