Regular Village Board Meeting, January 28, 2016
Held at the Village Offices, 4059 Cherry Street, Lyons Falls, NY 13368
Attending: Katie Liendecker – Mayor
Mike Skorupa, Donna Dolhof, Anne Huntress, Ron Dorrity –Trustees
Todd Ossont – DPW Superintendent
Wendy Ward – Treasurer
Guests: Cheryl Shenkle O’Neil – Executive Director of Snowbelt Housing
Sabrina Yauger – Haul-A-Waste Representative
Mayor Liendecker opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and lead with the pledge to USA flag. Donna Dolhof agreed to take the minutes of the meeting.
Cheryl Shenkle O’Neil reported regarding the CBDG grant for the High Falls Apartment Project. The Village must send the proposed RFP for administration of the project to the State representative for review. After approval, the Village must submit it to the newspaper. Cheryl will send the RFP to women and minority owned businesses to fulfill MWBE requirements. A representative from the Village must participate in another webinar regarding the project. Mayor Liendecker will do so. Cheryl provided a written overview of the project process.
Since Ms. Yauger was in attendance to hear discussion regarding the garbage and recycling bids, the Mayor changed the agenda to discuss this topic next. Mayor Liendecker reported that the Village received two bids. Casella’s bid for 2016-2017 was $52,899. Their two year bid for 2016-2018 totaled $107,326. Haul-A-Waste’s bid for the one year was $43,100 and $86,200 for two years. The matter was tabled for the time being to allow discussion of all the options during budget proceedings.
Mayor Liendecker presented the organization/ regular Board meeting minutes of December 21, 2015 for approval. After review, on motion of Trustee Dolhof, seconded by Trustee Huntress and unanimous approval of the Board the minutes were approved was incorporated and approved.
Mayor Liendecker presented the minutes of the budget meeting of January 12, 2015. After review, on motion of Trustee Huntress, seconded by Trustee Dorrity and unanimous approval of the Board the minutes were approved was incorporated and approved.
Treasurer Ward submitted the financial report. After review and discussion, on motion of Trustee Skorupa, seconded by Trustee Dolhof and unanimous approval of the Board the December financial report was approved was incorporated and approved.
Reconciliation of the November and December financial reports was conducted by Trustee Huntress and found to be in order. On motion of Mayor Liendecker, seconded by Trustee Dorrity and unanimous approval of the Board the reconciliation was approved.
Treasured Ward reported that a late notice was received from Harris Computer Services. Treasurer Ward gave them proof that that the bill had been paid on time and the matter was resolved. Treasurer Ward also stated that credit card statements had not yet been received for this month. Superintendent Ossont will bring in the invoice for Allied Electronics with the breakdown of the bill.
The Board reviewed the audited bills submitted by Treasurer Ward including the bills to be paid and bills paid prior for approval as follows:
o General Fund Vouchers G 16-001 to G 16-014 in the amount of $5,579.44
o Water Fund Vouchers W 16-001 to 16-005 in the amount of $3,657.30
o Sewer Fund Vouchers S 16-001 to 16-005 in the amount of $2,852.45
Trustee Huntress motioned to pay the Dolhof bill, seconded by Trustee Dorrity; Trustee Dolhof abstained from voting on the Dolhof bill. It was approved to pay the Dolhof bill.
Trustee Dolhof motioned to pay the rest of the bills, seconded by Trustee Huntress. All were in favor. Motion was carried.
Mayor Liendecker will sign the check to Shue Brothers.
Trustee Huntress motioned to pay the monthly DANC mill site invoice after we receive the check from LCDC. This was seconded by Trustee Skorupa. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
The date for the next budget meeting was set for 2/15/16.
Treasurer Ward reported that W2 forms were sent out.
A letter was sent to Kelly’s School of Dance notifying her that the dance studio rent would increase to $125 per month as of 3/1/16.
Mayor Liendecker will advertise the Treasurer opening in the paper and on Facebook. Mayor Liendecker will swear Wendy back in as Treasurer after this evenings meeting until another treasurer is appointed.
DPW Report:
DPW Superintendent Ossont reported that the weather has been too warm for the skating rink. The DPW crew filled the rink when it was colder but it has not stayed frozen.
He reported that a sewer operator course was being offered from 5/9/16-5/20/16. It was recommended to him that taking the course was better than trying to it online. He was told that the class fills up quickly. Trustee Dolhof motioned that he attend the course, seconded by Trustee Skorupa and by unanimous vote was approved. Mayor Liendecker stated that Superintendent Ossont needs to sign a waiver that he will reimburse the Village for the cost of the course if he leaves Village employment two years or less after the course. Resolution # 04-2016 was incorporated and approved.
Superintendent Ossont reported that the Village has had a rollover credit for salt every year. It was recommended to him that the Village order 45 ton and pay for it this year at $61.71 per ton. Then the Village would not need to budget for it for the year 2016-2017.
Superintendent Ossont reported that the DPW staff no longer needed to test the water on weekends because of SCADA and the new alarm system. However, dock street sewer pump visuals must still be done to check levels. This would require approximately 1 hour per day. Shane and Jeremy Rogers do not want to come to work for that short a time. Gary White has offered to perform the work for 1 hour of pay per day. If a full hour was not needed, there are other odd jobs he could perform. Trustee Skorupa motioned to hire Mr. White for weekend testing, seconded by Trustee Dolhof and by a unanimous vote was approved. Mr. White will start on 2/6/16 at $10 per hour. Resolution #05-2016 is attached.
Superintendent Ossont reported that he received a letter indicating that the Village has a CHIPS balance of $11,770.42. We won’t know how much we will get for next year until March.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Liendecker updated the Board on the State capital improvement fund. Our project is still being reviewed by the State. They have no idea what time frame they’ll be ready to accept our Dock Street Pump Station invoices for reimbursement because they are currently being audited.
Mayor Liendecker reported that there will be a meeting with Upstate Cerebral Palsy regarding the water main on Laura Street on Feb. 5, 2016 at 1:30 pm. Mayor Liendecker will attend and requested Superintendent Ossont to also attend. She will invite Lewis County Legislator, Roscoe Fawcett, and Town of Lyonsdale Superintendent Phil Boardman.
Mayor Liendecker asked the Board if they approve of the revisions suggested by Mr. Gebo. Trustee Huntress motioned to approve the revisions, seconded by Trustee Skorupa, and by unanimous vote was approved. Mayor Liendecker will forward the changes to Mr. Gebo and ask him what is required next.
Mayor Liendecker received an email from Town of West Turin Supervisor, Ed Hayes, saying they had reviewed our dog control proposal. The dog control officer, Justin Hall, told them he did not have time to enforce our leash law. Mr. Hall later said he would do so only on a per call pay basis. Mr. Hall has not yet indicated what he would charge per call. Mayor Liendecker will continue to follow up.
Mayor Liendecker reported that there will be a BOA step 3 meeting on 1/29/16 to review 4 bids and possibly award the contractor. The work includes, but is not limited to, testing the mill site and the Thisse property for contaminants, a canal study, and a transportation study. Mayor Liendecker will attend the meeting.
Mayor Liendecker reported that Pete Wood does not want to come in the evening to an information session on garbage and recycling. It was suggested that we ask if he would consider a weekend session, a written question and answer report, or a video conference. The Mayor will contact Mr. Wood.
Mayor Liendecker reported that we need to complete a tentative budget in March and have a public hearing on it on or before 4/15/16.
Mayor Liendecker received one resume for the clerk position and she will schedule an interview for next week. She had four inquiries but only one response. Treasurer Ward thought she might know someone who would be interested in both the clerk and treasurer positions, but she now thinks they are no longer interested.
Mayor Liendecker proposed a policy and procedure for Rules of Village Board Meetings. On motion by Trustee Huntress, seconded by Trustee Skorupa and a unanimous vote the proposal was approved. Resolution # 06-2016 is attached.
Mayor Liendecker proposed to add credit cards to the payment in advance of audit claims because late charges had been incurred. The charges were waived but might not be in the future. Changing the due date of payments was suggested but could not be in effect prior to the next billing cycle. Trustee Skorupa motioned to approve payment in advance until the due date has been changed. This was seconded by Trustee Huntress and approved by unanimous vote. Resolution 07-2016 is attached.
Treasurer Ward reported that there is an Introduction to Governmental Accounting class given by the State Comptroller’s office. The Mayor will encourage the new treasurer to register for the class. They also offer an advanced class in accounting principles and procedures.
Two building permits were issued in the Village. There were no property changes or sales.
Mayor Liendecker received an email from County Legislator Dolhof regarding CFA funding and possible projects for the Village. The grants would pay 10% to 50%. Proposals must be submitted by June. Several projects were discussed: Fire Dept./DPW building repairs/ expansion/ new building; Storm water; sidewalks; LED street lights;
Mayor Liendecker reported that Jennifer Harvill from the Tug Hill Commission is looking into grants for a feasibility study on repairing or replacing the Village DPW/Fire Department building.
Mayor Liendecker reported that she had received a letter regarding an Arbor Day Community grant for shade trees. It was decided that we were not interested.
The NY Planning Federation Conference is April 17-18 in Saratoga Springs. Anyone interested in attending should contact Mayor Liendecker.
The annual Local Government Conference at JCC is scheduled for March 31st. There is a discount for early registration.
There will be a Community Development Government Efficiency Program meeting at Lowville Academy on Wed., Feb 24, from 6-9 pm. Topics include solar energy, IT, etc. Trustee Huntress stated that she may be interested in attending.
Trustee Huntress was congratulated on receiving an award at South Lewis Central School.
DPW Superintendent Ossont shared a proposed NYSDOT shared service agreement. On motion by Trustee Dolhof, seconded by Trustee Huntress and unanimous vote the agreement was approved; Resolution 08-2016 is attached.
A letter was received from the Lewis County Codes Department regarding inspection of Village buildings. Superintendent Ossont will set up a date for the inspections.
DPW Superintendent Ossont received a request from the Farmer’s Market organizers for use of the pavilion at the Village Park on Tuesdays from June 21, 2016 to October 11, 2016. Hours will be from noon to 5 pm. They also requested that the Village DPW staff continue to clear the picnic tables off the pavilion. Superintendent Ossont reported that they have moved the tables in the past and will continue to do so. The scheduling of use of the pavilion is done by Linda Higby. Trustee Dolhof will inform the organizers to contact Ms. Higby.
Trustee Dolhof reported on upcoming events sponsored by Lyons Falls ALIVE. The Black Moose Kayak Event will take place from 5/20-5/22. The Lyons Falls Festival is scheduled for 7/9/16. ALIVE is considering having a dinner that evening. The Lyons Falls Park will be used for both events. Trustee Huntress reported that the school will be sponsoring a 5K event on 5/21/16 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in conjunction with the kayak event. Event organizers will need to request a variance from the Village for camping at the park that weekend and for any other activities occurring after dark.
Trustee Skorupa requested that the Mayor sign an ALS agreement with the Villages of Turin and Constableville. On motion of Trustee Huntress, seconded by Trustee Dorrity and a unanimous vote it was approved. Resolution # 09-2016, attached.
Trustee Skorupa reported that when the Village water tanks are down no water is available for fighting fires in the winter. Otis Technologies has wells which they are willing to let the fire department use as long as there is an agreement that Otis won’t be responsible for any possible damage incurred to vehicles, etc. These types of requests in an agreement are normal related to such use.
Trustee Skorupa reported that a dry hydrant is supposed to be installed as part the hydro project. When that is on line water will be available to the fire department in the winter.
Trustee Skorupa reported that he wrote a letter against Search and Rescue’s application for a CON for Lewis County. He stated that if Search and Rescue takes over ambulance services to towns and villages, the Lyons Falls Fire Department would not be able to financially survive.
The next budget meeting will be held 2/15/16 at 6 pm.
The next regular Board meeting will be 2/22/16 at 6 pm.
Motion was made by Trustee Huntress and seconded by Trustee Dorrity to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Minutes were taken by Trustee Donna Dolhof.
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Donna Dolhof