Parkland has a new resource for K-5 literacy instruction.
LEAD21 offers Theme Readers (Big Book format in primary grades).
· Authentic literature to introduce theme concept
· Designed for whole group interactive reading
· Front load vocabulary, a proven strategy for speedy mastery of word meanings
LEAD21 offers Differentiated Readers.
· 4 levels of Differentiated Readers build a connected text set
· Each Differentiated Reader contains 4 selections for more reading mileage
· Theme connects selections in Differentiated Reader allowing all students voice
· Leveled connected text sets use the SAME: content vocabulary and skill / strategy focus saving teaching time
LEAD21 offers an online coach. A virtual literacy coach provides support for students to access more complex text ensuring that ALL students have access to grade level content.
LEAD21 offers a wide range of readability.
Kindergarten / Grade 1 / Grade 2 / Grade 3 / Grade 4 / Grade 5Grade
Spans / 10 reading levels / 11 reading levels / 11 reading levels / 12 reading levels / 15 reading levels / 18 reading levels
LEAD21 offers grade and age appropriate text to meet reading levels across grades: A level 10 in first grade is different from a level 10 in any other grade so ALL students are motivated.
LEAD21 offers a built-in Acceleration Plan – the program roadmap and instructional routines provide greater support for reading more complex texts ensuring students move beyond making progress to achieving grade level proficiency.
LEAD21 embeds 21st Century Skills and Common Core State Standards every day, every week, every grade
· Thematic connection provides daily opportunities for Cross-text sharing, engages ALL students in communication and collaboration creating a community of learners
· Inquiry projects developed in heterogeneous groups provide ALL students opportunities to access / evaluate information, communicate / collaborate and create / present – Inquiry is at the heart of the program ensuring that ALL students have access to grade level content