Technology Integration Unit/Lesson Plan Template (modified from MTS Lesson Plan Template)
Name:Nikkie Duin
Subject area: Social Studies
Grade level: Kindergarten
Time frame: 2 days
Lesson title: Famous Americans in History
Brief lesson/unit Summary/Description
Famous Americans in History: Johnny Appleseed, Lewis & Clark, Sacagawea, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Squanto, and George Washington Carver. Students will learn how these Americans have made an impact on American history. The students will use 21st century skills to meet these standards.
Essential Questions to guide this unit/lesson and focus teaching and learning:
How do people make an impact on American History?
State Content Standard/Benchmark addressed
K.R.1.3 Students can comprehend and use vocabulary from text read aloud.
K.R.2.1 Students can comprehend and respond to text read aloud.
K.R.3.3 Students can distinguish fiction from nonfiction.
K.W.1.1 Students can draw a picture and write a simple sentence about the picture.
K.W.2.1 Students can write a simple sentence using a capital letter and phonetic spelling.
Indicator 1: Analyze U.S. historical eras to determine connections and cause/effect
relationships in reference to chronology.
ü  Students are able to identify examples of legendary and/or historical American figures.
State Educational Technology Standard/Benchmark addressed
K.NC.1.1 Identify three human-made objects.
K.SI.1.1 Demonstrate respect for the work of others.
K.CT.1.1 Describe technology using accurate terminology.
Example: Monitor, keyboard
K.CT.1.2 Use input/output devices to operate various technologies.
Examples: mouse, phones, VCR’s, TV’s, printers
21st Century Skill(s)/Theme(s) addressed (see excel spreadsheet)
Creativity and Innovation Skills:
2.CI.1 Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work.
2.CI.2 Develop, implement new ideas to others.
Communication and Collaboration Skills:
2.CC.1 Articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively through speaking or writing.
Social & Cross-Cultural Skills:
4.SCC.1 Work productively with others.
Productivity & Accountability:
4.PA.1 Set and met high standards and goals for delivering quality work on time.
Students will understand (lesson/unit objectives):
During this lesson, students will learn about Johnny Appleseed through a variety of sources. From the information, students will distinguish between fact and fiction. Students will use the writing process to create their own stories about Johnny Appleseed.
Technology & Web 2.0 resources needed (hardware and software, websites)
Web site info:
Voice thread:
Procedure (learning activities)/ lessons of unit
Day 1:
1.)Begin the lesson by passing out the different types of apples for students to sample. Ask students what they know about apples. Then ask students if they know the tale of Johnny Appleseed. List the information they share on the board.
2.)Explain that they are going to be reading a variety of information about Johnny Appleseed. Explain that some of the information may be fact and some may be fiction. (Elaborate on the difference in the two.) Have students write down important information on their Johnny Appleseed worksheets or write them on a piece of chart paper.
3.)Read Johnny Appleseed by Stephan Kellog or Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh or Johnny Appleseed by Jane Kurtz or Johnny Appleseed My Story by Harrison.
4.) Have students “strole” around the room with a partner to discuss the different things they learned about Johnny Appleseed. Ask: “What was something that you found interesting about Johnny Appleseed? What do you like/not like about Johnny Appleseed?” Stop the students after about 3-5 minutes and ask them what their partners said about Johnny Appleseed.
Day 2:
This site gives details about Johnny Appleseed's life. It also has a fun illustration.
2.)Once students have reviewed the different websites, explain that they will be using the information they collected to create their own stories about Johnny Appleseed's life. Have students mention at least four three facts about Johnny Appleseed's life in the story.
3.) Students have a choice to make a book, poster or song to show what they learned about Johnny Appleseed.
-Students will be given a small 4 page stapled “book” to write about Johnny Apple seed.
-Students will be given time to create a song.
-Students will be given materials and time to create poster.
=>They all have to include 3 new ideas they learned about Johnny Appleseed and why he is a Famous American in History.
4.) Students will then be able to share their books/posters/song with the class.
Strategies that can teach any student
Discussion / Metaphor & Simile / Storytelling
Drawing / Mnemonic Device / Technology
Field Trip / Movement / Visual Aids
Games / Music / Visualization
Graphic Organizers / Project-Based Instruction / Work Study
Humor / Reciprocal Teaching / Writing
Manipulative / Role Play / Other: ______
Describe application of above strategy or strategies below
Students will discuss when they “strole” around the room with a partner to discuss the different things they learned about Johnny Appleseed.
Students will be drawing when they make their poster or book.
Students will be able to make a song that teaches what they learned about Johnny Appleseed.
Students will be able to create a story to support their ideas about what would happen if Johnny Appleseed didn’t create the orchards.
We will watch two videos from and
We will also use the internet to find more information about Johnny Appleseed.
Visual Aids:
Video, internet, book
Students will write three important things about Johnny Appleseed in the book/poster.
Assessment Method/s and description
See Rubric at the bottom.
Resource List
Johnny Appleseed by Stephan Kellog or Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh or Johnny Appleseed by Jane Kurtz or Johnny Appleseed My Story by Harrison
Notes: (this area may list accommodations, differentiation, as well as other key information that may not fit into the categories above)
Peer Reviewer: ______

Rubric for Presentation

Johnny Appleseed

Quality Levels / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Information /
Quality of Information /
Voice /
Presentation Eye Contact / All / Look away 3-4 / Look away 5 + / None