VCE Chinese Language, Culture and Society: Performance Descriptors Unit 4 Outcome 3

VCE Chinese Language, Culture and Society 2018–2021

Performance Descriptors

Performance Descriptors
Unit 4
Outcome 3
Read and comprehend written texts in Chinese about the world of work in China and produce a written text in Chinese / DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
Very low / Low / Medium / High / Very high
Very limited understanding of meaning in the texts from language or cultural references. / Some understanding of meaning in the texts. Recognises some vocabulary, structures, and characters and cultural references on the topic. / Understands overall meaning in the texts. Recognises a range of vocabulary, structures, characters and cultural references on the topic. / Thorough understanding of overall meaning in the texts. Effective recognition of a wide range of vocabulary, structures, characters and cultural references on the topic. / Comprehensive understanding of overall meaning in the texts. Highly effective recognition of a wide range of vocabulary, structures, characters and cultural references on the topic.
Limited use of information from the texts in the response. / Use of some information drawn from the content, linguistic, contextual and/or stylistic features of the texts in the response. / Use of relevant information drawn from the content, linguistic, contextual and/or stylistic features of the texts to support a position in the response. / Effective use of relevant information drawn from the content, linguistic, contextual and/or stylistic features of the texts to support a position in the response. / Highly effective use of relevant information drawn from the content, linguistic, contextual and/or stylistic features of the texts to support a position in the response.
Few features in the writing suited to the purpose, audience, text type or topic. / Writing includes elements suitable for the purpose and topic. Response addresses aspects of the text type and audience, such as structure, language, form and/or cultural features. / Writing suitable for the purpose and topic. Response addresses the text type and audience, with some consistency in structure, cultural features, language and form. / Coherent writing for the purpose and topic. Appropriate response for the text type and audience, with consistent structure, language and form, including cultural features. / Highly coherent writing for the purpose and topic. Highly appropriate response for the text type and audience, with consistent structure, language and form, including cultural features.
Very limited accuracy in vocabulary, grammar, character use and cultural knowledge interfere with the clarity of meaning in the written Chinese. / Conveys limited meaning in written Chinese, using some vocabulary, grammar,characters and cultural knowledge relevant to the topic. / Conveys adequate meaning in written Chinese, using vocabulary, grammar, characters and relevant cultural knowledge on the topic, with some accuracy. / Consistently conveys meaning in written Chinese, using a range of vocabulary, grammar, characters and relevant cultural knowledge on the topic, with accuracy. / Very effectively conveys meaning in written Chinese, accurately using a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, characters and relevant cultural knowledge on the topic.

KEY to marking scale based on the Outcome contributing 10 marks

Very Low 1–2 / Low 3–4 / Medium 5–6 / High 7–8 / Very High 9–10

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