Ken Striggles

Back 9th Grade

Stay Protected or Get Infected



Standard: Recognizes the importance of individually abstaining from premarital and extramarital sex and intravenous drug use to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Disease prevention: STD’s & pregnancy

Standard: Identifies methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and whether or not they are effective. Abstinence is the only sure way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. (Note: Does not require demonstration of contraceptive devices).
Topic: Disease Prevention: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Standard: Demonstrates an awareness of current statistics related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including HIV/AIDS.

Technology Standards:

Students are proficient in the use of technology

Students use telecommunications to collaborate

with peers, experts and other audiences.

Students use a variety form of media and formats to

Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences

Science Standards:

Personal and Community Health

Population Growth

Goal Statement: The students will explore several different methods of contraception and the importance in using contraception in preventing STD’s and pregnancy.

Objective Statement: The student will analyze and discuss the cost, effectiveness, and benefits of 7 types of contraception

Anticipatory Set: The students will divide into groups of four and each group will receive a method of contraception. The students will go to and go to Human Sexuality section and investigate/analyze the contraception. The students are to mention the costs of the contraception, the benefits, what diseases it protects, and the disadvantages of the contraception.

Teach Section: In order to protect our body’s from acquiring STD’s and preventing unwanted pregnancy you must first abstain then your must use a contraception and sometimes combine contraception.

Lesson Cues:

·  Today we are going analyze and discuss 7 different types of contraception

·  We are going to learn about the benefits, what diseases the contraception protects, and the disadvantages of the contraception.

·  The student will participate in a student activity that incorporates practical ways of talking with your partner about contraception and means of using the contraception.

Teacher Modeling: The student will stay in the groups that they were in previously. From the knowledge that the group obtained from the anticipatory set they are going to apply in a skit. In the skit the students will include the benefits, cost, STD’s it protects from acquiring, reliability, and the possible side effects of the contraception. The skit is to be recorded by a camcorder and the skit is to include a 5 slide power point preview of what the skit is about and information about the contraception. At the end of the skit the class is going to write a paragraph about which method of contraception is right for them and why? Also the class is going to discuss how do you talk you your partner about contraception? The students will gain knowledge about different methods of contraception and how to apply those methods into their lives.

Student Activity: The teaching strategy I followed was the Synetics Model. My activity was a problem solving group activity. The students received contraception and had to find the benefits, cost, what diseases it protects against, and the side effects of the contraception. Then the students were required to come up with a creative skit to portray those items. According to the Developmental Characteristics of Students of ages 14-18 goal VII states the student applies principles o disease prevention, where possible to avoid health problems. Also students at that age generally show interest in disease prevention. The materials required are card with the methods of contraception, camcorder and computers with internet assess. I choose this model because the activity would work better in a group trying to investigate about a specific contraception. My activity provides an active learning experience for the students in learning about different methods of contraception.

Closure: the students will complete an interview with a grandparent discussing methods of contraception in their day. Then the student will write 1 page comparing and contrasting the methods of their grandparents with modern day methods and send the essays via e-mail to the teacher. Also the students will e-mail the experts on one myth that is said about STD prevention and pregnancy and find out if that myth has any truth.

Evaluation: Yes No


Components to include in skit

1.  The benefits of the contraception

2.  The drawbacks of the contraception

3.  The cost of contraception

4.  How reliable is the contraception?

5.  What are the possible side effects of the contraception?

6.  Did the students stay with in the time requirements?

7.  Do the 5 power point slides cover all the criteria?

The students will be graded by checklist if they include all of the components they will receive maximum points. If the group fails to mention two components then they will receive 5/7 or 71% etc.

Reteach: For my students that didn’t pass the student activity I will require them to research the internet to find statistics about teenage STD rates and pregnancy. The student will be required to write 2 pages on why the results are where they are. Next I will require the student to type a three page paper about the advantages, disadvantages, reliability, cost, side effects, and the STD’s that each contraception protects against. The students will choose three contraception and type one page for each contraception including the components above. After typing the paper the students will be required to create and present a power point about 4 different contraception that weren’t mentioned in the paper including the same components as the paper.