Newtown Babe Ruth Softball
May 8th 2013 Minutes

Attendance : Sue Gouveia, Stephanie Burns, Rich Fisher, Tamara Doherty, Mark Krasnickas, Marabeth Pereira, Greg Horkachuck, Jeff Mubarek, Tom Mulligan, Tim Adam, Crystal Carvalho, Chris Winzig, Wendy Merrick, Pat Reilly, Allan Linden

Minutes read and accepted

Treasurer Report: Greg- 18.3 in checking 32.8 in savings. Need to pay park and recreation, porta potty, uniforms. Taxes are ready to go.

Director of Operations: Tamara- Drag rakes/pull rakes on order, batting T heads and face masks ordered. Would like Greg to issue credit card for equipment manager. Lice break out, need spray. Coach clinic U6/U8 had 1 coach U10/U14 had 6 coach’s Monica ran it. Next year open it up to everyone during evaluations. Fall winter training at NYA 6-8 Saturdays U6 free for 1 hour looking to find some time. Summer camp up and running through Park and Rec, send out a blast. Also put out blast to see if interest in summer league. Idea of indoor NYA softball mix of girls playing during winter. Umpires are all working out well. Voted on adult Jr. ump to be paid40$ a game per Franks request.

Travel: Crystal- Fundraising moving along. Punchbowl invite sign up out for carwash hoping every team is involved. Sign up for Duck race booth and raffle ready to go and photo’s started. States still being worked on thinking about sending a heads up letter to town ambulance and police. Registration fees are trickling in most teams still need sponsors. Venders need to be confirmed and pre order shirts. Need DJ equipment, Frank DeMaio may lend us speakers. We need parents to sign up for volunteer jobs, we should start involving U6 parents in process.

Other business: Allan offered Super fan fundraising, voted not a good time for this. Wendy had 6 applicants for scholarship. Tim handling plaques for sponsors and head coach’s