Lord of the Flies

Island Map Project

Assignment: Produce a detailed and accurate model of the island in Lord of the Flies that includes location points of important places and events in the novel. Due Tues., Dec. 18 by the end of the day.

1) 1) From the description on page 29, create a 3-D model or map of the island and the surrounding reef. Pay close attention to the description and be very accurate in your drawing. This must be a large color rendition of the island constructed of any materials the group desires. Make sure that these sections/locations on the island are clearly identified:

1. The mountain 2. The jungle 3. The home beach 4. Castle Rock

5. The scar 6. The rocky side of the island 7.The coral reef

8. The lagoon

9. The clearing

2) 2) Using a map key and map symbols, clearly, accurately, and creatively label the location of the following. Be sure to include the map key on your model.

- Site where Ralph finds the conch

- Site where shelters are built

- Site where “original” signal fire is built

- Site of the meeting place

- Site where “the beast” sits and bows

- Site of The Lord of the Flies

- Site of Simon’s death

- Site of Piggy’s death

- Site where boys meet the naval officer

Project value: 100 points for a test grade

Grades will be based on accuracy, neatness, and effort.