Mind Map Assignment
Mind Maps are unique way of reviewing material before a test.
Students work in groups of 2 – 4 people to create symbols of the
concepts they’ve learned during a unit. These symbols will be
drawn and or pasted on poster paper and presented to the class.
They will be evaluated using the following criteria:
I. Thoroughness 8 marks
Ø Show all major concepts covered in unit
II. Organization / Clarity 6 marks
Ø Symbols are arranged logically and are easily understood
III. Creativity 6 marks
Ø Create symbols that are unique and visually appealing
Total 20 marks
Mind Map Evaluation Form
Student Name: ______
Mind Map Topic: ______
/ Level 1 (50-59) / Level 2 (60-69) / Level 3 (70-79) / Level 4 (80-100) / MkKnowledge of Topic / limited knowledge of topic with little accuracy / some knowledge of topic with a degree of accuracy / standard knowledge of topic, usually accurate info / detailed knowledge of topic with consistently accurate info / /8
Organization / Clarity / unclear theme with illogical sequencing of concepts and incomprehensible symbols utilized / somewhat clear theme is introduced with fairly logical sequencing of concepts and comprehendible symbols utilized / clear theme is introduced with logical sequencing of concepts and comprehendible symbols utilized / very clear theme is introduced with logical sequencing of concepts and highly comprehendible symbols utilized /
Creativity / Colorfulness / uncreative theme and symbols utilized combined with an unappealing colour scheme / somewhat unique theme and symbols created combined with a limited colour scheme / unique theme and symbols created combined with appealing colour scheme / very unique theme and symbols created combined with highly appealing colour scheme /
Total / /20
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