Are you 15 - 19 years old, living in Glasgow and MAD ABOUT MOVIES? Do you want to learn about animation? Do you want to explore techniques in doing different types of animation and earn new approaches to working with technology to develop your own animations?
Autumn Animation School aims to provide you with practical skills in model making and other techniques for creating 2D and 3D animations. The course will be taught through using affordable and accessible technology to enable you to make your own animations.
GMAC Film Autumn Animation School will take place in the city centre of Glasgow and is FREE to attend with refreshments provided and travel reimbursed. All participants will get training in different types of techniques and technologies - in return Autumn Animation School requires you to commit to the following Schedule which comprises of 8x TUESDAY evening sessions and 2x SUNDAY sessions:
· Tuesday 20th October : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
· Tuesday 27th October : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
· Tuesday 3rd November : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
· Tuesday 10th November : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
· Sunday 15th November: 10am - 4pm
· Tuesday 17th November : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
· Tuesday 24th November : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
· Sunday 29th November: 10am - 4pm
· Tuesday 1st December : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
· Tuesday 8th December : 5.30pm - 8.30pm
Age on 20th October 2015: _______________ Date of Birth:____________________________
____________________________________________ Postcode:________________________________
Contact Number___________________________ Are you: Male / Female
Email Address:
Are you available to attend EVERY SESSION? Yes / No
Have you ever made an animation before? Yes / No
If YES, what was the best part about it? ______________________________________________
If YES, what was the most challenging part about it? ________________________________
What is your favourite ANIMATED FILM and why?_____________________________________
Please tell us what you would like to LEARN about Animation?
Please tell us WHY you would like to be a part of AUTUMN ANIMATION School:
(feel free to continue onto another page ~ and make this bit WOW us too!!!)
Please let us know if you:
Have a disability Yes c No c
Are a young carer Yes c No c
Are In looked after accommodated care Yes c No c
What is your Ethnic group?
White Scottish c White British c White Other c
Mixed / Multiple Ethnic groups c African c
Asian / Scottish Asian/ British Asian c Black / Caribbean c Other c
How did you hear about this course?: ________________________________________________
Please return this form by WEDNESDAY 7th October 2015
By Post: Autumn Animation, GMAC Film, 5th floor, Trongate 103, Glasgow, G1 5HD
By Email:
We will be in contact with you on FRIDAY 9TH October to let you know if you have a place J GOOD LUCK
Some other information about GMAC Film & how we fund this project:
GMAC Film creates chances for people to learn about filmmaking, develop their professional and creative skills and make films. Our training initiatives span film literacy, masterclasses, apprenticeships and networking. Telephone: 0141 5535400
This project is supported by Creative Scotland’s CashBack for Creativity Programme and The Big Fund’s Young Start Programme to benefit Scotland’s young people.
Glasgow Media Access Centre Ltd. 5th Floor, Trongate 103, Glasgow, G1 5HD
Charity No: SC002525 Company No: 155843