Street Address Email Address
City, State, Zip Code Phone Number
http://web.address/ (if applicable) FAX (if applicable)
Objective To obtain a ______position in the area of ______(write this infinitive phrase to target the audience of this resume)
Education Name of Degree on Which You Are Working, Expected Month/Year
Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00 Targeted GPA (if beneficial): X.XX/4.00
Name of Next Most Recent Degree, Month Year (if applicable)
University or College
Overall GPA: X.XX/4.00 Targeted GPA (if beneficial): X.XX/4.00
Relevant Courses Most Relevant Course Fourth Most Relevant Course
Second Most Relevant Course Fifth Most Relevant Course
Third Most Relevant Course Sixth Most Relevant Course
Experience Most Recent Position, Company, Location (Month/Year–Month/Year)
Verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed
Second verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed
Third verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed (if appropriate)
Next Most Recent Position, Company, Location (Month/Year–Month/Year)
Verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed
Second verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed
Third verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed (if appropriate)
Third Most Recent Position, Company, Location (Month/Year–Month/Year)
Verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed
Second verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed
Third verb phrase that identifies key activity that you performed (if appropriate)
Honors/Awards Most Impressive Honor or Award
Second Most Impressive Honor or Award
Third Most Impressive Honor or Award
Fourth Most Impressive Honor or Award
Activities Most Impressive Activity
Second Most Impressive Activity
Third Most Impressive Activity
Fourth Most Impressive Activity
Outside Interests One outside interest, a second outside interest, perhaps a third outside interest
Brad Lee Smith6103 Oliver Loving Lane
Austin, Texas 78749
(512) 288-3548
Goal / To research thermal/fluid systems, particularly those in solar energy and gas turbine applications.
Education / B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas (12/97)
Technical Block Option: Thermal/Fluid Systems
Relevant Courses:
Heat Transfer
Advanced Thermodynamics
Solar Energy Systems
GPA: 3.7/4.0 in major; 3.5/4.0 overall
Experience / 1996:Research Assistant,Balcones Research Center; Austin, Texas
Assisted in turbine cooling laboratory
Helped set up and perform laser doppler velocimetry measurements
Authored section of progress report to project sponsor (Garrett Turbine)
Updated large Fortran computer programs
Learned Lotus 1-2-3 to edit data files
1994-1995:Field Service Technician,Longhorn Business Products; Dallas, Texas
Maintained and repaired copiers and facsimiles
Scored in top 5% in Ricoh's facsimile training school in 1994
Trained new service technicians for facsimiles
1993:Lifeguard,North Dallas YMCA; Dallas, Texas
Scheduled and supervised weekend lifeguard crews
Taught CPR classes to new lifeguards
Awards / Third place in Rube Goldberg Design Contest, 1996
Engineering Honor Roll, 3 semesters
Four-year partial scholarship, College of Engineering
Activities / ASME; Society of Automotive Engineers; Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Austin; Intramural softball and basketball; Guitar
References / Available upon request