The Tree of Life Liver 6 Week Gallbladder, Fluke, Parasite, & Colon Cleanse

Responsible for over 600 functions, the liver, the body’s largest organ, is obviously vital to our health and survival. Essentially, it acts as a defensive shield between what we take into the body and what enters our bloodstream. It filters about one fourth of our total blood volume every minute! Being the body’s first line of defense against incoming toxins, the liver is in many ways the MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN FOR DISEASE PREVENTION. When the liver/gallbladder system is weak or sluggish, the body becomes much more vulnerable to the onslaught of ingested toxins. Natural physicians of old understood the concept of averting disease by preventing toxemia and thus strongly emphasized periodic liver/gallbladder cleansing. We at the Tree of Life recommend the Liver, Gallbladder, Parasite, Fluke, & Colon Cleanse at least once a year.

The leading cause of death in America is cancer. In an indirect way, the liver plays a very important role in protecting against cancer, by continuously filtering out the environmental toxins and carcinogens in our food, water and air. When these toxins and carcinogens enter the body, they quickly end up in the bloodstream and cells. The body eventually responds by creating tumors in an attempt to contain these toxins. The second leading cause of death in the United States is heart attacks and strokes. These, of course, are linked in many ways to a cholesterol build up, especially in the coronary arteries. A high cholesterol diet, typical of North America, leads to an overloading of the liver and excess cholesterol spilling into the bloodstream, making it nearly impossible for the liver to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Americans eat more animal products (i.e. red meat, chicken, fish, and dairy), which are the only source of harmful cholesterol, than almost any other nation. They therefore generally have the highest cholesterol levels. But, it is not only toxins and cholesterol that the liver deals with - it also helps regulate blood sugar levels. When the liver becomes exhausted, these functions and many others are compromised. It is imperative that we protect the liver so it can function at peak capacity.

The most obvious solution to maintaining optimal liver function is to prevent its toxification and exhaustion. This means avoiding animal food, dairy, and rancid oils (ultimately adopting a predominantly raw, vegan diet), and periodically cleansing the liver. The liver cleanse is necessary for the elimination of old, accumulated fatty toxic sludge. The best way to improve our liver/gallbladder function is by stimulating it to cleanse and detoxify itself. It can then more efficiently detoxify our bloodstream, filtering out environmental toxins, prescription and other drugs, excess cholesterol, etc.

As mentioned, the liver is affected by the tremendous amount of environmental toxins and poisons that it is exposed to. There are more than 80,000 synthetic chemicals in commercial use today, and about 1,000 new chemicals are introduced each year. It is shocking to note that only about 7% have been tested for adverse effects! Some research estimates that up to 80% of all cancers are a direct result of the chemicals in our air, water and food. A recent study found that Americans are exposed to 22 times the EPA suggested maximum level of dioxin. Dioxin, according to the Center for Disease Control, is one of the most acutely toxic chemicals and carcinogens ever released on the planet. It is now found virtually everywhere.

Adverse drug reactions are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, killing more people than AIDS, breast cancer, and traffic accidents. There were approximately 100,000 deaths from drug reactions in the year 2000. 30 million Americans take over-the-counter pain medications on a daily basis, resulting in approximately 100,000 hospitalizations and 16,000 deaths per year. The liver naturally becomes overwhelmed by this onslaught of toxic drugs.

It is estimated that over 20 million Americans have gallstones. About one million people a year will be diagnosed with gallstones and about 50 % of them will undergo surgery. Gallstones affect up to 25% of Americans at some point in their lives. The gall bladder’s primary function is to secrete bile and release it through the cystic duct. This duct joins the hepatic duct from the liver to create the common bile duct, which then empties into the upper part of the small intestine called the duodenum. Bile not only carries away and neutralizes poisons, but it stimulates and aids digestions by emulsifying fats, stimulating peristalsis, and acting as a natural laxative. When it gets clogged is cannot perform this function.

Because of these high levels of toxins, which create an enormous stress on the liver, approximately 4.5 million people in the United States and 200 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. Liver failure due to hepatitis C has now become the leading cause of liver transplants in the United States. The main causes of hepatitis, in general, and jaundice in part, are the use of drugs, alcohol, liver damage from viruses, bacteria, and fungus, excess animal protein, weight loss diets, and viral hepatitis. There are six known types of viral hepatitis, the most common being hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and what is now known as hepatitis C. There are also hepatitis D, E, and G. The best protection against hepatitis is to have a strong liver that cannot easily be invaded and infected. The results of toxic livers are manifesting themselves much more frequently now in the United States and at least 1 out of every 10 Americans has liver disease (approximately 25 million people). There are over 20,000 Americans desperately waiting for liver transplants. Hepatitis C has become an epidemic. Some medical professionals consider it at least 10 times more infectious than AIDS. The point is very clear - we need to take very special care of our liver by eating a healthy diet, avoiding environmental poisons, and undertaking a periodic liver/gallbladder cleanse. Ideally one would do at least one liver/gallbladder cleanse each year or two seven-day fasts. The Tree of Life offers guided fasts for physical health and spiritual well-being (i.e. Spiritual Fasting Program, 10-day Detox Program, etc.) as well as the Liver, Gallbladder, Parasite, Fluke, and Colon Cleanse.

Currently, parasite and fluke infections in the world are becoming so common that nearly everyone becomes affected at some point. In other words, it’s no fluke! The Liver, Gallbladder, Parasite, Fluke, and Colon Cleanse is designed to keep these infections from becoming chronic. We are not suggesting that everybody has a parasite or a fluke infection, only that, from the point of view of parasitologists, it is highly likely that you will contract one at some point in your life. The more we strengthen our liver/gallbladder system, however, the less likely we are to get such an infection. The programs we are sharing with you help create a protective matrix that minimizes infection of the liver or gallbladder due to parasites and flukes.

Many physicians throughout history have claimed that the liver/gallbladder flush is the single greatest practice for improving health. This may seem like a dramatic statement, however, over the years, we have found that there is significant truth to it. Although there are many good programs available specific to this purpose, most are quite complicated and disruptive to one’s daily schedule, and require medical supervision. Furthermore, they tend to use synthetic nutrients to facilitate the flush. Our program is simple, does not interfere significantly with daily life, uses all natural products, and provides powerful detoxification on many levels. After 25 years of experimenting with different liver/gallbladder flush programs, the one outlined here has been found to be the most successful. This flush, combined with our 10-Day Juice Fast Detox Program, is extremely powerful in countering an excess of toxins in the body. Dr. Cousens would like to acknowledge Dr. Bob Marshal for his help and support in developing this program.

We have supervised literally hundreds of people through the liver flush. Most had dramatic changes in their health overnight and close to 100% of all people passed clearly visible gallstones in their stool - frequently from 20 to 100 of them in the first flush. A small percentage of people do not pass stones on their first flush but do so after the second or third one. Due to the silent but toxic nature of the commercial oils hidden in many foods, eating these foods causes a stagnant bile syndrome, precipitating gallstones and bile sludge throughout the bilary tract. This is so common in the U.S. that literally everyone passes stones after the first flush. After your own first flush, you may be quite surprised when you see visible stones in the toilet. You will begin to realize the importance of eating healthy oils and the striking consequences of eating unhealthy ones! The stones vary from person to person but the average person has some small ones, such as gravel or pea-size, others the size of small and large marbles, and big ones that look like wads of green clayish chewing gum stuck together or greasy clay-like wads embedded throughout the stool. If you cut open and examine one of the "marbles" passed in the stool, you will see layers of compacted grease rings, often bright green in color. The outer coating often appears greenish brown with a hard outer casing. Colors of the gallstones vary, but bright pea green and darkish green are the most common. Other colors found are black, brown, and more rarely, red.

Gallstones form after years of eating harmful oils, like the ones found in chips, fried foods, pizza, mayonnaise, margarine, commercial bagels and breads, cookies and pastries, and anything made with canola oil. The liver and gallbladder in the average person has become quite congested. Like a sewer that is partially blocked, the liver can become “backed up” and create a whole array of symptoms such as irritability, difficulty sleeping, impaired digestion, dry skin, poor eyesight, depression, etc.

In a daily routine of eating seemingly "healthy" commercial foods – which typically contain bad oils as well as toxic food chemicals - the bile, which should be a light, thin, oily texture, becomes thick and viscous, like dehydrated syrup. This sludgy bile stagnates and slowly forms thick concretions, like greasy balls, which then impede the normal physiology of the gallbladder, liver and upper intestinal tract. This leads to a gradual increase in symptoms including fatigue, headaches, food allergies, belching, flatulence, environmental sensitivities, poor immune tolerance, and more.

Although improving the quality of one’s diet, including replacing harmful oils with healthy ones, may help one feel better, it will not significantly help eliminate the toxic sludge in the gallbladder and bilary tract. We have seen people who, after 20 years of "no cheating" - eating an excellent diet (although their previous diet was less than ideal) - pass 40 to 60 clearly defined gallstones on their first flush. Once these gallstones form, changing the diet will not clear them. A liver/gallbladder flush is needed. The purpose of this cleanse is to clear the liver and gallbladder of toxins, “stones,” and “gravel”, and is fundamental to restoring and maintaining good health and supporting all the body’s organ systems.

There are many variations of the “liver flush,” olive oil being a common ingredient in most (usually only 4 ounces). Some of these programs may be risky, however, because they do not pre-soften the gallstones. The reason Dr. Cousens at the Tree of Life advocates this particular liver/gallbladder cleanse is because it moves the stones more safely and comfortably out of the bile ducts, using almost all natural products (with the exception of the PhosDrops). Also, it is very effective with minimal detoxification reactions. The key softeners in the cleanse are the PhosDrops, taken the last four days before the flush, and Gallbladder Nano-Detox, taken for six weeks prior to the flush. Gallbladder Nano-Detox has a 5000-year-old herb, gold coin, which is specific for stone softening and cleansing the gallbladder master points. Phos Drops soften the stones and help them to float. The other components of the cleanse include Parastat, Paracidin, Quantum Gallbladder Complex, Infecto Stat, Liver Nano-Detox, Allicidin, Carvacol, and Hyssop. The main anti-parasite herb in ParaStat is holorrhena antidysenterics, an 8,500-year-old herb deemed the world’s best anti-parasite herb. Paracidin is good for flukes and has 13 different herbs for liver and gastrointestinal detoxification. Quantum Gallbladder Complex supports comprehensive liver and gallbladder function with citrus surpentium, guggul, and reishi, which promote Phase I & II detoxification. It maximizes bile flow, improves bile integrity, and stimulates the opening and release of bile from the gallbladder. Quantum Immune Complex contains an olive leaf extract with 5 premier synergistic compounds including noni, coriander, kelp, reishi, and coriolus. Liver Nano-Detox provides nanized Indian turmeric and supports liver and gallbladder cleansing and stimulates bile flow. Quantum Liver Complex is a world-class 15 herb formula for superb liver support featuring grade 10 Milk thistle, Brazilian Pau D’Arco, Indian Turmeric, Citrus aurantium, and Grade 10 fermented mycelial extracts with synergists. One drop of Allicidin has the allicin content of 20 cloves of garlic. It is anti-parasitic, anti-infective, and anti-fungal. Carvacol is an oil derived from oregano and is also anti-parasitic, anti-infective, and anti-fungal. Hyssop is anti-infective and helps with the stimulation of bile. It is also powerful for destroying mycoplasms, especially those injected during immunizations.