Managing Vacancy Information
About this Guide
This guide explains the facilities that are available for system administrators to manage their organisation’s vacancy related information on NHS Jobs.
The features described in this guide are only available to system administrators.
The facilities are covered in the following order:
· Documents and Links
· Job Packs
· Role Documents
· Vacancy Templates
Documents and Links
Where to start
To add or manage documents and links select the ‘Documents and links’ option in the Admin section of the left hand navigation.
This area allows you to view and manage English documents and links that can be included in job packs and/or be individually selected to appear on vacancy adverts.
You can add up to 50 organisation-specific documents and up to 50 organisation-specific links.
When you access the ‘Documents and Links’ section, you will see the following:
If you wish to add Welsh documents & links, select "Welsh" in the left-hand menu.
Adding a Document
To add a new document, select the ‘Add a document’ button. Use the browse button to locate a new document to upload from your computer or local network. The acceptable file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx and pdf. The filename should be less than 90 characters in length.
Enter a description which will be used when the document is listed on the vacancy form and job advert. The description should be less than 100 characters in length.
Editing a Document
To edit an existing document select the Edit link for the relevant document. You can edit the document itself, or the document description, or both. Any edits to a document will immediately be reflected on existing vacancies that use the document.
If you wish to substantially change a document, please add a new document rather than editing an existing one.
You will be given the option to see any vacancies that currently use the document.
Deleting a Document
To delete an existing document select the Delete link for the relevant document. Check the document carefully to ensure you've selected the correct one to delete. If you delete a document it will immediately be removed from existing vacancies that use the document. You will be given the option to see any vacancies that currently use the document.
Adding a Link
To add a link, select the ‘Add a link’ button. Enter a description which will be used when the link is displayed on the vacancy form and job advert. The description should be less than 100 characters in length.
Enter a URL. Use the form: You may include local parameters. The URL should be less than 1000 characters. Due to the flexible nature of these links, the targets will always appear in a new window or tab.
Editing a Link
To edit an existing link select the Edit option for the link you wish to edit. You can edit the description or the URL or both. Any edits to a link will immediately be reflected on existing vacancies that use the link.
If you wish to substantially change the link, please add a new link rather than editing an existing one.
You will be given the option to see any vacancies that currently use the link.
Deleting a Link
To delete an existing link select the Delete option for the link you wish to delete. Check the link carefully to ensure you've selected the correct one to delete. If you delete a link it will immediately be removed from existing vacancies that use the link. You will be given the option to see any vacancies that currently use the link.
Job Packs
Where to start
To add or manage job packs select the ‘Job packs’ option in the Admin section of the left hand navigation.
When adding a vacancy, if a job pack is selected the documents and links associated with that job pack will automatically be included on the vacancy advert in the order specified in the job pack.
A default job pack can be indicated which will be included on all job adverts unless changed at the point of creating the vacancy.
When you access the ‘Job Packs’ section, you will see the following:
Adding a Job Pack
To add a job pack, select the ‘Add a job pack’ button on the Job Packs page. You must give the job pack a reference code and job pack name. You will be able to select to include in the pack any of the documents or links that have been created in the Documents and Links section. You must choose at least one document or link to include in the pack. You will be able to indicate a display order which will be the order in which the documents and links will be listed on the vacancy when the job pack is used.
Viewing and Editing a Job Pack
To view or edit and existing job pack, select the ‘Edit/View’ link for the relevant job pack. You can edit the name of the job pack, change the documents/links associated with it and the order in which the documents and links will appear on the vacancy advert.
Any edits made to the job pack will NOT be reflected on existing vacancies that use the job pack. They will only be used for new vacancies.
Deleting a Job Pack
To delete a job pack, select the ‘Delete’ link for the relevant job pack. Please check the job pack carefully to ensure you've selected the correct one to delete.
Role Document Library
Where to start
To add or manage role documents select the ‘Role document’ option in the Admin section of the left hand navigation.
This area allows you to create and manage a library of role specific documents. These may include Job descriptions, person specifications and risk assessment documents.
Documents stored in this library can be easily selected when creating vacancies instead of needing to locate and upload documents each time. Using documents stored in the role document library may also help ensure that all similar vacancies across your organisation are using the correct documentation for that particular job.
When you access the ‘Role Document Library’ section, you will see the following:
Adding a Role Document
To add a new role document, select the ‘Add a role document’ button. Indicate the document type, ie Job Description, Person Specification or Risk Assessment. Give the document a meaningful name, eg Staff Nurse Job Description. Use the browse button to locate a new document to upload from your computer or local network. The acceptable file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx and pdf. The filename should be less than 90 characters in length.
Viewing and Editing a Role Document
To view and edit an existing role document, select the Edit/View link for the relevant role document. It is possible to edit the role document itself, the description of the role document and the staff group the document belongs to.
Deleting a Role Document
To delete an existing role document, select the Delete link for the relevant role document. Check the document carefully to ensure you've selected the correct one to delete.
Vacancy Templates
Where to start
To add or manage vacancy templates select the ‘Vacancy templates’ option in the Admin section of the left hand navigation.
Please note – it is also possible to save vacancy details as a template when adding a new vacancy in the Vacancies area of their account. One of the save options available on the vacancy form is to save the information as a template.
This area allows you to create and manage a library of vacancy templates for your organisation. Each organisation may store up to 20 vacancy templates.
Vacancy templates are created using the same information entered when adding a new vacancy. You may choose to create vacancy templates for vacancies you advertise frequently where the job details and any additional questions are the same for each position advertised. Using stored vacancy templates can make the process of creating job adverts for frequently advertised positions quicker and easier.
When you access the ‘Vacancy Templates’ section, you will see the following:
Creating Vacancy Templates
To create a vacancy template, select the ‘ Add a vacancy template’ button on the Vacancy Templates page. Give the template a meaningful name, one that can be understood when selecting it from a drop-down selector. You may also include a template description for your benefit if you wish.
Complete as much of the vacancy template as needed. A vacancy template can have as much of the vacancy information included or just have a few key items. The template can be used to define the additional questions and application form to use with the vacancy. The reference number and date fields will not be saved as these will be different for each vacancy.
Viewing and Editing Vacancy Templates
To view or edit a vacancy template, select the ‘Edit/View’ link for the relevant template. If you make any changes to the template that you wish to save, select the ‘Save as Template’ button at the bottom of the form.
Deleting Vacancy Templates
If you wish to delete a vacancy template, select the ‘Delete’ link to the right of the relevant template.
5 May 2013 1 © NHS Jobs 2013