Michigan Coalition against Homelessness
2014 Candidate Questionnaire
1. What can you tell us about the issue of homelessness in the state of Michigan? Can you please share your views on the causes, other related issues, and solutions? “More Jobs = Less Poverty = Less Crime”. CREATE JOBS. I am the only candidate who proves HOW. As your Congressman I will be victorious in enacting HR Bill 2990 “The Need Act” that will create full employment by rebuilding our nations’ crumbling roads & failing infrastructure – without increased taxation, fees’ or national debt. See web site www.NORTHFORCONGRESS.com.
2. Is homelessness a significant issue in your district? How familiar are you with the service providers that address homelessness in your district? YES. I contribute to “Interfaith Shelter” - I support “poverty funding” via my church.
3. Are you aware of any pending or proposed legislation, or would you be proposing your own legislation, that will have an impact on homelessness? I will be victorious in enacting THE NEED ACT. 1st thing I learned about politics is “once legislation is introduced – it never goes away”.
4. As an elected Michigan public servant, how would you work to provide resources that address the issue of homelessness? CREATE JOBS by enacting HR Bill 2990, The NEED Act.
5. What do you know about Unemployment Insurance and how it will affect homelessness? Once “unemployment benefits” have expired - those who do not have jobs yet - are not considered unemployed.
Please state whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree, or are undecided about the following statements.Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly
Disagree / Undecided
I believe the federal government is sufficiently addressing the issue of homelessness in my district. / X
I believe that communities are sufficiently addressing the issue of homelessness in my district. / X
I believe that people who work full-time have a right to affordable housing for themselves and their families. / X
I believe that there is a role for federal government to increase the availability of affordable housing in the United States. / X
The reduction in funding of the SNAP food stamps program will not have an impact on homelessness. / X
I think the United States has the tools to help the people experiencing homelessness out of poverty. / X
The free market is effective at equitably distributing resources. / X
Non-governmental service providers are effective in dealing with homelessness. / X
Any final thoughts or comments you would like to share?
SAVING THE UNITED STATES IS NOT A DEMOCRATIC OR REPUBLICAN THING – IT’S AN AMERICAN THING. Any candidate, Democratic or Republican – who can not prove why we should vote for them – are liars. I am the only candidate who PROVES – how we can create full-employment – that will result in the greatest economic boom sine our industrial revolution. www.NORTHFORCONGRESS.com.
DOUGLAS RADCLIFFE NORTH, Primary Candidate, US House of Representatives – MI-07.
Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness
2014 Candidate Questionnaire