University of Hawai‘i s Office of Public Health Studies s Department of Public Health Sciences
Form 14 MPH(E): MPH Program Plan (Epidemiology)*
*For students admitted Fall 2010 or later
Student’s Name: Semester/Year Entered:
Course Numbers & Titles (credits will not count towards the degree) / Semester/Year to be Taken / Crs.Required
Undergrad courses may be required, depending on the student’s academic/professional background. Courses below the 300-level cannot be counted toward the MPH degree.
Course Numbers & Titles / UHM / Other / Semester/Year Taken / Crs.
Courses(by petition*)
*A petition for the transfer of credits must be submitted to the Graduate Division in the first semester of enrollment. / Total Transferred Credits: / 0
Course Numbers & Titles / Waived+ / Semester/Year Taken / Crs.
Public Health Courses
(17 crs) / PH 600 Introduction to Public Health (2 cr)
PH 602 Introduction to Health Services (3 crs)
PH 623 Social Science and Public Health (3 crs)
PH 655 Biostatistics I (3 crs)
PH 663 Principles of Epidemiology I (3 crs)
PH 681 Environmental Determinants of Health (3 crs)
+To substitute or waive a required core course, a petition must be submitted to Grad Division for approval. / Total Core Credits: / 0
Course Numbers & Titles /
/ Semester/Year Taken / Crs.Specialization
Courses(19 crs) / PH 656 Biostatistics II (3 crs)
PH 658 Computer Applications in PH (3 crs)
PH 664 Principles of Epidemiology II (3 crs)
PH 669 Epidemiological Study Design Critique (2 crs)
PH 666 Sem in Infectious Disease Control (3 crs) or / (select one)
PH 748 Chronic Disease Epidemiology (3 crs)
PH 747 Stat. Methods in Epidemiological Research (3 crs)
PH 789 Integrative Seminar (2 crs)
Field Work
(3 crs) / PH 791 Advanced Public Health Practice (3 crs)+To substitute or waive a specialization course, a petition must be submitted to the Grad Chair for approval. / Total Specialization Crs: / 0
Course Numbers & Titles / Semester/Year Taken / Crs.
Courses*(3 crs)
*Minimum of 3 credit hours required. / Total Elective Credits: / 0Total MPH Credits (42 credits required): / 0
Accepted By:
Student’s Signature Date Faculty Advisor’s Signature Date
Form14_MPH_E_F10 (1/17/13)