© 2009 Manitoba Labour and Immigration, Adult Language Training Branch
Developed by J. Rausch
THEME: Education and Learning /Module: Enrolling a Child in School /
Skills / Listening
CLB 2 / Speaking
CLB 2 / Reading
CLB 2 / Writing
CLB 2 /
Real World Task Goals / Listen and respond to questions from a school official about their child / Give information about their child to a school official / Read a school timetable and locate specific details / Complete a school registration form
Context Information Focus / Differences between elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools in Canada
Differences between the Canadian school system and educational philosophy vs. other countries
Info that public schools are of good quality and most children go to them
Expectations in Canadian schools of children and parents / Most Manitoba schools operate on a six-day cycle, which means if Friday was Day 2 and a holiday occurs on the following Monday, then Tuesday is Day 3
It is important to know what day it is on the cycle each morning so students have the correct supplies and equipment
The School Day is frequently announced on morning radio / Purpose of a school registration form
Importance of filling in accurate information
CLB Competency/ies / I. Social interaction
· Identify basic courtesy formulas and introductions.
IV Information
· Identify specific literal details: numbers, letters, time reference [and] places… / I. Social interaction
· Use and respond to a few courtesy formulas, greet someone known and not known
IV Information
· Provide expanded basic personal information appropriate to the context / III. Business/service texts
· Understand very short basic common forms,…schedules / III. Business/service messages
· Fill out simple forms (eight to 12 basic personal ID information categories)
Genre / Information / Information / Schedule / Application form
Text structure/Features / Features: Q & A / Features: Q & A / Features: combined list (table) title, column and row headings/labels, items presented vertically and horizontally, the relation between items is read horizontally, items may be organized in different ways (in timetables, usually chronologically) / Format features: Boxes or lines
Surname first, usually
Language Focus / Functions
Understand and respond to WH- questions:
How many children do you have?
What is your child’s name?
How old is your child?
Vocabulary related to context
Possessive nouns and adjectives: your, his, her, child’s
Irregular plural nouns: children
Modal can
Pronunciation words and phrases, WH and Yes/No questions / Vocabulary
Vocabulary related to schedules: grade, subject
Days of the week
Common Nouns
Proper Nouns
Abbreviations / Vocabulary
Emergency Contact
Birth Certificate
Language and Learning Strategies / Using key word stress to identify important information / Asking for repetition and clarification / Identifying layout and specific information in a schedule / Printing on the line and in the spaces
Using another form to copy from
Essential Skill Focus
· ES - Focused Instructional Activities / Oral Communication, Working with Others, Document Use, Numeracy
Document Use – Discuss and then fill out a variety of forms together in class
Teaching Resources & Materials / Tape recorder
Taped dialogue
(Modified from CLB Listening & Speaking Resource Stages I & II Dialogue #22) / Role play cards
(teacher made)
Examples of typical conversations / Sample of timetable schedules
(Picture This!) / Sample of school registration forms
(Modified from Filling Out Forms)
Outcome Assessment Task / Listen to very short registering for school conversation(s) and note details on an answer sheet
Pictures are provided to give context / Use role play cards to enrol a child for school / Read a simple teacher-made school timetable schedule and answer comprehension questions / Fill out a simple school registration form with a child’s personal information, provided by the teacher