Millbury Street Elementary School

105 Millbury Street

Grafton, MA 01519

Together We Learn

Joanne Stocklin, Principal Phone 508-839-0757

Mary Coakley, Vice Principal Fax 508-839-7458

October 24, 2017

There will be a joint flu clinic for all elementary students on Thursday, November 2nd. It will be held after school from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the North Grafton Elementary School at 46 Waterville Street in North Grafton. Each student must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The following forms are attached, or copies are available upon request to the school nurses:

  1. 2017-2018 Insurance Information Form
  2. 2017-2018 Influenza Vaccine Consent and Screening Form
  3. Vaccine Components 2017-2018

If you plan to bring your child to the flu clinic, please notify the school nurses by email or send in a note prior to Wednesday, November 1st, so that we know how many vaccines to prepare for the clinic.

You do not need to send in the forms ahead of time. You will need to bring the completed insurance form, your child’s insurance card, and the completed consent and screening form to the flu clinic.

If you would like copies of the forms sent home or have any questions, please contact the school nurses at 508-839-0757 or email to or .


Joanne Stocklin Sharon Iaquinta, RN Denise Mossey, RN

Principal School Nurse School Nurse