Mr. Kuo’s Calculus AB AP Course
Materials that you must bring every day:
-College-ruled lined paper (8 ½” x 11”) and graph paper
-Pencils and red pens
-Notebook for daily notes and a separate notebook for daily starters
-Graphing calculator
-Covered Textbooks
Office Hours: Make use of my office hours for help. My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3pm to 3:30pm. In addition, there is math help available throughout the day from other math teachers as well as CSF tutoring. Information for this free help will soon be posted in my room.
- 100-90 A, 89-80 B, 79-70 C, 69-60 D, 59 and below F
- 5% of your grade is based on participation grade
- 30% of your grade is based on homework grade
- 65% of your grade is based on test grade (includes any quizzes and semester exams)
PARTICIPATION– 5% of overall grade
- Every student starts with 500 participation points at the start of each semester
- Extra Credit is factored into the participation category
- Consistently volunteer to answer questions as well as ask good questions
- Daily Extra Credit Problems –factored in at semester’s end
- Extra Credit quizzes during lunch (to be announced)
- Miscellaneous tasks
- Ways to lose participation points
- Each tardy = 25 point deduction. (everyone gets one freebie)
- Each unexcused absence (truancy) = 50 point deduction.
- Not paying attention = 25 point deduction.
- Chewing gum / food & drinks = 25 point deduction.
- Cell phone, audio device, camera = 50 point deduction along with a referral
- Not bringing required materials to class = 25 point deduction
HOMEWORK – 30% of overall grade
- You will be assigned homework EVERY NIGHT, expect it!
- In order to receive all 100 points on an assignment you must copy ALL directions and problemsassigned, attempt EVERY problem, show ALL the necessary work, have the correct heading on your paperin pen(name, date, period, row#, seat#, assignment), and staple your pages together before class. Homework should be folded vertically down the middle. Answers should be boxed, circled, or highlighted.
- Not attempting one problem = 20 point deduction.
- Not attempting more than one problem, but completingat least 2/3 of the problem set = 50 point deduction.
- Not attempting more than 2/3 of the problem set = zero credit.
- Imperfect heading or Not stapled or Not folded vertically = 20 point deduction
- Not using graph paper for graphs = 20 point deduction. Graphs can be glued or stapled to the assignment.
- Homework completed in pen or No name or No work shown = zero credit
- All directions and problems not written down = 50 point deduction.
- Homework Corrections
- Must be done in non-black ink (preferably red)
- A pencil on your desk is considered cheating – put it away!
- Write down correct answers for any problem missed
- Copy down the appropriate work
- Late assignments
- Accepted up to five class days after it was due.
- Place on Mr Kuo’s podium with a bolded “LATE” written in pen at the top of the page
- 50 points given if assignment fulfills every requirement set in the description above
- 0 points given if anything is missing
- If you have an excused absence from school due to illness, etc., you have the same number of days to turn in work as you were absent. If you are absent, it is up to YOU to find out what your missing assignment is. Monthly assignment sheets will be posted on Mr. Kuo’s website.Place absent work at the bottom of the PURPLE tray before class starts with a bolded “ABSENT” written in pen at the top of the page.
- “Integrity” – Homework will not be accepted without this word written below the last problem of your homework assignment in pen, with your signature in the line below. Signing Integrity tells me that you completed the assignment on your own, that you did not copy anyone else’s assignment, and that you did not lend your assignment to someone else.
- Extra Credit Problems – These will need to be completed on a separate sheet of paper with the same heading as the homework. Place in right tray, second from bottom before the bell rings each day
TESTS - 65% of overall grade
- One given at the end of each chapter
- Each test is worth 2000 points
- Final exam is worth 4000 points (cumulative, end of semester)
- Make-up tests will be given to students that have an excused absence. This will be administered in class on the day that the student returns.
- Email me before the end of the first week
- In the subject line, write your first and last name
- Important information about the class will be sent out before every test and on most weekends
- Be in your seat ready to work by the time the bell rings.
- The school’s tardy policy will be enforced (referrals starting with the fourth tardy).
- No talking without permission. Raise your hand if you have a question.
- Do not get out of your seat without permission.
- Bring all necessary materials to class everyday.
- First offense: either on a test, quiz, or homework assignment, you will receive a “0” on that assessment in addition to a 100 point participation deduction. Your parents will be notified and your GLC will be contacted for a cheating contract.
- Each additional offense:200 point participation deduction.
Bring home for parent signature to acknowledge that all responsible parties understand and have read this document. This handout is to remain in your math binder.
Parent NameStudent Name
Parent SignatureStudent Signature