Tayler Viegut

NTC Marketing

Mr. Will

Marketing Principles Reflection Paper

Before entering the marketing principles class, I had hoped to learn more about our market today. Many of kids in high school just forget about the market, and how it truly affects them in the long run. I also hoped to become more knowledgeable about things to allow me to be a better and smarter consumer out in our world.

Being realistic my skill level in the marketing principles class was not there at all.

In high school I was never exposed to a strategic marketing plan. Prior to this class, if someone would have set a marketing plan in front of me, I would have just looked at them and been like all this is, is a bunch of random statistics and paragraphs. But after looking in depth at a strategic marketing plan I know how much time and effort is put into each one. There’s a reason behind every single part. After I built my own strategic marketing plan, I then knew all the information that’s gathered from different sources.

Entering the North Central Technical College Marketing Certificate Program, I had no knowledge of anything in marketing. I didn’t even know what the marketing mix was. My skill level has dramatically increased. I can tell you exactly what the four p’s of the marketing mix are; product, price, place, and promotion. Not only that but I can tell you what each one means and how they are involve in our market. This is just one of the many things that I have learned so far through the course of this class.

My current skill level compared to what I had hoped to learn in this course is considerably higher. I came in hoping that I would just be able to understand the way the market works. This way I wouldn’t be one of those people who is always paying too much or lost money on a deal. Well I came to find out that marketing is so much more! Being taken through each step individually through projects has helped me the most to understand the marketing world, and let me tell you it’s not what you think. I know for a fact there’s so much more and I’m only two classes in to the Marketing Program.

At first when we started working on the strategic marketing plan I was so lost. I couldn’t find anything to put into the plan. I wasn’t even sure if my answers I was getting were correct. When it came down to it I realized that all the answers were right in front of me. That was probably the hardest part for me. I then took my time and closely read the paper and I started hammering out answers and making my very own strategic marketing plan. I have learned from this situation to stay patient and read things very thoroughly, and when I do become frustrated I can’t give up, I have to just keep pushing because in the end it will all work out.

The techniques that I used to help me get through the dilemma with strategic marketing plan are great things to keep in mind when it comes to life. I know that everyone has those days when nothing can go right and you give up because you’re just so sick of failing. It’s those people who fail the most, get back up and keep pushing that succeed. I’ve been in that position myself so many times, but I know that if I give up I’ll never be okay with the out come of anything. I’m the person who strives for success and I don’t like to settle for less. This class isn’t a breeze, it involves work and it pushes us to get things done. I can’t complain because I know that this is just a lesson for life. It’s not meant to be easy, but it’s not meant to be hard either. It’s just how you make it out to be.

I will continue to enhance my skills and perfect them as the years go on because I know I have my whole life a head of me. I will keep pushing myself to do better and beyond because I know it’s possible and I feel myself as a student is completely capable.

It happens, people get bad grades, and people get good grades. The only person who decides the fate of that is you. I personally am not going to school for anything to do with marketing, but I wouldn’t go back and change it for anything. I’m learning a great deal of things that I will take on and use in my future whether I have a job in the field or not. I think it’s a great class for anyone, and I highly recommend it. You never know, once you’re in marketing, you may find this is the career you may someday want to peruse.