Parent/Child Dedication

Psalm 78:4- We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done.

Three Types of Spiritual Training (Deuteronomy 6:1-9)

1. Intentional Training

Dedicate yourself to the Lord and to your child to teach them the importance of the Bible.

B- Build a Foundation: her own Bible- not a storybook, one she can use.

I-Impressions that Last: use the Bible, repair ripped pages, keep within reach and not up high on the table or shelf.

B-Brain Development: Developing and learning more now than any other time in life. Your baby can learn the Bible is a special book and how to treat it. Practice turning the pages carefully.

L-Literal Minded: Many of our phrases and songs use abstract words. Be careful with the words you use, especially with spiritual truths. Use simple Bible phases and stories.

E- Everyday Example- Lead by example for your child by allowing your child to see you reading the Bible daily. This example will reinforce the importance of the Bible. Create time when the family reads the Bible together.

2. Spontaneous “Teachable Moments”

Deuteronomy 6 “Then and Now”

· God has not Changed

· Men and Women still have babies- Family

· We lie down at night and get up in the morning.

· Deut. 6 suggest several times for family devotions. Choose a time for your family to have family devotions. Watch for times throughout the day to teach spiritual truths to your baby.

· Learn from our mistakes and learn from others’ mistakes

o Discipline- one warning after that, consequences for your choice.

o Discuss choices that others have made.

o Consider the child’s development when disciplining

o Consider parenting insecurities- Tough as a hammer or soft as a Hallmark card? Try to balance those. A variety of responses are required for the variety of offenses.

o Affirmation, Affection, Attention- Coaching and training

o A colt tied to a donkey- Be the same all the time. If you’re inconsistent, it will bring insecurity.

3. Lead by Example

· The most important thing you can give your child is: Ephesians 5:22-33

o Mothers- show respect to her husband (teaches God’s authority)

o Fathers- love your wife (God’s love is demonstrated & understood)

o Above all, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Deut. 6:5 (Love your neighbor as yourself.)