MSCSC Board of Directors Meeting held on December 11, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Dave Murk. Board Members in attendance: Pat Burns, Beverly Sassa, David Murk, Linda Baldwin, Jim Baldwin, Rita Morris, Richard Meyer, and Patrick Lugenbeel. Board Members absent were Joseph Williams, Amy Scofield and Richard Parker.
MEETING MINUTES :The first order of business was the approval of the November 2014 meeting minutes. The Board members in attendance voted their approval of those meeting minutes.
5 YEAR BUDGET – discussed possible expenses, piggybacking off November meeting notes. We think we will need lap lane ropes and estimate this to be $5k. Need to build up reserves. Seems comfortable with 2015 budget but need to confirm with Joseph Williams and get input from John Currie especially if he can source a less expensive option for lane ropes. We tentatively approved the 2015 capital expenditure budget.
POTOMAC WOODS DIRECTORY – discussed the possibility of advertising in this neighborhood directory. We examined the cost and benefit and determined that our funds would be best spent on a direct mail campaign similar to last spring.
MEMBERSHIP FEES - the board members present agreed to increase the annual membership dues effective immediately. Family dues were $675 and will increase $20 to $695 for the family category. Single and empty nest rates remain unchanged. It was also agreed not to change the “Amazing only $1,275 Deal”. Our plan is to set the $20 increase per family aside for the 5 year capital expense fund. Member notification of $20 increase to Be made in annual pool membership mail out.
SWIM TEAM UPDATE- Joe Flaherty not formally committed but has verbally agreed to return next season. Contract sent but no response as of 12/11/14. Meeting to be coordinated between Joe and Swim Reps (date unknown) for division of responsibilities.
FOOD TRUCK UPDATE – Food truck no longer operating in our lot. They need a special exemption from M.C. planning board. Hearing to be held to see if they are willing to consider a special exception. If yes, then a study is conducted and the appeal is considered. If the necessary permits are obtained then they can begin operating again. Some suggested one truck (not two) and maybe just weekends or operating on lower lot away from daycare. This all remains up in the air until a decision is made by Montgomery County.
NEW BOARD MEMBER NOMINATION Congratulations to Jeremy White who was nominated and approved as a board member. David Murk will notify Jeremy.
MONTHLY MEETINGS – It was suggested that the board could meet every other month during the off season and then meet monthly when necessary. The Board agreed to consider for next offseason.
CLOSE: Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m. The next Board of Directors meeting will occur on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015 at the Sassa’s residence.
Prepared and submitted by: Linda Baldwin 12/21/14