Website Content Migration

Minority Bank Deposit Program

What is the Minority Bank Deposit Program?

The Minority Bank Deposit Program (MBDP) encourages minority-owned banks, women-owned banks, and credit unions that serve low-income communities to become depositaries and financial agents.

The program is voluntary.

What does the Fiscal Service do?

The Bureau of the Fiscal Service

· makes sure a financial institution is eligible to participate

· keeps the list of participating financial institutions

· publishes the list on this website

· distributes the list periodically to federal agencies, interested state and local government agencies, and private sector companies

· reminds financial institutions on the list of the due date for their yearly recertification

Note: Jonathan, the layout shows a ”Quick Links” section, but we will not have one. The vendor’s Quick Links section contains information that exists elsewhere. But let’s keep the vendor’s “For More Information” section at the bottom of the page in the middle. Please delete the names and email addresses, since the email addresses contain names. Also replace Vic Poore’s number with Mark’s.

For the Left Nav: Use the vendor’s layout categories, except for “Treasury Contacts.” We will already have those contacts in the middle of the page. And use the text and information that exists on the current site for those categories. Add the vendor’s new category “Annual Recertification,” and use the text below for that page.

MBDP main page

Getting Started


Current Participants

Related Resources


Treasury Contacts

Annual Recertification

Text for new “Annual Recertification” page: To remain active in the program and on the list of eligible participants, all financial institutions must be recertified every year.

Before the due date for recertification each year, Fiscal Service sends a notice telling the institution about the deadline for submitting the application for recertification.

To be recertified, the financial institution may either apply online or submit MBDP Form 3144.

Financial institutions must notify the Fiscal Service if there is any change in their status that could affect their eligibility in the MBDP.

For the Right Nav – Only use the “Subscribe to E-newsletters” category. The other information in the layout exists elsewhere.

Content Migration - BFS 212/8/2014 3:45 PM