Physical Education Unit Test Exemplar

Student Description

This test will be given to all eighth grade students at XXXX Jr. High. The school is ranked in the top three Jr. Highs in California, based on an API score of 960. This shows the level of intelligence of the majority of the students, so I feel that this test is very appropriate for their level. Over 90% of the students have tested at or above “proficient” on the CST English-Language Arts test last year as 7th Graders1. Having this amount of English proficient students, I still feel that it is important to write the test at a reading level less than their current grade (Reading S = 3.02). I have included the majority of points from short-answer questions to have students utilize higher order thinking skills (diagram, explain, justify) because students’ writing scores from the CST are just as high. Overall, the students are very intelligent and I do not anticipate students having great difficulty completing this test.

1Cited from

2From course reader on pages 160-1, recommending that reading level be appropriate and use simple language.

Table of Specifications

Outcomes to Assess / Item Types w/ Item Numbers
Content Standard / Objectives / True-False / Short Answer
(1 point ea.) / (2 points ea.)
1.4 – Apply locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills to team physical activities.
(5 points) / TSWBAT Implement and describe the elements of a successful pass, trap, and dribble in the team activity of soccer. / 1,3,4
3 points / 9
2 points
2.5 – Diagram, explain, and justify offensive and defensive strategies in modified and team sport games and activities.
(8 points) / TSWBAT Diagram, explain, and justify a selected formation (offensive/defensive strategy) given a specific situation. / 10,11,12
6 points
TSWBAT Explain how a defensive strategy (either altering formation or shepherding) can help an individual or team be successful. / 7
2 points
5.1 – Abide by the decisions of the officials, accept the outcome of the game, and show appreciation of participants.
(2 points) / TSWBAT Demonstrate and identify two aspects of positive sportsmanship. / 13
2 points
5.2 – Organize and work cooperatively with a group to achieve the goals of the group.
(3 points) / TSWBAT Demonstrate knowledge of the modified rules for our soccer games. / 2,5,6
3 points
5.6 – Describe leadership roles and responsibilities within the context of team games and activities.
(2 points) / TSWBAT Demonstrate and describe the leadership roles and responsibilities of team captains during our modified soccer games. / 8
2 points

The Standards addressed in this assessment are:

1.4 – Apply locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills to team physical activities.

2.5 – Diagram, explain, and justify offensive and defensive strategies in modified and team sport games and activities.

5.1 – Abide by the decisions of the officials, accept the outcome of the game, and show appreciation of participants.

5.2 – Organize and work cooperatively with a group to achieve the goals of the group.

5.6 – Describe leadership roles and responsibilities within the context of team games and activities.

All objectives fall under the above content standards. By the end of this unit, the students will be able to:

  1. Implement and describe the elements of a successful pass, trap, and dribble in the team activity of soccer (1.4).
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the modified rules for our soccer games (5.2).
  3. Demonstrate and describe the leadership roles and responsibilities of team captains during our modified soccer games (5.6).
  4. Explain how a defensive strategy (either altering formation or shepherding) can help an individual or team be successful (2.5).
  5. Diagram, explain, and justify a selected formation (offensive/defensive strategy) given a specific situation (2.5).
  6. Demonstrate and identify two aspects of positive sportsmanship (5.1).

Soccer Unit Test

Directions: Print all answers in the space provided. Include your full name and period. If you need to change an answer, completely erase it and rewrite your answer. Follow the individual instructions for each category.

8th Physical Education

Mr. X

Your Name:______Mr. X

Period:______Score: _____/ 20

Soccer Unit Test

True or False (1 point each): answer the following questions by writing “true” or “false” in the space provided. T or F is NOT acceptable!

1)_____ When dribbling a soccer ball, you should keep your head and eyes up.

2)_____ Teams were allowed to use throw-ins during our modified soccer games.

3)_____ For the best accuracy, you should pass the ball making contact with your toe.

4)_____ To trap a pass, a player should absorb the force of the ball.

5)_____ In our modified soccer games, corner kicks were awarded to the offense.

6)_____ During the modified soccer games, the teams were allowed to change their formation whenever they wanted.

Short-Answer (2 points each): print your responses using complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling.

7)Describe the defensive strategy/skill of shepherding.





8)Describe two duties of a Captain during our soccer unit.





9)Where on the ball do you want to make contact when making a pass on the ground?

Print your answer below and mark the ball

with an X in the appropriate location.



10)Identify a formation, using six players, which your team could use if losing 1-0 in the last two minutes of a soccer game (list the formation as numbers!).

11)Diagram the formation that you identified from question 10 (use X to identify players and do not include the opposing team).



12)Explain and/or justify why the formation identified in question 10 would help your team be successful in the given situation.

13)Describe two aspects of positive sportsmanship (hint: think about the Standard that you learned – what were the two parts of the Standard?).

Your Name:______Mr. X

Period:______Score: _____/ 20

Soccer Unit Test – ANSWER KEY

True or False (1 point each): answer the following questions by writing “true” or “false” in the space provided. T or F is NOT acceptable!

14)TRUE When dribbling a soccer ball, you should keep your head and eyes up.

15)FALSE Teams were allowed to use throw-ins during our modified soccer games.

16)FALSE For the best accuracy, you should pass the ball making contact with your toe.

17)TRUE To trap a pass, a player should absorb the force of the ball.

18)FALSE In our modified soccer games, corner kicks were awarded to the offense.

19)TRUE During the modified soccer games, the teams were allowed to change their formation whenever they wanted.

Short-Answer (2 points each): print your responses using complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling.

20)Describe the defensive strategy/skill of shepherding.

Shepherding can be described as the act of forcing an offensive player with the ball to a location that you want him/her to go. This will allow your defense more time to recover. Another objective of shepherding is to utilize the sideline as a second defender, forcing the opponent to take the ball over the line (turnover).

21)Describe two duties of a Captain during our soccer unit.

All three duties of Captains during our soccer unit were creating a formation (assigning positions), officiating the game with the opposing Captain, and reporting the official score to the teacher at the end of the period. (students earned one point if they only had one duty correct out of two)

22)Where on the ball do you want to make contact when making a pass on the ground?

Print your answer below and mark the ball

with an X in the appropriate location.

When making a pass on the ground, I want to make contact with the ball at the center point (equator).

23)Identify a formation, using six players, which your team could use if losing 1-0 in the last two minutes of a soccer game (list the formation as numbers!).

A formation that my team could use in the situation would be a 2-1-3 (as long as the numbers add up to six, this question is correct. They will need to explain why they chose this formation in question 12).

24)Diagram the formation that you identified from question 10 (use X to identify players and do not include the opposing team).



25)Explain and/or justify why the formation identified in question 10 would help your team be successful in the given situation.

This formation will help my team be success in the given situation by increasing our chance to score a game-tying goal. The formation is more offensive, so if we don’t score we can add yet another forward (a 1-1-4 formation). (this answer should be aligned with the formation – offensive is a higher last number, and a defensive is a higher first number)

26)Describe two aspects of positive sportsmanship (hint: think about the Standard that you learned – what were the two parts of the Standard?).

Two aspects of positive sportsmanship that I learned are accepting the outcome of each game and appreciating my opponents (students need both for full credit).

Explanation & Rationale

I designed this test in simplistic form, using True/False and Short-Answer item formats. I decided to avoid the Multiple Choice item format because it is quite difficult to write them in a way that provides valid and reliable results. I feel that the items I have created will appropriately sample the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities as they are directly related to the objectives and standards for student learning. The items also are efficient to my class as we take our tests in the gym and have very limited time for completion. It will also be easy for me to interpret the information accurately as the majority of the items have one complete and correct answer.

The True/False items have been created so that they are not give-away items. Many of the items may be true in regular soccer games, but the students used modified game rules to ensure safety and participation by all students. This is important because this will separate students who learned the modified rules from the students who did not. In alignment with recommendations for True/False items, they are definitely either true or false and leave no room for misinterpretation. Only one central theme is included for each item and I have included more false than true items, as guessers tend to guess true (Course Reader 162). There is no obvious response pattern as the correct answers in order are TFFTFT. One recommendation from the course reader that I disagree with is having students print a T if the statement is true and F if it is false. This may lead to a decrease in reliability as some students may attempt to print a hybrid letter that assumes the look of both T and F. If the teacher automatically marks the item incorrect due to the hybrid letter, reliability is affected because the result could be different depending upon the hybrid letter – does it look more like a T or F?

The Short-Answer items allow the students to apply their learned knowledge, skills and abilities to describe, identify, diagram, and explain specific learning objectives.

The short-answer items are significant because they are directly connected to the learning objectives and standards for the unit – leading to increased validity for this test. These items will be more difficult to score, as I will have to create a plan for partial credit even though most of the items have one correct answer.

I have chosen to use more short-answer items to allow for higher order thinking (application and analysis) rather than simple recall or recognition of facts. Recall and recognition of facts is important, so I have included the true/false items. The number of items chosen is appropriate to my classes as it could be difficult to give all students enough time to complete the test during our physical education class. My classes range from 24 students up to 48 students. There is not a classroom on campus that can accommodate this size so we are forced to administer tests in the gym. This is obviously not a perfect setting for the students so I allow students who do not feel comfortable or who need additional time to take the test in the library (librarian monitored).

In the course reader (page 166), it is recommended to use a red marker to score tests as it signals stop or wrong, and that’s what we want to convey. I strongly disagree with this recommendation. I feel that it is important for students to know which items they got incorrect, but an alternative color – such as green – would be much more appropriate. Along with the color red comes a negative connotation of a student’s grade. You do not want the student to feel dejected about their test just by seeing red slash marks across the entire thing! There is nothing worse than when you are returning a test and the notoriously poor student receives their test filled with red. What are they to think? Will they honestly review what they missed or will they simply not care to even look at it?

I have placed a large emphasis (8 total points) – 40% of the test – on the objective that students will be able to diagram, explain, and justify offensive and defensive strategies in modified and team sport games and activities. I have done this because without the knowledge and skills about formations and offensive/defensive skills and strategies, the students will not be able to participate effectively in modified game play. At the beginning of the unit, I let students simply play a game and video taped them. The following day, we reviewed their play and each class decided that it was best to learn how to make the games more meaningful. This included skill acquisition (such as passing, trapping, shooting), but the students agreed that the most important lessons would be on positions, formations and offensive/defensive skills and strategies. As a physical educator, this is definitely order of progression in almost all activities, but it was much more important to have the students realize this progression (rather than having the teacher simply tell them). With this realization, I felt that it was important to assess their knowledge of the most important lessons by giving a majority of the points to it.

The results of the test will help guide the following unit of volleyball. If students do not score well on the offensive/defensive standard, I will be re-teaching many similar strategies but changing the activity to help students learn how to apply the strategies to various activities. I will include references to the past lessons for formations and offensive/defensive skills and strategies (from soccer) in the volleyball plan to help students’ transfer of learning of the skills and strategies from one activity to another. If students scored very well on the standard, this will enable the volleyball unit to go into greater depth to further the students’ knowledge – allowing them to get into the synthesis and evaluation level of Bloom’s Taxonomy – for offensive/defensive skills and strategies.