Assessment and Moderation

KS2 Writing Moderators required

We are seeking expressions of interest from teachers with recent experience of working within year 6 to join a successful, committed and highly respected KS2 writing moderation team for the academic year 2015/16. This is an excellent CPD opportunity which will benefit both the teacher and other staff within the school. As a moderator you will have the opportunity to work collaboratively as part of a team across the Wakefield district supporting teachers and ensuring accurate outcomes for pupils.

The Role of the Moderator is to:

  • Lead professional dialogue with practitioners to ensure the accuracy and consistency of teacher assessment and moderation of writing for year 6.
  • Provide exemplification and support materials demonstrating outstanding assessment and moderation practices.
  • Scrutinise and interpret evidence against national exemplification.
  • Complete professional documentation to evidence the outcomes of moderation meetings and visits.
  • Represent the Local Authority (LA) and disseminate best practice and national key messages as outlined by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA).
  • Engage in quality assurance and peer moderation procedures and practices as required by the LA to ensure outstanding KS2 writing moderation and assessment across the district.

To enable you to fulfil these duties full training is provided. New moderators will also be provided with a mentor to support them in the role.

Applicants for KS2 writing moderators will need to demonstrate:

  • A thorough knowledge of standards for end of KS2 statutory assessments.
  • An in depth knowledge of assessment at the end of KS2.
  • Recent experience of working in year 6.
  • Rigorous and robust internal assessment and moderation practice within their own school context.
  • Robust external moderation practice through collaboration with other schools in the Wakefield district and/or other local authorities.
  • Excellent communication skills and an ability to listen and work sensitively with peers and colleagues whilst providing challenge and support.

This role will involve up to 10 days release from school to undertake training, school visits, attendance at LA moderation meetings and administrative work. Cover payments for all moderation activities undertaken will be paid directly to school. The role must be undertaken with full agreement and authorisation from the head teacher.

Applications from both experienced moderators and those new to the role will be welcomed.

Please note previous moderators are not automatically recruited - they will need to re-apply.

Please contact Jaqui Spedding (Assessment & Moderation Co-ordinator) on 01977 721506 or email for further information.

Please forward your expression of interest by completing the attached KS2 application form and returning by email to by Friday 13 November 2015.

Wakefield KS2 Moderator Pool 2015 / 2016

Expression of Interest Form.

Name :


Current Role:

School contact number:School based e-mail address:

Recent and relevant experience of assessment and moderation at KS2

Headteacher endorsement:

Headteacher’s name:

Please return this form electronically to Jaqui Spedding, email address: by Friday 13 November 2015.