Survey results

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Public Sector Development Projects

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2-3 May 2010

1.  How effective do you think this workshop was in achieving the intended outcome/outputs ?
Answered question : 34
Skipped question : 0 / Very effective / Somewhat
effective / Not effective
Outcome :
Better understanding of the core features for a national M&E Framework for Bangladesh / 66.7 % / 33.3 % / 0.0 %
Output 1 :
Recognize the integral role of M&E in effective results-based public sector management / 75.8 % / 24.2 % / 0.0 %
Output 2:
Better understanding of international good practice for a national M&E framework / 42.4 % / 45.5 % / 12.1 %
Output 3:
Identify the gaps in the national M&E framework against international good practice / 48.5 % / 45.5 % / 6.1 %
Output 4:
Specify key elements in linking national and sectoral monitoring frameworks / 57.6 % / 42.4 % / 0.0 %
Output 5:
Define future steps for formulating a national M&E framework / 46.9 % / 53.1 % / 0.0 %
2.  Please indicate to what extent the following sessions contributed to achieving workshop outputs
Answered question : 34
Skipped question : 0 / Contributed / Somewhat
Contributed / Did not contribute
Session 2:
Overview of ADB's approach to MfDR Capacity Development / 69.7 % / 30.3 % / 0.0 %
Session 3:
Break Out Session 1- Key Elements of a Results Based National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework / 76.5 % / 23.5 % / 0.0 %
Session 4:
IMED Presentation on National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Bangladesh / 52.9 % / 47.1 % / 0.0 %
Session 5:
Break Out Session 2 – Discussion on IMED's National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework / 55.9 % / 44.1 % / 0.0 %
Session 6:
Panel Discussion – Summary of Key Features of M&E Framework for Bangladesh / 67.6 % / 29.4 % / 2.9 %
Session 7:
Presentation on LGED Monitoring and Evaluation Framework / 76.5 % / 23.5 % / 0.0 %
Session 8:
Break Out Session 3 – Process Linkages between IMED and the Sector Ministries / 59.4 % / 37.5 % / 3.1 %
Session 9:
Closing Session / 78.9 % / 21.2 % / 0.0 %
3.  Does this workshop empower you to propose changes to your management to improve M&E in your institution ?
Answered question : 33
Skipped question : 1
Yes / 90.9 %
No / 9.1 %
·  Better understanding and more involvement
·  Outcome-based M&E and linkage with national level to sectoral level indicators
·  From input to output M&E to input to output to outcome M&E
·  I can now find the weaknesses and gaps in M&E and minimize them
·  Change of attitude
·  Need for results-based monitoring format/ framework
·  Look into DPP what it is and how it is prepared in light with M&E of National Development Plan
·  Gives a clearer idea of monitoring and drawbacks of my institute
·  I am in ERD now and there is no monitoring cell in ERD. If any monitoring cell can be built here, we will be able to practice my knowledge gathered from the workshop
·  Changes include better understanding of effective linkage between SMED and ministries, importance of data collection and an updated databank is required for effective M&E
·  To put emphasis on importance of M&E practices and to bring this understanding into regular and institutionalized practices
·  Institutional setting, skill mix and linkages between various entities
·  An effective way to assess how well development results can be assessed
·  Need to introduce Results-based M&E
·  Integrating results base to ME process
·  Framing projects in line with logical framework for M&E
Generate demand for result information and tracking changes based on outcome of target
·  Monitoring and evaluation of project outcome and establishing monitoring wing in ministry/division
·  To set-up an M&E unit with proper staffing
·  To make a linkage between the management of agencies and line ministries and IMED
·  To set-up a monitoring cell in the line ministry and to set a data bank on M&E
·  I am now in a position to start thinking for introduction of effective M&E in my ministry
·  Data collection, linkage between agencies, sectors and national plan. Initiate technical assistance projects
·  Advocate for establishment of individual monitoring /validation of data processing,etc
·  This workshop increases my level of knowledge in M&E. The tools and techniques that I have learned will help me to apply them in delivery of my duties in the office The ongoing project's M&E in field level. System can be improved as I am in charge to look after implementation program in the country
4.  The table below shows the four key elements of a results based M&E Framework (National M&E). Please indicate your priority needs for capacity building on M&E by ranking them as 1,2,3,4.
Answered question : 25
Skipped question : 9 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Average Rating
Link to National Development Plan / 40.0 % / 12.0 % / 16.0 % / 32.0 % / 2.40
Institutional Framework / 36.0 % / 44.0 % / 8.0 % / 12.0 % / 1.96
Data Collection System and Processes / 12.0 % / 32.0 % / 52.0 % / 4.0 % / 2.48
Analysis reporting and use of performance information / 12.0 % / 12.0 % / 24.0 % / 52.0 % / 3.16
5.  The table below shows the four key elements of a results based M&E Framework (Institutional M&E). Please indicate your priority needs for capacity building on M&E by ranking them as 1,2,3,4.
Answered question : 25
Skipped question : 9 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Average Rating
Link to National Development Plan / 36.0 % / 16.0 % / 16.0 % / 32.0 % / 2.44
Institutional Framework / 36.0 % / 48.0 % / 8.0 % / 8.0 % / 1.88
Data Collection System and Processes / 16.0 % / 32.0 % / 48.0 % / 4.0 % / 2.40
Analysis reporting and use of performance information / 12.0 % / 4.0 % / 28.0 % / 56.0 % / 3.28
6.  After having participated in this workshop, do you see yourself as part of a country-based network to continue discussions on national M&E issues for Bangladesh ?
Answered question : 34
Skipped question : 0
Yes / 100.0 %
No / 0.0 %
7.  Do you see this network as a useful means for sharing knowledge on M&E ?
Answered question : 34
Skipped question : 0
Yes / 100.0 %
No / 0.0 %
8.  For future workshops on national M&E framework, please indicate the three most urgent topics you would like to discuss in the next two years.
Answered question : 30
Skipped question : 4
Participation of politicians
Participation of public representatives and lawmakers
Strategic plan 2008-2013, IMED
Neighboring country's M&E framework
Post-project M&E
South Asian M&E and Bangladesh M&E
International standard M&E and scope to introduce tit to the National M&E
National Development Plan
Institutional Development Plan
Capacity Development of Institutions
Results- based format formulation
Set up an example for particular project
National results-based framework for country
Link to National Plan
Regional Planning
Private-Public Partnership
Establishing M&E unit for each organization
Training for the personnel
Prepare need-based format for monitoring
Results-based monitoring and evaluation
Empowerment of IMED and imposing importance on IMED Reporting
Integration of monitoring system among IMED, LGED and ministries
Practical data and M&E done can be shown in the session
Outcome of a specialized study on independent evaluation of M&E framework of Bangladesh
Success story of an effective M&E framework of any country
Proposals on how to or what to be done to strengthen IMED
Results chain
Sectoral indicators
Institutional framework
Customisation of need based monitoring
Reporting as a tool for performance assessment
International experience on results-based M&E
International good practice
National data centre establishment
National goal oriented development model building linking with interactive tool kit
HRD on M&E issues
Project Planning and Processing
Strengthening Organizational Management
Improving the Capacity Building (Manpower and Setup)
Linkage to National M&E Framework
How to link M&E between and among agencies
Formulation of best suitable M&E from Bangladesh's perspective
Preparing a simple format for collecting data
Data collection and collation
Data analysis in tune with National Plan targets
Key principles on identifying indicators
Performance auditing system
Integrated data collection system
How outcome of a project may be monitored
How IMED can be strengthened
Ensure action on IMED report by concerned ministry / division
Linkage of projects / programs with national plans
Gap in donors' project documents with regard to M&E
Institutional capacity to monitor development activities of each ministry
Establishing MIS system in the linked ministries
Agenda to fulfill the target of vision 2020 or MDGs
Data Collection System
How the monitoring comments can help improvement of the project
Implementation tools of monitoring
Institutional strengthening for M&E framework
Strategy for developing, collecting , compiling and analyzing M&E data
Better linkage of M&E data and national development
Authentic National Database
Scientific Data processing
Results - based Monitoring and Evaluation System
Institutional strengthening for effective M&E
Harmonizing the M&E ideas from top down both in personnel and organizational levels.
Post and disseminate Best Practice in booklet and online forum - discussions of why and how
Link to National Development
Data Collection System and Processes
Institutional Framework
Dissemination of findings
Make a focal point from each ministry
Each ministry representative or focal point will give the topic for better M&E Framework according to ministries' demand
Best practices in M&E
Impact evaluation
Developing database for M&E
Current Mechanism and how to improve it
Strengthening IMED in terms of capacity building resources
Accountability - develop a mechanism to implement IMED's recommendation
9.  Workshop arrangements: Please tick the box that best describes your assessment.
Answered question : 33
Skipped question : 1 / Good / Average / Poor
Workshop Agenda / 72.7 % / 27.3 % / 0.0 %
Number of days allotted for the workshop / 54.5 % / 42.4 % / 3.0 %
Workshop facilitation / 84.8 % / 15.2 % / 0.0 %
Logistics support / 81.8 % / 18.2 % / 0.0 %
Workshop venue / 90.9 % / 9.1 % / 0.0 %
Audio system of workshop venue / 87.9 % / 12.1 % / 0.0 %
10.  In your opinion, how can this workshop be further improved?
Answered question : 28
Skipped question : 6
·  Improve agenda and increase number of days
·  Participatory approach (panel discussion) is very fruitful
·  Duration in a day could be up to 4:00 pm
·  Frequent workshop and more participation will enhance the capacity of an office
·  Everything is well-organized and well-managed but the time span of only two days is too short
·  Good arrangements
·  The workshop was somehow effective and fruitful for developing M&E system at national level
·  Monitoring and evaluation in the context of international level needs to be discussed then one
scope of comparison with one system would be created
·  Programme and paper should have been sent to participants for prior preparation and tea
can be supplied at the session
·  Political pressure is the greatest barrier to M&E. Politicians should be committed to M&E through
·  M&E issues that relate to Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam may be discussed in the workshop
·  Ensure each participant's active participation in the discussion. More report or presentation on
international M&E system and how it can be introduced to Bangladesh
·  Workshop can be improved if all stakeholders are invited
·  Should bring results-based project / M&E project example in future workshops
·  Some international good practices of M&E as case study could be discussed or presented in the
·  Participants should have relevance to M&E
·  Conduct proper agenda and increasing number of days allotted
·  Organize the workshop in the first quarter of the financial year
Delivering adequate materials before the workshop
Expert in M&E sector and policy level should participate in the workshop
·  More experienced resource person may be engaged for future workshops
·  Steps need to be taken to make it a little interesting
·  Better two-way interaction and inclusion of case study could yield better delivery
·  Distribution of literature along with the invitation can allow preparation of participants for
the workshop. A prepared participant can contribute more and effectively in giving
·  A field trip can be arranged
Further workshop/seminar for the same group could be arranged in the future
·  To strengthen the M&E framework of Bangladesh. I think an intensive workshop is needed
including GED, BBS and Finance Division
·  Organize a workshop for policy maker and high level bureaucrats and bring project directors and
project planners and data producers. Discuss at a project level as case study
·  Some cases may be analyzed
·  Evaluation topics should be included
A comprehensive presentation of IMED is required and a well-conversant person should present
IMED's position
·  Every ministry should present their M&E system and the gaps or loopholes can be found out.
Consequently, we can discuss what to do and solutions to the loopholes
·  Workshop can be improved by discussing every ministry's M&E system
·  Focusing on more specific issues of M&E rather than general discussions
·  Facilitation of this workshop should go through study and internet browsing to contribute to this
workshop by preparing script on M&E at international level and our standard.
·  Invite same participants in the workshop within six months giving "some tasks/research" by now.
With this quick Individual Action Research, the next workshop would be able to bring some "solid"
policy direction to bring it forward in the bureaucracy
·  Workshop proceedings may be sent to all participants and participants should be allowed to
talk in the wrap-up session
·  Excellent. Resource person should be selected (not as a panel) from individual ministry those
who have background on the topic
·  Extended duration incorporating presentation on best practices on M&E
·  Site as an example presentation of an international or nationally successful project where one
used a fruitful M&E System


Survey results

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Public Sector Development Projects

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2-3 May 2010