ALGEBRA Instructor: Mrs. Millonzi

SYLLABUS (Course Outline)


CONTACT INFORMATION: My email address:

Access my WEBPAGE for important course info. throughout the year: Go to:, select High School, click on Faculty, & look for Millonzi.

GOAL: For students to learn and master algebra concepts, pass this course and the State exam, and become prepared for future math courses and real life. This is the fourth year we are implementing the Common Core Curriculum. Let’s work through this together!


It is important that you be prepared for class everyday with the following:

-- a Three-ring Binder – 2-inch

-- Dividers for the binder (for Notes, Homework, Reviews / Warmups)

-- a Folder with two pockets (for Graded Quizzes, Quests, and Tests)

-- Loose-leaf Paper (only about 10 sheets)

-- Pencils with erasers, and pens [PENCILS PREFERRED!]

-- Graphing Calculator (TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, TI-84 Plus) **

-- A box of Tissues

-- A Positive Attitude!

**If you purchase a new calculator, please cut out the

TI Rewards Points coupon and bring it in please!


☺ Fill in your notes in class everyday

☺ Keep your binder and folder organized

☺ Pay attention in class everyday

☺ Ask and Answer questions (Participate)

☺ Do your homework everyday

☺ Study for quizzes and tests

☺ Get extra help after school when needed àà

☺ Show ALL WORK and put in a lot of effort

☺ Respect yourself and others

DAILY ROUTINE: Each day you will be EXPECTED to be ON TIME! See Cell Phone rules below. If you were absent, you will pick up any notes or assignments from me. You will either complete a warmup, write your homework answers on the board for extra points, or check some of your answers. Your homework assignment due that day should be on your desk, so that it can be checked while you are doing these things.


Ñ Cell Phones or other electronic devices are NOT permitted in my classroom. Ñ

As you enter the room, put your cell phone in a slot of the pouch near my door.

ü If I catch you using a cell phone ANY time during class:

I will take it and place it in the pouch near the door

ü If you do not comply, I will take the phone, turn it into the office, and write a referral

Rules, Continued:

· RESPECT others (teacher, students, et al.) and their belongings. This includes NOT being rude, teasing, intimidating, and DISTRACTING others.

· BE ON TIME and PARTICIPATE! When the bell rings, you should be ready to listen and work! Getting involved helps you learn and have fun!

· DO NOT CUT CLASS – Skipping will result in a referral, no questions.

· No one is permitted on the computer, at the teacher’s desk, or other areas of the room (besides your seat) without teacher permission.

Consequences for breaking these rules (except for cell phone rule) consist of the following:

1st offense: Warning

2nd offense: Teacher detention and call/email home

3rd offense: Referral to the office

If you do not attend a teacher detention, you will automatically receive a referral.


Your grade will be calculated based on Total Points in the following categories:

Homework: Generally 3 points each, unless they are longer or collected

Quizzes: Points will vary

Tests: 50 points + any Bonuses

The final assessment in this course will be the New York State Common Core Algebra Exam. This exam is a necessary component for graduation and a Regents diploma. It will also count as 20% of your Final Average.

Homework: Expect homework almost every day. It is crucial that you practice in order to master your mathematical skills. Each day I will check your homework for attempt and completion and record a grade out of 3 points. Sporadically, homework may be collected and graded on a higher point basis. Excuses are not accepted. Every day that you do not have your homework, I will assign you detention with me after school.

Quizzes: You can expect at least 1 quiz per unit, which will be short and may or may not be announced ahead of time!

Tests: We will review in class the day before each test; however, students are expected to review on their own also. Tests may also contain several questions from previous material already tested. If you are absent the day of review, you are still expected to take the test the next day as scheduled. If you are absent the day of the test, you need to make it up in a timely manner, according to the teacher.


I may assign about one extra credit assignment per quarter. You should take advantage of this opportunity! Also, if you can find an article related to math in society and write a short paragraph explaining the article, I will also give you extra credit. Furthermore, you will have opportunities to do homework problems on the board and earn “board points”; 5 board points = 1 extra credit point on the next test.


I am available for help after school almost every day. Remember: It is crucial that you keep up with the material and ask questions when you do not understand something! Refer to “Note” on first page of this outline.


In order to make up a legal absence, you must make arrangements with me to make up the work. If you know ahead of time that you will be absent (eg: Field Trip), you should approach me beforehand to get the work you will miss. It is your responsibility to let me know that you are making up the absence! This absence will still count toward your total number of absences for school, however. In the case of an illegal absence/skip from my class, you will most likely receive zeros for missed assignments. If you are tardy to class at least three times, you will be written up. If you are tardy more than 20 minutes to class, it counts as an absence.

14 Absences = Level 1 28 Absences = Level 2 and audit course (no credit)

“REMIND”: Instructions on how to sign up for this messaging tool will be provided separately. It is a great way for the teacher to remind students and parents of upcoming important events.


Please have your parents/guardians sign and date the attached slip of paper (you also) and return to the teacher as soon as possible. This will count as your first homework grade! You are expected to keep this syllabus in the front of your binder for the entire year.

Thank you in advance for your hard work and effort this year!

--Mrs. Millonzi


TO PARENTS and STUDENTS: Please sign, date, cut, and return to teacher.

We have read this and understand the expectations of this Algebra course and will work TOGETHER toward meeting the goals to become successful.

Student Name: _____________________________________________

_________________________________ _________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

_________________________________ _________________

Student Signature Date