MINUTES of the first meeting of the 2000/2001 academic year held on
Monday, 16 October 2000, in the Council Room, Queen Anne Court, Maritime Greenwich University Campus, commencing at 7.30 pm.
Present: Mr C R H Bull (in the Chair)
Prof D Chambers / Mrs A-M NelsonMs F Crook / Mr P E Oldham
Mrs G D duCharme / Mr D Pointer
Dr L Garner / Dr D Quarmby
Mr J C Gould / Mr E P Stigant
Mr T R Hall / Mr Y S Tan
Mrs M McKinlay / Prof R H Trainor
In attendance:
Mr J M Charles Prof J Humphreys
Prof M Cross Prof D Wills
Mr R Denton
Apologies for absence were received from Mr T C Baker, Mr I R Price and
Mrs V L Vaughan-Dick.
00/01.1.1 It was unanimously RESOLVED, following a proposal by Mary McKinlay, seconded by John Gould, that Chris Bull be appointed as Chairman for the year 2000/2001.
00/01.1.2 It was unanimously RESOLVED, following a proposal by Gillian duCharme, seconded by Yok Tan, that Anne-Marie Nelson be appointed as Vice Chairman for the year 2000/2001.
00/01.1.3 The Chairman welcomed David Quarmby and Yok Tan to their first meeting.
00/01.1.4 Declarations of Interest were made by David Quarmby who, in relation to agenda item 9, Docklands Light Railway Agreement, declared that he was Chairman of the DLR and by the Vice-Chancellor in relation to agenda item 8, Vice-Chancellor’s Retirement Benefits.
00/01.1.5 Having considered the recommendation of the Nominations Committee, the Court resolved, following a ballot of those Governors appointed under Article 7(2)a, that Caroline St John-Brooks be appointed as a Governor under Article 7(2)a for the period to 31 August 2003.
00/01.1.6 The minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2000 were taken as read and signed as a true record subject to the amendment of minute 4.21ii to read:
“ii noted that in order to ensure the University’s long term financial viability it was necessary for it to undertake a self scrutiny of its organisation paying particular attention to the need to reduce the amount of spend on property related items in order to concentrate on front-line academic services to students.”
0001.1.7 It was noted that the University was still awaiting the Campus Options Appraisal Report. As agreed at the July meeting it would be considered by the Finance and Estates Committee and there would be appropriate consultation including Trade Unions before the report was submitted to the Court.
00/01.1.8 It was noted that Futures in Sport Limited had negotiated a settlement involving a payment of £27,000 to the former consultant with whom they were in dispute over the termination of his consultancy and that the Acting Vice-Chancellor, under the delegated authority given to him by the Court, had accepted this on behalf of the University.
00/01.1.9 It was noted that
i following the consultation with Trade Unions requested by the Court, it had been agreed in principle that there should be local discussion of health and safety matters in all areas of the University, normally either by the establishment of local health and safety committees or by having regular major items on the agendas of School/Departmental or other already established meetings and a central committee with responsibilities including health and safety monitoring, strategy and policy. Consultation was continuing on the detail of these arrangements.
ii until the Court had approved the constitution of the new committee the previous committee would continue and a meeting had been arranged for 3 pm on Monday, 13 November. The external Court members of the Committee had agreed that on this occasion they would make themselves available for a daytime meeting.
00/01.1.10 It was noted that the Governors’ long term strategy meeting had been arranged for Saturday, 25 November 2000 starting at 10 am and finishing at 5 pm.
00/01.1.11 It was noted that no requests for amendment to the Annual Operating Statements and Financial Forecasts 2000 had been received from Governors following circulation of the draft for comment. The documents had been submitted to HEFCE by the deadline of 28 July 2000.
00/01.1.12 The minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on 6 September 2000 were received.
00/01.1.13 The minutes of the Finance and Estates Committee held on 2 October 2000 were received.
00/01.1.14 Having considered whether to use the Deptford Campus as teaching accommodation following Goldsmiths College’s withdrawal of their offer after the failure to agree overage terms, the Court resolved that the Rachel McMillan land and buildings be put back on the market but that, in the first instance, negotiations be held with a neighbouring institution which had recently made an offer. Governors’ approval of any possible sale following negotiations would be sought by post if there was not a meeting of either the Finance and Estates Committee or the Court at an appropriate time. It was noted that Goldsmiths College had a pre-emption right on the former ILEA property occupied by the University in the centre of the buildings between the University’s academic building and the College’s residences.
00/01.1.15 The Court receive an updating report from the Director of Finance on the Inland Revenue investigation into the PFI scheme relating to the Avery Hill Student Village and noted that the re-interpretation of the tax position of PFI schemes by both Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise was a national rather than a local problem, that advice was being taken from DfEE and that it was understood that the Inland Revenue was referring the matter to its Policy Unit.
00/01.1.16 Having noted the minute of the Finance and Estates Committee regarding the problem of over-stating work-in-progress in the NRI accounts and received a report covering:
i the magnitude of the over-statement and its effect on the financial results
ii recommendations to bring all NRI procedures, including accounting, into line with main-stream University procedures to produce an accountability model for the future
the Court held a full discussion including, in addition to the management of NRI, the problems of the relationship with NR International and whether a claim could be made against DFID for an apparent over-statement of work-in-progress at the time of purchase of NRI.
00/01.1.17 It was agreed that:
i a supervisory board including External Governors and senior University officers be set up in the immediate future
ii the job description and reporting lines of the Director of NRI be reviewed
iii the Chairman and Vice-Chancellor be given delegated authority to:
(a) set up a small group of Governors to determine the constitution and remit of the board and review the position of the Director
(b) implement those decisions immediately.
BUDGET 2000/2001
00/01.1.18 The Court endorsed the recommendation of the Finance and Estates Committee that the revised Budget 2000/2001 be approved and noted that the Finance and Estates Committee had requested that Management Accounts produced during the year would sub-divide expenditure to show the position of individual Schools.
00/01.1.19 The Court considered the report of the working group following the self-assessment exercise on the effective financial management of the University and resolved that it be referred back to the working group in order that
i Governors with any comments on the report may make them in writing to the University Secretary so that they may be considered by the working group
ii question 2.4 regarding control failures be re-considered in light of the problems identified at NRI.
00/01.1.20 The Court noted the working group’s report that the University did not have a comprehensive risk management procedure and in common with most other universities was awaiting the publication of risk management guidelines by HEFCE. After receipt of the guidelines, which were expected before the end of the year, recommendations would be submitted to the Court by the Audit Committee.
00/01.1.21 The Court approved the recommendation of the Finance and Estates Committee that the University accept the offer of the Landlord (Questor) to agree to the University surrendering the lease on Unit 42, Dartford Trade Park, due to terminate on 5 May 2004 in return for the University paying a premium of one year’s rent (£24,950) and settling any dilapidations.
00/01.1.22 The Court received a report from the Academic Registrar on Strategic Academic Issues arising from the meeting of Academic Council on 27 September 2000 together with a copy of the minutes.
00/01.1.23 The Court discussed the importance of communication with Academic Council. Governors were invited to submit any comments on the format of the Academic Registrar’s report to the University Secretary.
00/01.1.24 The Court received a copy of the Quality Audit Report following the Academic Quality Audit undertaken by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in May 2000 and noted the actions of Academic Council.
00/01.1.25 It was agreed that any similar reports submitted to Court take the form of a summary with the full report appended.
00/01.1.26 It was noted that the report was positive with no points categorised as “Necessary for Action”. The points recommended for “Consideration” were being rigorously pursued. The Court recorded its thanks to the staff involved in meetings with Auditors for the enthusiasm and commitment which they had shown.
00/01.1.27 The Court approved the Action Plan for Recommendations to Combat Institutional Discrimination and endorsed the recommended timetable.
00/01.1.28 The Court received a progress report on recruitment 2000/2001 from the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic). It was noted that as student registration was continuing it would be impossible to know the overall outcome of the recruitment process until late November. Only then would it be known whether the University had achieved its main contract or whether there would be a degree of holdback.
Professor Trainor left the meeting for this item.
00/01.1.29 The Court noted that a cap on the amount of salary eligible for superannuation benefits under the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) applied to staff moving from a pre-1992 to a post-1992 university but not to staff moving between pre-1992 universities. The Selection Committee had included a Funded Unapproved Retired Benefits Scheme (FURBS) as part of the Vice-Chancellor’s remuneration package so that his total superannuation benefits would be, as far as possible, the same as if the cap did not apply to the USS. It was agreed that a summary of the scheme be circulated to members of the Court.
00/01.1.30 Having considered the formal resolutions necessary for tax purposes to enable the setting up of the FURBS as part of the Vice-Chancellor’s remuneration package, the Court resolved that:
i the Court establish a Pension Scheme – The University of Greenwich FURBS (RHT) (“the Scheme”) to provide relevant benefits within Section 612(1) of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988
ii details of the Scheme be given to each eligible employee who is to be a member of the Scheme.
00/01.1.31 It was resolved that the University give up its right under the Discounted Travel Agreement of 2nd September 1998 on condition that the Docklands Light Railway agrees to the permanent provision of:
a) display of platform signage at Cutty Sark Station, clearly and easily readable from trains stating “Alight here for the University of Greenwich”
b) supplying the Dreadnought Building with a Real Time Information System known as “Daisy”
c) providing at the Station foyer and entrance/exit area information relating to the University of Greenwich and how to approach it
the detail of all three to be as outlined in correspondence between the DLR and the University Secretary.
00/01.1.32 The Court:
i received and approved the current list of Assembly members
ii approved the following changes to the membership list:
(a) that the category of “Chief Executives, Mayors & Leaders of Borough & County Councils with a University Campus (or near one)” be extended to include:
1. The London Borough of Bromley
2. The London Borough of Lewisham
(b) that the category of “MP’s with Campus in or near constituency” be extended to include the following constituencies:
1. Bromley and Chislehurst
2. Dulwich and West Norwood
3. Gravesham
4. Lewisham Deptford
5. Lewisham East
6. Lewisham West
7. Maidstone and The Weald
8. Orpington
9. Sevenoaks
10. Tunbridge Wells
(c) that, under the category of “Leading Members of the Business Community and other Persons Eminent in their Field who have an interest in the University”,
1. Sir Michael Pike be offered membership of the Assembly for a three-year term of office until 31 December 2003
2. those members whose appointments expire on 31 December 2000 be re-appointed for a further three year term of office until 31 December 2003 (please see page 5 of the membership list)
iii agreed that the Vice-Chancellor be given delegated authority to:
(a) determine which additional universities should be invited to nominator their Vice-Chancellor under the category of “Neighbouring Universities”
(b) make additional appointments in the category “Leading Members of the Business Community and other Persons eminent in their Field who have an interest in the University”.
00/01.1.33 The Court approved the appointment of John Gould as a Court representative on the Honorary Degrees Committee for the period until autumn 2003.
00/01.1.34 The Court approved the use of the Common Seal of the University on the following:
i Supplemental Licence for Alterations re: Student Accommodation at Devonport Nurses Home, King William Walk, Greenwich SE10 between the Secretary of State for Defence (Greenwich Hospital) and the University of Greenwich.