Table of Contents
E4W Basics
E4W Basics 2
Logging on and off the Eagle terminal 2
Navigating the Eagle Browser 2
The Eagle Network 2
Eagle Viewers 2
The Spooler 2
The F1 Help Button 2
The Training Browser 2
Point-of-Sale Training Mode 2
Advanced Quick Recall 2
Eagle Inventory Menu 2
BFS Best Practices For Perpetual Inventory File Maintenance 2
E4W POS Reporting
The Daily Sales Report (RDS) 2
Entering Daily Sales Online 2
The Check Register Report (RCK) 2
The Protobase Settlement Report (PBSTL) 2
The AR Daily Journal Report (RDJ) 2
The Price Exception Report (RPE) 2
Daily Inventory Report (RDI) 2
Markdowns and coupons 2
E4W Inventory Menu
BFS Best Practices For Perpetual Inventory File Maintenance 2
Daily Inventory Checklist 2
Weekly Inventory Checklist 2
Location Codes in Eagle 2
Eagle IMU Screens 2
Inventory Inquiry by Item or Vendor (IMU) 2
How to Handle Vendor Cancelled Items – Discontinued Items “Y” Flag 2
Non-Reorder Items (“Z” flags) in Eagle 2
Inventory Store History (IMU) 2
Inventory Multi-store Review (IMU) 2
E4W Inventory Reporting
Item Status Report – RIS Stock Listing 2
Item Status Report – RIS Negative On-Hand 2
Physical Inventory Posting (PIP) 2
PIP – Updating physical counts using QPIP 2
Physical Inventory Reporting – RPI 2
RPI – Creating Count Sheets 2
RPI – Changing Location Codes 2
Updating Location codes using RPI 2
RPI – Finalizing counts entered into the PIP Viewer 2
Hotsheeet markup/markdown report (Retail-based inventory) 2
Interstore Transfers 2
Printing a Cost/Retail Report of a Transfer 2
Receiving A Transfer 2
Deleting A Transfer 2
E4W Ordering and Receiving
Purchase order cycle on Eagle vs. PACE 2
Generating a Suggested Order – RSO (Pace SRL) 2
Editing a Purchase Order in Eagle 2
Printing an order in MPO 2
Manually creating purchase orders 2
Printing a Purchase Order 2
Receiving Purchase Orders 2
Receiving a Consolidated Purchase Order (RRP) 2
View Outstanding Purchase Orders 2
The ERP Report in the Stores 2
Looking up received purchase orders 2
E4W Bin Labels and Price Labels
Bin Tags in Eagle 2
Printing Bin Labels and Price Labels 2
Printing Bin Tags by Department, Vendor or Location 2
Hotsheet Bin Label Printing 2
Printing Price Labels or Bin Labels from Purchase Orders 2
Printing Signs – Regular and Promotion 2
E4W Promotions
Creating and Maintaining Promotion Items (MIP) 2
Activating a Sale Plan Created in MIP (RUP) 2
Promotion Sales Viewer 2
E4W Miscellaneous
Troubleshooting and Support 2
Eagle Supplies 2
E4W Basics
E4W Basics 2Logging on and off the Eagle terminal 2
Navigating the Eagle Browser 2
The Eagle Network 2
Eagle Viewers 2
The Spooler 2
The F1 Help Button 2
The Training Browser 2
Point-of-Sale Training Mode 2
Advanced Quick Recall 2
Eagle Inventory Menu 2
BFS Best Practices For Perpetual Inventory File Maintenance 2
Logging on and off the Eagle terminal
All Eagle users are set up by Head Office. Each user has a Name and Password. Please keep all passwords private. This password allows you to go into both the Eagle Browser and Point-of-Sale functions.
Step Action
1. Locate and double-click the Eagle Browser icon on your desktop.
Shortcut to Eagle Browser
2. A sign on window appears. Enter your Name and Password to sign on.
3. After you are finished using the Eagle Browser, sign off your terminal before you leave. Doing so will prevent others from running applications under your Name and Password.
4. To log off the Eagle Browser, click the Sign Off button [F8].
Navigating the Eagle Browser
The Eagle Browser navigates similar to Windows. The mouse can be used to open all applications. There are corresponding function buttons and acronyms to launch many applications in the quick launch bar.
Terminal Information
At the top of the Eagle Browser window (Fig 1), you will see your store number here. Eagle stores are all assigned one-digit numbers/alphabets. Also found here is the Terminal Number. This identifies the specific terminal number which is useful for security and override features. Finally, it shows the signed on user. Only use the Eagle terminal when your name is signed on.
Fig 1
Function Buttons
Right under the Terminal Information is the Function buttons (Fig 2). Eagle is a “heads-up” system. Most of the available functions are found in this area. The first button is the Home [F2] button. This takes you back to the Main Menu. There are also Back [F3] and Forward [F4] buttons. These help navigate similar to a Web page. Sign On and Sign Off will log users on and off the terminal. Store [Ctrl+S] will change your “Lockin store”. This is your assigned store. Finally, the Help [F1] button launches quick help tips.
Fig 2
Quick Launch Bar
The Quick Launch Bar (Fig 3) allows you to type in the acronym for Eagle Applications. This is sometimes faster than using the mouse to navigate to the desired application. For example, instead of clicking on Inventory Menu… Inventory Maintenance, you can type “IMU” into the quick launch to bring up the application.
Fig 3
Eagle Main Menu
From the Application Main Menu (Fig 4), you can navigate into any application. Click on the link to launch the desired application. All reports are found under the Reports Menu.
Fig 4
The Eagle Network
The Eagle for Windows system is connected via Windows networking. All stores and terminals are connected to the server in Head Office through DSL. Everything is in real time. Every keystroke goes to the server and goes back to the terminal.
All terminals have the ability to run in Offline mode. Each has its own database that refreshes each morning. If you are cut off from the server at any point, you can still have all registers operational.
Figure 5b is a sample of how the store is networked.
All devices are hardwired (Cat-5 cables) through a switch that connects to the Eagle server in the Honolulu office via DSL. Two DSL lines are in each store.
One of the Office PC’s is the Printer Listener. It can be thought of as a print server. This PC must be on at all times in order to print nightly reports and any other report. You can tell if the Listener is on by checking for it in the Taskbar (Fig 5).
Fig 5
If the Listener is off, you can turn it on by clicking on Start… All Programs… Eagle… Utilities… Network Configuration. Press the Start Listener button and minimize the window.
The Listener can also be restarted by restarting the computer.
Figure 5b
Eagle Viewers
Eagle has a feature where some screens can be viewed in a spreadsheet format. Eagle refers to these spreadsheets as Viewers. Viewers are unique in that they can be sorted, columns moved, searched and even exported to Excel.
Some examples of viewers are Inventory Viewers, Vendor Viewers and even point-of-sale documents can be displayed in a Viewer. You can easily tell if the screen you are in has a viewer available by looking at the quick launch menu. There should be a button labeled Viewer [F9].
Viewers can be manipulated in several ways. You can determine which columns to view by right-clicking on the header and choosing “Select columns to view”. This brings up a checklist of the columns. Select/deselect appropriate columns and click Apply. Another way to change a viewer is by simply clicking and dragging the column (by its header) to where you want it. For example, if you want to see “QOH” next to “QOO”, just drag one of the columns next to the other.
Viewers can also be searched. The quickest way to search in a viewer is by right clicking on the header of a column and select “Filter on…” A search box will appear asking how you want to search and sort the column.
All Viewers can be customized even further. You are able to show/hide applicable columns to assist in your searching.
To export a Viewer to Excel, simply locate and click the Excel icon on the bottom right of the screen (Fig 6). This way, you can export and save these spreadsheets offline.
Fig 6
The Spooler
The Spooler (Fig 7) is a “Print to file” option. Most reports should be sent to the Spooler and then to the printer. This is option “A” on all reports. Reports can also be sent to just the Spooler. For example, if you have a really large report but only want to view it and not print it out, you can send the report to the Spooler instead of the printer.
The Spooler is accessible from the Main Menu by clicking on Reports Menu and the clicking on Spooled Report Maintenance or by typing “MSP” into the launch bar. This brings up a viewer of all the spooled reports on the system. You can search the list by entering the User (person who sent the report) and/or by the Report type (RDS, RDJ, etc).
The Spooler can also be sorted. By double clicking on the header (Request Date, Request Time, etc), it will sort in descending order. By double clicking again, it will reverse and sort in ascending order. This can be a quick way to find what you are looking for.
Once you have located the report that you want, you can either double click the report or press [F6] the Display button from the launch menu. You can print these reports on your PC printer.
NOTE: Each store has a custom Spooler view saved. Click on File… Open… select your store and press [OK].
The F1 Help Button
The F1 Help feature is similar to all other Windows Help menus. You can sort by index or keywords. The database of help topics is quite extensive and gives detailed step-by-step instructions for just about anything on the Eagle system.
This can be useful if you cannot get in contact with someone for help.
If you accidentally press the F1 key, you can close it by clicking the “X” in the upper right hand corner or by pressing [Alt + F4].
The Training Browser
E4W has training and quick help support. This is called the Training Browser and is accessible from the Main Menu in Eagle Browser.
The Training Browser offers Quick Tip Videos on every topic in Eagle. For example, a quick tip POS video can be shown to cashiers as a review. Another feature is the “Do it Yourself” simulations. The cashier can be taken through a simulated POS transaction where they punch in the required information and help is available if they need it.
Quizzes are available in the Training Browser as well. These quizzes can be implemented in new cashier training or re-training as well.
E4W Training Browser
Point-of-Sale Training Mode
New cashiers can learn the register not by just using the Training Browser but by using the register in training mode. Training mode uses “live” data for the transactions but does not affect on-hand counts, cash, accounts receivable or POS reports.
This method gives the cashier hands on experience with the POS register. Only manager-level users can access POS Training mode.
To access training mode:
Step Action1. Enter POS by pressing [Ctrl + Alt + P] on the desktop.
2. Sign on with designated user code or store user code.
3. Press [Enter] until your cursor is in the SKU field.
4. Press the Menu [KPad --] button and select option “7” Enter Training.
5. The POS background should turn pink with “Training” across the screen if you have successfully entered training mode.
NOTE: If you store has a designated training PC for employees to train on their own time, please leave the POS in training mode so they do not affect real time data.
*** POS Training mode opens the drawer***
Advanced Quick Recall
The Quick Recall option in POS is a Viewer. Since viewers can be customized, you are able to find any POS transaction in the system. This can be useful for:
∙ Search for transactions.
∙ Research fraud.
POS can be run on any terminal running E4W. Your office terminals can launch POS to go into Quick Recall. You can customize the Viewer by store and date and even customer type. If the customer paid for their transaction with a credit card, their name appears in the Customer Name field.
Quick Recall Screen
Eagle POS Reporting
The Daily Sales Report (RDS) 2Entering Daily Sales Online 2
The Check Register Report (RCK) 2
The Protobase Settlement Report (PBSTL) 2
The AR Daily Journal Report (RDJ) 2
The Price Exception Report (RPE) 2
Daily Inventory Report (RDI) 2
Markdowns and coupons 2
The Daily Sales Report (RDS)
The Daily Sales Report (RDS) logs all of the point-of-sale transactions. It is the Pace ODR and DSR combined into one report. The only transactions not listed on the RDS are the Accounts Receivable transactions.
The first page of the RDS contains sales by department. This list is similar to the Pace GSS report. The RDS can be run by terminal or by cashier. A Cash Balancing Worksheet prints with the totals taken on the Eagle system. A blank line is provided to balance physical cash with the system amount.
Step Action1. From the Main Menu, click on Reports Menu. Then click on Point-of-Sale Reports and choose End of Day Sales Totals (RDS). Another way to get to the RDS is by typing RDS into the launch bar on the screen.