Literacy News

By: Rohan Patel

In Reading Workshop this month, students finished their book clubs. They had book club meetings and debated their theories. They extended their thinking from a post-it and supported their thoughts with lots of evidence from the text. At the end of this month students started the history reading unit.

In Writing Workshop this month, students finished their literary essays. They made sure to have an introduction, to have three body paragraphs and to have a conclusion. They also added lots of strong text evidence. They typed their essays for homework. To end this month, students wrote a compare/contrast essay. That’s it for the literacy news.


By: Sharika Gajjala

This month in math we are learning all about decimals. We are learning how to change decimals into fractions and percents. We are also learning the place values in a decimal like ones, tenths, and hundredths. Once in math, we used base ten blocks and made the decimal that was written on the board. It was very fun to play with those base ten blocks.

We had the benchmark test and we only had 45 minutes to complete it! But all the students completed the test in time.

We are still continuing to do multiplication and division in xtramath. Some people are even on multiplication and division 1.5 seconds! Everyone in our class is really good at math!!!

Social Studies

By: Kavya Iyer

In Social Studies this month we studied the 3 major colonies: New England, Middle, and South. We learned how they lived and about the crops they grew. The class also learned about the acts the British Parliament passed. The Sugar, Quartering, Stamp, Declaratory, Townshend, Tea, and “Intolerable” acts were passed by the British Parliament.

We also learned about famous people that went against the British. Paul Revere, Samuel Adams and The Sons and Daughters of Liberty were against the British.

The colonists were watched by British soldiers and the colonists got really mad. They called the British soldiers Redcoats or Lobsterbacks because they had red coats. This angered the soldiers and a little later the Boston Massacre occurred. Someone fired their musket so all the other soldiers fired. It was very exciting!!!!!! Five people died including Crispus Attucks, an African-American sailor.

Also we’re studying about the Boston Tea Party. The Sons of Liberty dressed up as Mohawk Indians and went aboard the British tea ships and dumped the crates of tea in the ocean. They were protesting about the taxes.

We did some readers theaters about the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.

Many wars between the British and the colonists occurred as well. The Battle of Bunker Hill and the War of Independence for instance. If the British did not pass all the taxes and listened to colonists crying, “Taxation without representation!” these fights wouldn't have existed.

Health/Responsive Classroom/Other

By: Mrs. Brown

Our Morning Meetings are continuing to be a very important part of our day. The students are enjoying their time as the “host” for the day. We even learned some new greetings and activities, thanks to some of our hosts, such as Alibi and True or Not!

The students enjoyed our first field trip to the Adventure Aquarium. Thank you to the many parent volunteers who gave up their time to spend the day with our class. We all had a great time!

Our Caring and Sharing party was another exciting event in February. A special thank you to Mrs. Patel for organizing the party and to our other mothers for volunteering to join us for the fun!

I am happy to see that many students are continuing to take advantage of the optional challenge homework that is offered each week.

Please remind your child to continue to complete his/her Xtra math homework each night (if they are on 3 or 2 second multiplication or division). Several students are forgetting this part of their homework and it is extremely important for students to practice their facts in order to improve accuracy and speed of recall. Thank you in advance for your support at home.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dates to Remember

March 1st: Band 2 and Orchestra Concert (7pm)

March 2nd: Band 1 and Choir Concert

(7 pm)

March 10th: Dad’s Night Out

March 24th: 4th Grade Bingo