Mr. Hyatt’s Guidelines for Succeeding in Pre-Calculus

COURSE DESCRIPTION In this course the student will be studying equations and inequalities, linear

relations and functions, systems, matrices, polynomials, irrational and complex numbers, quadratics, conics, rational expressions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series, and trigonometric functions including graphs, identities, and equations.


UNDERSTANDINGS Different skills and techniques help in a variety of problem solving situations

Different forms of numbers will show relationships in many situations

Computation skills can help us achieve higher levels of mathematical learning

Identifying shapes and their properties can be applied in real-world situations

Accurate measurements help to show relationships in a wide variety of situations

Formulas provide a way to calculate answers to problem solving situations

Organized data helps us make appropriate and informed decisions

Knowing probabilities helps in making choices

Patterns allow us to determine a method for solving problems

Properties of Algebra are rules that must be followed to arrive at a correct solution to a problem

Equations and graphs can be used to interpret data


Folder or Binder

2 Notebooks


TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84 or TI-84+ graphing calculator preferred


Grading Scale: (As per student handbook)

A+ = 98 to100% B+ = 87 to 89% C+ = 78 to 80% D+ = 69 to 71%

A = 94 to 97% B = 84 to 86% C = 75 to 77% D = 66 to 68%

A- = 90 to 93% B- = 81 to 83% C- = 72 to 74% D- = 63 to 65%

F = 62% and below

Quarter Grades: Class work/Homework 10% Semester Grades: Quarter 1 = 45%

Quizzes 35% Quarter 2 = 45%

Tests 55% Final Exam = 10%

Homework is a vital part of this class and is extremely important for learning the material and doing well on your Quizzes and Tests. One retake on a Quiz will be allowed for each Quarter, but ALL HOMEWORK MUST BE COMPLETED and shown to me as a prerequisite for retaking a Quiz. If questions aren’t being asked in class on the homework, a “Homework Quiz” may be given in the next day or two in which the Quiz questions are pulled directly from the homework. The grade on this “Homework Quiz” would be included in the “Class work” portion of the grade, which makes up 10% of the overall grade.

MAKE UP PROCEDURES Report to your teacher as soon as you come back from an absence.

The following are the handbook guidelines regarding make-up work for

excused and unexcused absences:

1. A student will be given one day to make up the work for each

day absent.

2. In the case of an extended absence, a mutual agreement

must be reached with the teacher for completion of


EXTRA HELP You can get extra help before or after school in my room or in Room 156 (ARC) during your Advisory on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


1. When time is left in class, you must be working on math homework.

2. Bring all books and materials to class everyday.


· be courteous and use good manners

· be trustworthy – cheating is not tolerated


· come to class daily and on-time

· use restroom and water fountain BEFORE class

· be prepared for class every day with your supplies and homework

· follow class rules and directions the first time they are given

5. ASK questions and participate in class discussions

6. Give your BEST EFFORT

· show pride in your work

· take good notes and stay on task

· complete work to the best of your ability

· go above and beyond the expectations


· treat others with respect and you will receive it

· do not talk while others are involved in a class discussion

· use appropriate language at all times

· do not leave your desk without permission

· be cooperative with all other students and the teacher

Assignment #1: Email Mr. Hyatt at the address shown below after reading the Syllabus thoroughly and showing it to your parents to let me know that you have all read it. In the subject line of your email, just include your last name and that you’ve seen the Syllabus. For example: Smith-Hour 1-Syllabus read

Assignment #2: Get your book covered right away

You can click on the following link to access the book:

Mr. David Hyatt

Algebra 2 with Trig / Pre-Calculus

Room 238, Oak Creek High School

Phone: 414 768-6210 x 7238
