Dear Residents,

As we approach summer and the beginning of the summer vacation season, we wish all a healthy and safe summer and look forward to seeing everyone at our Independence Day Parade on July 4.

The Fire House project is on track. The public was invited to an information meeting on June 18 at 7:00 pm at the Bell Road facility. It was very informative and designed to give all an opportunity to physically see the existing facility and the layout of the planned new Fire House and Community Room.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Michelle LeViege for her service to our community as Acting Borough Clerk over the last couple of years. Her last day of work was May 27 and we wish her well. We brought in Richard Schwab

as the interim Acting Borough Clerk to immediately fill the

responsibilities of the position. He is a recently retired municipal administrator from our area with close to 35 years of municipal government management experience and fortunately was available to step in. In addition to handling the basic requirements of the Clerk’s position during this interim period, he will use his expertise in management to assist in a variety of other functions to see what is needed to best serve the taxpayers and our employees. When you see him in the Clerk’s office next time you are at the Hall, please say hi to him.

For those following this year’s budget saga, our 2008 budget is still ready and waiting to be adopted once we hear from Trenton as to the amount of aid we will be getting.

On the public improvement front, you will note that the 3rd Avenue road project as well as the handicapped ramp construction is all but completed. Work on 5th Avenue is scheduled to start during the beginning of June.

The Commissioners would like to thank all who participated in and patronized our first Town Craft Fair-Auto Show and helped make it a success. We also want to encourage residents to check out our new website, put together by volunteers Bernice Alibrando and Jeff Vilardo. You can view it at Thanks you Bernice and Jeff. It will be a very valuable tool for all to use long into the future.

Have a fun and safe summer!

Joseph Wolk

Bruce Greenwald

Andy Gilmore


The First Annual Spring Craft and Car Show was a great success! The Celebration Committee would like to thank the residents and businesses of Mt. Ephraim for their support. We will be holding the event again next year and look forward to everyone’s involvement.

The Celebration Committee was also a sponsor for the Miss Mt. Ephraim Contest. The contest was very exciting and all of the young ladies are truly winners. We would like to give a special congratulations to Miss Celebration, Rita Doyle. Rita will be on the Celebration float in the Fourth of July Parade.

The Fourth of July Parade is quickly approaching and we are in the midst of preparing a great day of events. We will start the festivities off at 9:00am with our baby parade, followed by our bike parade at 10:00am. We ask that all participants of these parades to please join us in marching in the main parade at noon. The committee would like to invite all of our town organizations to put in a float or march in our parade this year. Following the main parade, the Mt. Ephraim Celebration Committee along with MEPRI and Cabana Water Ice are re-instituting an old tradition this year. All children, ages 12 and under will be invited to MEPRI Hall after the main parade for a bag of treats and goodies and a water ice. Each child must have a ticket to enter. Children must be pre-registered and must be a resident of Mount Ephraim. Tickets can be obtained at the borough hall. Children who are visiting for the holiday and are non-residents can purchase tickets at the door for $1.00

Also, the Celebration Committee will be holding a fishing tournament on July 12, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The event is for children ages 15 years and under and the cost is $3.00 per participant. Prizes and trophies will be given out. The event will be held at Haddon (Audubon) Lake.

Finally, the committee will be holding a fall festival. The event will be held on September 20th. We are in need of local organizations and businesses to help support this great day. The event will be host to games, food, and crafts. More information will follow.

Please remember to visit the Celebration Committee’s website at for registration forms and event updates as well as future events!!!

The Fourth of July Parade

9:00 a.m. – Baby Parade

10:00 a.m. – Bike Parade

Registration for both parades will take place at the corner of Pennsylvania and 8th Avenues. The entrants will parade down 8th Avenue to Center Avenue and will end at Norcross Park.

Registration forms are available at or at the Borough Hall.

Pre-entry registration is requested but not required!

12:00 p.m. – Main Parade

The parade will begin at the John West Senior Housing Center and continue on Kings Highway to Haddon Lake Park.

Audubon Green Wave

Basketball Camps and Leagues 2008

Camp # 1 – Boys & Girls ages 8 - 13

Dates: July 21st – July 25th

Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Camp # 2 – Boys & Girls ages 5 -7

Dates: July 28th – August 1st

Time: 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Town League - Boys & Girls ages 8 – 10

Dates: June 24th – July 29th

Time: 4:40 pm to 5: 30 pm

Days: Every Tuesday and Thursday

All camps and leagues will be played inside the Audubon High School Gymnasium.

For information and brochure, please contact Camp and League Director Dave Ricci at 856-547-7695 extension 4733.

Mount Ephraim Public Library


Gloria Marsh-Jankowski, Librarian

Summer Hours: June 12th – September 5th:

Monday – 9:30 – 12:30

Tuesday – 9:30 – 12:30

Wednesday – 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Thursday – 9:30 – 12:30

Friday – 9:30 – 12: 30

Mount Ephraim Public Schools

The school calendar of events for the month of September is as follows:

September 3- First Day of School

September 3, 4, 5 – Early Dismissal - 12:30 for grades K - 8

School emergency closings will be broadcast on KYW Radio (1060). The emergency closing number is 591. Channels 3, 6 and 10 will also be broadcasting our emergency closings this year as well. Parents will no longer receive a call from a “call” parent.

The school phone numbers are:

R. W. Kershaw School – 931-1634

Mary Bray School – 931-7807

Each teacher has a voice “mail box” that can be accessed by calling the school number and listening to the voice prompts. The teachers also each have e-mail. This is accessed through the schools website.

Remember that both schools are equipped with a “buzz in” and video system that require a visitor to be identified prior to admission into the building.

Parents, babysitters and friends are asked to be very careful when dropping off or picking up students at either school. Please have the students exit and enter the vehicle on the proper side and always be aware that children may be cutting across traffic or between parked cars.

You can access the schools’ website at:

The Mount Ephraim Police Department

The Mount Ephraim Police Department’s town watch meetings, called Mount Ephraim Community Oriented Policing (M.E.C.O.P.), are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 8:00 pm in the Mt. Ephraim Court Room. All are welcomed to attend.

Future projects of the Dare and Town Watch Programs:

Police Department baseball card contest - Starting in September and running through June of '09. All students of Kershaw and Mary Bray may enter. Participation includes a picnic and prizes at the conclusion of the contest.

Anyone interested in helping or to offer any suggestions, please feel free to contact Greg Severance at 931-2225 or . Thanks everyone and hope to see you at the next meeting.

Come out and enjoy some jazz music…

July 23rd - 7:oo pm at the Mount Ephraim Little League Field. The Phil Giordano Orchestra will entertain the crowd. Bring your beach chair!

Mount Ephraim Fire Department

The MEFD - Station 45 wishes everyone a happy and safe July 4th weekend. We ask that sometime during the July 4th weekend you take a moment to remember the two fallen firefighters from Mount Ephraim that tragically gave their lives on July 4, 2002. Mount Ephraim's Fire Chief Jim Sylvester and Camden County Deputy Fire Marshal K-9 Handler and also Mount Ephraim's Deputy Fire Chief John West. Sr., along with Gloucester City Firefighter Thomas Stewart III were trying to save three little girls who were trapped in a fully involved 3-story duplex when it suddenly collapsed.

A beautiful monument was erected at the corner of the Mary Bray Elementary School on West Kings Highway and Station Avenue to tell the story and to remember the lives of the two dedicated community residents who gave their lives in an attempt to save others. We ask that sometime during the holiday weekend you stop by to check out this memorial and remember these brave men. We also ask that you remember their families and keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

July 4th will never be the same for the members of the MEFD nor many of the members of this community, but together we can move forward by remembering and honoring these great men for the sacrifice they have given us all.

Donations can still be made to complete the monument, for more information please feel free to visit and click on the "Memorial" link or you may call 933-0358 or 933-3204 for more information.


Our prayers are with SSG John Blagojevich, SGT David Hall , SPC Michael Lowman, SPC Nick Rabeau, and PFC Marcus Wild, United States Army National Guard, who will be leaving in June for additional training before deployment to Iraq as part of D Co 1/114th 50th. At about 2,800 troops, this summer's deployment of National Guard forces from New Jersey will be the largest since World War II, with many from our area. We would like to get support for them from all of the citizens, businesses and organizations from town.

Best wishes to Cpl. Zachary Myers, who has returned stateside from Iraq where he earned the Purple Heart for injuries he sustained when an IED hit his humvee. He is currently stationed in Camp Lejeune, NC.

Congratulations to Patrick Cummings who graduated April 19th from his 8 wk. basic training in Cape May, New Jersey as a Seaman Apprentice, United States Coast Guard. He is now in Petaluma, California where he is going to "A" school for his career training as an Operations Specialist (tactical command). Congratulations also to Anthony Foster, who left for basic training and David Amodio who will be leaving in September for basic training with the 177th Fighter Wing, Air National Guard. Also honorably serving our country are Anthony Ciletti and Michael Popelak.

If you know of someone from our town who is serving, or to make a donation, write a letter of support, or organize a collection of items, e-mail or call 609-217-6177. We want to ensure that everyone who is serving is recognized and supported during their service to our country.


The Veterans of American Legion Post 150 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6262 will proudly lead the Annual Mount Ephraim Memorial Day Parade, carrying the Flag of your United States of America. We will be preceded by two young volunteers carrying signs asking you to please stand for your flag. The Honor Guard itself will be followed by students of the Raymond Kershaw School Safety Patrol, who also volunteer to take an active part in our parade, followed by other parade participants. We encourage all residents, their relatives and their friends to join us on July 4th for our Borough’s celebration of over 200 years of freedom.

Please remember that when your flag approaches, it is correct to stand to show your respect for what our flag represents to every citizen of this nation. Your attitude sets a fine example for all young people and visitors in attendance as courtesy and respect are shown for the symbol of your country’s treasured liberty and freedom. Let us also use that moment of respect to remember those who sacrificed their lives to secure an endowment of freedom for all who would live after them.

Honor your country, your military service personnel of every branch, and your Constitution for the freedoms and life you live today. Stand for your flag on July 4th.

Robert J. Conley, Commander

American Legion Post 150

First United Methodist Church of Mount Ephraim

Rev. Patricia Wentworth

201 New Jersey Avenue


Come Worship With Us!

Sunday Morning

10:00am – Worship service and Sunday School – ages Preschool – 8th grade

Wednesday Evening

8:15 Prayer Service

Mark your calendars! Vacation Bible School will be held July 14th- 18th

The UMW Thrift Shop will be closed for the month of July and will reopen on August 1st.

Thrift Shop hours are Fridays 9:00am to 12:00pm & Saturdays 10:00am to 1:00pm.

Please join us; First Church is Family!

Sacred Heart Church

Sacred Heart Parish Religious Education Program registration forms are now being accepted for the 2008-2009 school year. If you have a child entering 1st grade and need a registration form, please call the rectory at 931-1441 and a form will be mailed to you. We will need a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate at the time of registration.