e Date: 20 November 2013

Location: Brody School of Medicine 2E-100

Subject: General Assembly Meeting

Meeting Called By: Thom Croskery, President

Time Keeper: Diana Wright, Vice President

Minutes: Jason Franklin, Executive Associate


Subject / Presenter
·  Call to Order / Thom Croskery
o  Verification of Quorum: 2/3 Met (12 of 18 groups must be present) 16 of 18 present / Jason Franklin
·  Leadership Vignette:
Presenting Leadership on your CV or Resume / Dr. Edwards, CSLE
o  Presentation focused on showing leadership skills highlight differences
o  When applying for a job: Resume only gets 5-15 seconds to make an impression. Make it “Glanceable”
o  Q&A
·  Potential Social Events / Thom Croskery
o  “Relaxed Research Fair” Cross Discipline “Water Down”
o  Maybe scheduled in February
o  Dr. Jorge Cham – Piled Higher and Deeper Comics
o  Bringing people together
o  $4000 money tabled for use to next meeting
·  New Student Union & Fees / Diana Wright
o  This year reorganizing fees and removing some fees
o  Fees will increase totally to $150 by next year
o  New buildings including a student rec center going up on this campus
o  Clinical Assessment Fee should be removed, not a final decision and could be refunded.

o  Discussion
·  Proposed Elections Structure / Thom Croskery
o  Executive Board members of the GPSS are currently elected at the last general assembly meeting
o  Want to move elections earlier to promote a better learning curve
o  Ideas to elect new officers in February or March
·  SGA Coordination / Thom Croskery
o  Tim Schwan is SGA president
o  They include graduate students…The GPSS would like to reject major changes to our legislative structure
o  GPSS president would sit as ex-officio member of SGA has been proposed.
·  Finance Committee Report / Lalage Katunga
o  Funding Rubric proposal
o  Defining our group as non-profit
o  Defining Charity work
o  Revise from 50% of organization to original numbers on rubric (%5 to 20%)of organization attendance
o  Points will be corrected for each group by the number of members in the group
o  To count charity event time, time will be counted at whole time and 30% of travel time will be added to this time
o  Extended Discussion of how to quantify items (time counting) or individual participation. One option is to use receipts and documentation for value.
o  “Item collections” section will be removed from bill
o  Vote on bill as amended
o  23 for
o  0 against
o  1 abstaining
·  General Announcements / Thom Croskery
·  Open Floor / Open
o  Open Discussion
o  Sent meeting time conflicts to Thom to discuss for next semester.
o  There are usually conflicts that cannot be worked around but we will do our best to accommodate as many groups as possible.
o  Public Health Organization (PHO) NCPHA Conference in Ashville, NC (further travel from last year)
o  Presented pictures of graduate students that attended the conference.
o  Met with former students
o  Networking for this 2 year program is important
·  Need sample posters for Poster Template Library in Visual Arts Forum
·  Go to:
·  blog.ecu.edu/sites/gpss/
·  for examples. Send to Thom by the 15th of next month.
·  Faculty of 1000 also has examples f1000.com
·  GPSS funding has to track to a graduate student, not undergraduates, even if they are members of your organization.
·  Affordable Care Act sign up questions:
There have been problems, as soon as there is more information it will be sent out. Not currently an “ECU” initiative
·  Adjourn

Attendance: 30 total attending

Katy Scott, Kay Exum PGSO

Sarah Faucette Audiology

Lauren Smith PHO

Steven Thacker, Marissa Lang AKD Sociology

Nick Faulkner, Michael Reuben BGSA

Caleb Polson Physical Therapy Club DPT

Kate Brinkley, Jordan Powers SOTA

Laurie Armstrong Pi Theta

Ryan Bradley MSA

Drew Holt BGA Brody

Aria McConnell, Lisa Tallman, Kelly Caldwell NSSLHA

Sheree Magnum, Haley Pierson CEA

Chelsea DiMartino PASS

David March SoDM

Calvin Harmin, Mark Nissenbaum Geography (Graduate) NEW

Lucy Wilmer English

Carmen Moyer Kinesiology

Julie Jones PTC

Officers: Thom Croskery, President. Diana Wright, Vice President. Lalage Katunga, Treasurer. Jason Franklin, Executive Associate

Guest Speaker: Dr. Patrick Edwards