Little Brother by Cory Doctorow – 2nd Half of Novel Test


Answer the questions fully in the space provided. Read the questions and their directions carefully before answering. All answers will refer to events from ½ of the novel.

Part One (Knowledge & Understanding) – 20 marks

(one/two word answers)

  1. Where do Marcus and Ange first meet?: ______
  1. What is the topic of discussion that gets Ms. Galvez fired from her teaching job?:


  1. What is the peculiar eating habit Ange has?: ______
  1. Why does Trudy Doo call the US “Gulag America”? ______


  1. How does the media describe the concert of Dolores Park?: ______


  1. What does the meme AbusesOfAuthority ask folks to look for and report?: ______


  1. In what on-line game community does Marcus hold his press conference?: ______


  1. How does the outcome of the press conference go wrong for Marcus?: ______


  1. Post-press conference, why does Marcus tell the XNetters he is going to stop Jamming?



  1. What does Zeb secretly give to Marcus when they first encounter each other? :


  1. Who is Barbara and why is she brought in to help Marcus? (2 part question): ______



  1. What is the name of the 17-year-old who has infiltrated the XNetters as an agent of the

DHS?: ______

  1. What is depicted in the shocking video that is forwarded to Marcus by the person who

is the answer to question 12? ______


  1. What is the game that Marcus creates/plans to ensure he can get away?: ______


  1. How does the game in the answer to questions 14 go horribly wrong for both the

folks playing and the innocent bystanders in the square?: ______


  1. How does the game in the answer to question 14 go particularly wrong for Ange?:


  1. What is on the phone that Marcus takes from his post-game captor that is so important

that he keep?: ______

  1. Who helps out Marcus as he runs from his captors after the game?: ______


  1. How is Marcus finally freed from Treasure Island?: ______


  1. What job does Marcus get after being released?: ______


Part Two (Thinking) – 5 marks

(Short answer - please write in FULL SENTENCES)

Select ONE of the following to answer!!! Write your answer in the space provided on this sheet.

  1. Describe how Marcus matures throughout the novel.


  1. Describe how the media plays a vital role in the novel.

Please circle the question you are answering. J

Write your answer here:














Part Three (Application and Communication) – 10 marks

(Paragraph Answer) (5 content + 5 style)

ANSWER ON THE LINED PAPER PROVIDED – use the area below to plan out your answer.

APPLIED – In a well-written paragraph explain who you believe actually wins in the end of this novel: the DHS or Marcus and his XNetters. Be sure to refer to specific examples from the novel and consider the outcome of Marcus’ actions.

ACADEMIC – In a well-written paragraph (or more), explore how Cory Doctorow uses one of the following to help develop the theme of truth in the novel:

a)  the juxtaposition of beauty and ugly

b)  examples of innocence and adulthood

c)  experiences of freedom and power

Planning …..