MLES Knightingales Show Choir

When: Thursday mornings 7:15-7:40

Who: 4th and 5th graders

I am so excited about this year and all of the great things that I have planned for our Knightingales show choir! It is going to be a great year. We meet every Thursday morning in the music room from 7:15-7:40. There is a ONE TIME $50.00 donation for each student that is a Knightingale. This covers their t-shirt, music, facility rental for performances, and field trip fees. You only pay this one time, not every month. Please make checks payable to MLES and put “Knightingales” on the memo line. This is due by September 1, 2015.

We will have many opportunities to sing and perform throughout the school year. We only practice on Thursday mornings, with the exception of ONE Saturday rehearsal in the fall. I will get a date to you very soon. This rehearsal will be a lot of fun because I will bring in a professional show choir choreographer and we will learn some fun, new choreography for our songs. We will benefit so much from having this fun rehearsal day! If you have a conflict on that Saturday, you can let me know and maybe your child can attend part of the rehearsal. We can work with you with conflicts. We will have a Holiday Show in December and a Spring Show in April or May. I will send out a calendar by the end of the month with exact dates. We will take several field trips this year to perform. We have been asked to perform for a state-wide reading teacher’s meeting in Birmingham and we will also participate in the Shelby County Choral Festival in the spring.

You will purchase one costume for your child and they will wear it for every performance. Here are the links for purchasing the dress for the girls, the dress will be ordered in Red. The dress that comes up on the link might be a different color, but click on the option that says Red. There are three links for you to choose from. They all have the same dress.

I recommend ordering ASAP so that sizes do not run out. They should be about $30.00-$35.00 and shipping is free with Amazon Prime. Please do not wait to order. We will need these for a performance in October, November and December. We will also use them several times in the Spring. They will wear BLACK flat dress shoes with the dresses. No flip flops or sandals please. I know they sell these at Walmart.

Boys will wear a tux shirt with a Red bowtie. I will order those and will send information home regarding when to send in your payment for that. It is usually about $28.00.You will need to get a pair of black dress pants and black shoes to wear with the tux shirt. Again, we will wear these all year for performances.

Please fill out and turn in the Knightingales application form and your money by September 1 . We will not have auditions this year to be in Knightingales. Our first rehearsal will be Thursday, September 8. I am so excited about a wonderful year!

Making a Joyful Noise,

Haley Spates

Mt Laurel Music Director and Knightingales Show Choir Director

Applicant name_______________________________________________ Grade______________

Homeroom teacher________________________________

Mom’s name______________________________ Dad’s name_____________________________

Email that you use for communication (please print very clearly. I use this for communication a lot of information) __________ _______________________________________________

*also check my blog weekly because I put a lot of information on there.