Mechanicsburg Wrestling Booster Club Minutes
October 14, 2008
President Fake called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were Coach Barrick,Kelly Thomson, Daryl Baer, Candy Baer, Wendy Mundorf, Sheila and Mark Boova, and Gary Fake.
1.Approval of Minutes from last meeting –Kelly Thomson
2.Treasurer’s Report – None given.
3.Coach’s Report – CoachBarrick.
Coach Barrickreports looking into lodging arrangements for the Penn Manor Tournament. Renting cabinsis a possibility versus hotel/motel reservations.
Coach Barrick states that the coaching staff is working on games and final preparations for the upcoming conditioning week prior to the official start of the wrestling season, which is Monday, November 17th. Approximately 15 to 20 wrestlers have consistently been attending open mat sessions and with the end of fall sports coming, it is anticipated that this number will increase.
4.Old Business:
A.The Baer racing event and their generous donation, mailing of program letters to local businesses, and details of the Jr. High tournament were briefly discussed.
B.Lottery tickets will be sold in the months of November & December to coincide with the Daily Number for the month of January. It was decided to go with November dates for the Chili’s 10% offering. Wendy will initiate the forms needed for theGiant gift cards. Mr. Dave Nesbit has offered to donate water for the concession stand. We thought we would need 50 cases for wrestling with more possibly being donated for basketball.
5. New Business:
- Buy lines for the program - Kelly volunteered to collect the forms along with payment in order to compile them for printing in the program.
- Clothing Sale – All items were accepted. It was agreed that we would sell the items at cost.
- Other new business – Coach Barrick discussed his plans for taking a team to compete in the Disney Duals held in Orlando, Florida June 21 through June 26, 2009. The team will consist of 14 weight classes and must be comprised of 11 members of our school team. Three slots are permitted to be filled by non-school team members.
- A parents meeting will be held as the Booster Club Meeting for the month of November. This will take place on Tuesday, November 11th at 7:00 p.m. During this meeting lottery tickets, order forms for apparel, and the forms for the Buy Lines will be handed out.
6.Meeting adjourned @ 8:30.