Michigan Department of Education

Technology-Enhanced Lesson Plan 2007

Lesson Title: Das ABC und MfG

Created by: Kaye Lynn Mazurek

Lesson Abstract: Learn and/or practice the ABCs in German through listening to native speakers and the song MfG by die fantastischen Vier

Subject Area: German

Grade Level: 9-12, Level 1

Unit Title: The ABCs

Michigan Educational Technology Standards Connection:

Students will:

Basic Operations and Concepts

6. understand that access to online learning increase educational and workplace opportunities.

12. demonstrate how to import/export text, graphics, or audio files.

Social, Ethical, and Human Issues

10. adhere to the district acceptable use policy as well as state and federal laws.

Technology Productivity Tools

6. use an online tutorial and discuss the benefits and disadvantages of this method of learning.

Michigan High School Content Expectations Connection:

World Languages Content Standards and Benchmarks

Students will:

5. extract meaning and knowledge from authentic non-English language texts, media presentations, and oral communication.

Estimated time required to complete lesson or unit:

1 class period or 50-60 minutes

Instructional resources:

Websites are listed within lesson

Prior required technology skills:

Ability to go to specific websites

Ability to manage volume control on the computer and / or in a language lab

Sequence of Activities:

1. Go to: http://german.about.com/library/anfang/blanfang_abc.htm

Listen to the entire German alphabet and repeat the letters to yourself.

You may do this more than once if you like.

* UDL (Provide opportunities to practice with supports)

2. Follow the link to Alphabet Exercise


Complete the two exercises there: Übungen 1 & 2


Die fantastischen Vier

Play the CD or listen to the song online.

1. Ordnen Sie ein!

As you listen to the song, number the pictures in the order that you hear them in the song.

Order: ___
Meaning: ___ / Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___ / Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___
Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___ /
Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___ / Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___
Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___ / Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___ / Reihenfolge: ___ Bedeutung: ___

2. Now match the meaning (Bedeutung) to the picture.

*UDL (Offer adjustable levels of challenge)

Anfaenger (Beginner):

A. Radio Station

B. Sport

C. Car Insurance / Road Service

D. Store

E. Health Care Organization

F. Automobile

G. TV Station

H. Package Delivery Service

I. Transportation

Meister (Advanced):

A. Radio Sendung

B. Sport

C. Autoversicherung / dienst

D. Geschaeft / Bekleidungskette

E. Gesundheitsversicherung

F. Autos

G. Fernsehen

H. Paketdienst

I. Zug / Verkehrsmittel

3. Write the long-form versions of the abbreviations into the picture box with which they belong.

Neue Deutsche Welle

United Parcel Service

Bayerische Motorenwerke

Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen

Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse

Hennes & Mauritz

Bicycle Motocross

Intercity Express

Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club

4. Listen to the song again. What other abbreviations do you recognize?

Do you think the abbreviations are for German terms, American terms or used internationally. Give an example of each.

German Abbreviation:

American Abbreviation:

International Abbreviation:

Extra Time? * UDL (Offer adjustable levels of challenge)

If you go to this site: http://german.about.com/library/blmfg2.htm

you can see the song text and find a link to the meanings of all of the abbreviations. You should listen to the song again while looking at the text.

Find pictoral representations for ARD, BSB, DRK or FAZ


·  Pre-Assessment: Not Applicable

Scoring Criteria:

·  Post-Assessment: Students take a spelling quiz. Teachers spells out the following words and abbreviations:

1. Junge

2. schön

3. ARD

4. yes

5. groß

6. klein

7. Kinder

8. Maus

9. IBM

10. quiz

The letters c, f, p, t, v, w, x, ä, and ü are not quizzed.

Scoring Criteria: 1 point for each correct spelling

Technology (hardware/software):

Computer with internet access and audio capability

Key Vocabulary:

German ABCs

Application Beyond School:

Awareness of support sites to help practice and study German skills including websites with authentic voice

UDL Connections (insert in sections where applicable)

Teacher Reflection and Notes:

MDE Technology Enhanced Lesson Template with UDL 2007.doc - Page 1