Math 030 Intermediate Algebra Fall 2008
Instructor: Riki Kucheck
Access site:
Office phone: (714) 432-5680
Office Hours: 7:30am – 8:00am MW
9:15am – 9:45am MW (tech 158)
11:00am – 11:30am MW
Text: Intermediate Algebra 2nd ed by Miller, O’Neill and Hyde
Course Outline: This course is designed to provide you with the necessary background to take College Algebra (Math 130). The course consists of a detailed look at the two fundamental ideas of algebra: equations and functions.
Prerequisite: This is not a first course. This is intermediate algebra. I expect that you already know some algebra, that you did well in your algebra class, and that you could pass the final from that class today.
Process: Be sure you have downloaded all plug-ins prior to starting the course. The software you will be using will assess your knowledge and create a specialized plan just for you. You will need to become proficient in all areas specified by the due dates. If you know a particular topic, you will be able to complete it quickly. If you do not know a topic it may take more time. DO NOT CHEAT. By fairly answering the questions without looking in the book you will become knowledgeable in the areas and thus be able to pass the exams. If you cheat by using your text to answer the questions you may fool the system to giving you proficiency. However, you do not know the material and will not pass the exams and thus fail the class. Be sure to plan at least 2 hours a day doing your math. DO NOT fall behind. Math cannot be done the night before an exam. It is better to do a little every day. After completing a fixed number of topics you will be given an assessment to readjust your pie chart.
Exams: There will be a 4 exams taken at Orange Coast College either in my office or Tech 158. These will be approximately 25 questions long and you will be given 1 hour to complete the exam. Be sure to bring the following to the exam: a photo id , your OCC student id, several #2 pencils, a scantron sheet and a calculator (no TI 83+, 89’s or 92’s will be permitted). No student will be allowed to take the exam without showing a photo id (preferably a license) and your student id. You may take the exams on either a Monday or Wednesday during the hours of 7:30am – 11:00am or Friday 9am – 1pm. You will be emailed prior to the exams so that you may schedule your times.
Calculators: You will need a calculator for this course that includes the exponential and logarithmic functions. Calculators may be used on exams and in fact will be necessary for certain problems. You do not need a sophisticated calculator (eg. TI 83+,TI 89, TI 92, etc). As a matter of fact, the use of these calculators will not be permitted during an exam. You can find many scientific calculators for under $10. Be sure it has the ability to do log and exponential functions. Graphing calculators are optional.
Aleks = 40%
Exams = 60%
Grading scale is the standard 90/80/70.
Optional: This class offers the “Credit / No Credit” grading option, in which you may earn units for a class without any affect on your GPA. If you choose “CR/NC” grading, you must inform the records office. You will then need 70% for CR.
Help: If you need help, get it right away. Don't wait until it is too late. The Math Center in Counseling & Admissions Wind provides a free service to you through student tutors who can answer your math questions. You may request a tutor who will work with you one hour per week at no charge (this is a first come first serve basis). In addition, there is an online tutoring service provided free with this courseTo access this use the Smartthinking link on your MyOCC course page. Last, you may always email me the instructor with any questions and/or concerns. Be sure to put Math 030 Online in the subject line as well as your name. If you do not use this subject line, I may think it is junk mail and just delete it. If you do not hear from me within 24 hours, I did not get your email. I promise I will check my email at least 3 times a day. I will always respond immediately upon receiving your email.
The student will be able to:
1. Solve linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities by performing mathematical operations on
complex numbers, algebraic, exponential and logarithmic expressions.
2. Solve systems of linear equations and inequalities.
3. Evaluate and analyze the characteristics of different types of functions.
4. Solve mathematical application problems by applying critical thinking skills and express the solution in oral or written form.