Literary Movements

I. Puritanism (Calvinism) 17th century

· Represented by Jonathan Edwards (“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”)

· 100 years in length

· Predestination

· God is the ruler, man is depraved, and grace can only be obtained through mercy

II. Age of Enlightenment (Rationalism, Age of Reason) 18th century

· Represented by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin

· “The Declaration of Independence” is a rationalist document

· Man will use his reason to be good and make good choices

· Man is here to make society better

III. Romanticism 19th century

· Represented by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe

· Hero is the rebel

· Emphasizes individuals – the common man

· Optimistic and/or Imaginative

IV. Transcendentalism 19th century (1840-1860)

· Represented by Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson

· Belief in the Over-Soul – a creative force

· We can “transcend” our physical side to be alike in mind

· Instinct is admired

· People are best when “Self-reliant” and independent

V. Realism 1860 8

· Represented by Mark Twain and Bret Harte

· Local color is one aspect (regionalism)

· Less emphasis on imagination and more emphasis on observable fact

VI. Naturalism (Determinism) 1890 8

· Represented by Stephen Crane and John Steinbeck

· Individuals were victims with no control

· Heredity and environment play a large role in determining our lives

· Nature is in control

VII. Modernism 1900s 8

· Represented by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway

· Individuality is praised

· Disillusionment (free from false belief)

· Common themes include alienation and loss of faith

EOC Multiple Choice Tips:

1. You MUST read the entire passages.

· You cannot skim and scan for answers. Everything requires you to infer answers (read between the lines).

2. Take as much time as you need.

· You have all day if you need it.

3. Read the questions first.

4. Write a short summary of the paragraphs as you read.

· These would provide easy notes for going back into the passage to answer questions.

EOC Writing Prompt Tips:

Writing will be assessed through a writing prompt that requires students to read two

sources about an issue and then write a well-developed multiparagraph essay that takes

a position on the issue and uses evidence from both sources in their response.

Muffin Top Structure:

I. Introduction

A. General discussion of topic

B. Establish two sides of argument

C. Thesis statement

a. Although Opposition (what the other side says), Topic should/should

not because main point 1 and main point 2.

II. Body Paragraph 1

A. Main Point 1 (topic sentence)

B. Your discussion of point

C. Example or two from the text

D. Commentary on quote/ paraphrase from text

E. Your own example

F. Commentary on example

G. Transition sentence

III. Body Paragraph 2 (Rebuttal)

A. Opposition Point (topic sentence)

B. Your discussion of point

C. Example or two from the text

D. Commentary on quote/ paraphrase from text

E. Your own example

F. Commentary on example

G. Transition sentence

IV. Body Paragraph 3 (Refute)

A. Main Point 2 (topic sentence)

B. Your discussion of point

C. Example or two from the text

D. Commentary on quote/ paraphrase from text

E. Your own example

F. Commentary on example

G. Transition sentence

V. Conclusion

A. Restate Thesis

a. Put in it different words.

B. Summarize your main points.

a. Restate topic sentence

**Make sure to cite examples from the text. In case your forgot how to do this, the writer’s checklist will provide examples to remind you. (author’s last name and page number)