Town of Merton

Plan Commission Meeting

Minutes of January 16, 2013

· Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Morris at 6:30 p.m.

· Pledge of Allegiance led by Chairman Morris.

· Minutes of the December 19, 2012 Public Hearing & Plan Commission Meeting. A motion to approve both of the minutes was made by Stamsta, second by Klink. Motion carried.

Present: Chairman Morris, Plan Commissioners Newman, Siepmann, Fleming, Klink, Stamsta and Good, Attorney Chapman, Planner Haroldson, Clerk Oman & Deputy Clerk Claas.

Also Present: Steven Gramann, Helmut & Roberta Keidl, Ludwig Ridder, John Barnhart & Kris Droegkamp.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Home Turff – Kilbourne Rd – Plan of Operation – Gramann purchased the former welding shop to use as a warehouse to store lawn care and snow plow equipment. There would be no outside storage except two trailers. He is not operating an office and would be there only in the morning and at night. One semi-trailer will be removed from the property and eventually Gramann intends to remove all of them. There was discussion if a sanitary facility is required when there is not an office on site. There is not a septic system on site.

A motion to approve the plan of operation was made by Fleming, second by Stamsta. Motion carried.

Elogan, LLC – Hwy K – Plan of Operation – There was discussion on the weed cutters and limiting the weed cutters to no more than 6 on site. Helmut Keidl stated he doesn’t care if the weed cutters are there or not, but prefers that they not be there. Okauchee Lake Management has places on their site to place 2 weed cutters. Morris said the lake management can do a better job of lining up the weed cutters.

Barnhart said they are concerned with lighting on the west side of the building and they are using 70 watt fixtures with less than a foot candle off the building. The only place with an issue it up towards the front of the lot because he has to provide egress lighting which shines on Lakeview Road. Barnhart submitted two different lighting plans for the building inspector to review.

Oman stated she informed the deputy about the vandalism on their property. Siepmann suggested they get a trail camera as they are very effective.

A motion to accept the plan of operation was made by Fleming, second by Newman with the condition of not exceeding 6 weed cutting units on site. Motion carried.

Kris Droegkamp – Hartman Court – Site Plan and Access – The parcel is on Hartman Ct but has an address on Hwy VV for the condos and is zoned M-1. Droegkamp is working with Steve Brunner and Duane Grimm at Waukesha County for the 66’ access. Droegkamp wants to put an easement in, clean up the lot and make it accessible. He questions where an easement for the Lund property to the west is going to be. Waukesha County won’t give Lund an easement. Droegkamp has talked to Lund several times, with the last time being two or three months ago, to discuss putting the easement in the middle, but Lund doesn’t want anything to do with it. Waukesha County believes the 50’ easement Lund has is an agricultural easement. The easement for Droegkamp would go over the trail and go across the drainage easement on Hartman Court. Droegkamp must remove the cattle crossing/oil changing station. Klink doesn’t have a problem with the proposed easement. If this is not an exclusive easement, Lund could buy rights to use the easement.

A motion to give the Planner the right to convey to Waukesha County that this is not an exclusive easement for lot 2 and to approve the site plan was made by Fleming, second by Klink. Motion carried.

Planner Update:

Park Reports, Zoning Update – There will be a public hearing for ordinance 17.21 for building height on February 25th.

The Town received a new zoning map from Waukesha County today and Haroldson would like someone to volunteer to review the map with her.

There was a meeting with the Stone Bank Buildings & Grounds Committee for the fireman’s Park. Kevin from the Stone Bank Fire Department submitted the costs of operation to the Clerk. The Town Board has not had a discussion on the fireman’s park, but Morris would like to come up with an arrangement similar to the Monches Park or the soccer park.

A motion to adjourn was made by Fleming, second by Siepmann. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Holly R Claas

Deputy Clerk

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