Life in Kindergarten
Visiting/Volunteering: To ensure the safety of each student, we ask that you always check in at the office upon arrival to sign in and get a visitors badge.
Everyone NEEDS to fill out and turn in a criminal background check with the office. You must fill out a new one each year! Please fill one out, even if you think you will be unavailable to work with our class – sometimes things come up and you’re able to join us at Lakeside! It takes a VERY long time to process these forms and the office will not be running them later in the year – please turn them in A.S.A.P.!
Report Cards: We will be sending home report cards four times this year (Oct. 30, Jan. 22, April 1, June 2). If you have ANY questions regarding your child’s report card please contact me and we can set up a time to discuss it.
Red Longhorn Folder: This folder will be sent home everyday with important information from the office, PTO, your child, and me. Please check it daily and make sure it is back in your child’s backpack for the next day.
Student of the Week/Thankful board: A notice will be sent on the Wednesday prior to the week in which your child will be featured. The notice will be self explanatory. This would be a great week to come and see your child’s pictures in our room and/or eat lunch with them.
Birthday “Observances”: Please DO NOT send invitations to school, unless EVERY child is invited to a birthday party you are hosting. An ‘easy to serve’ snack may be sent to school for your child to help the teacher serve at our regular snack time. You may send the snack in your child’s backpack or drop it off in the office (and I will pick it up before our snack time). We have special things we do in class to observe your child’s birthday – but we do not have parties. Please contact me if you have any questions on this policy.
Lunch Procedures: Lunch is from 10:30-11:00. We have a behavior management plan in effect. Please refer to the monthly menu online for daily choices. If you have younger children, we ask that they be left in the care of loved ones as you have lunch with your kindergartener.
Field Trips: We will be planning field trips this year and you will receive information and a schedule as soon as details are finalized. I will contact you for chaperone volunteer positions. If you would like to chaperone (or just join us for) field trips, you must have a criminal background check filed in the office !!!! You will not be allowed to join us unless your passed criminal background check is on file with the Lakeside office.
Arrival and Dismissal: Please make sure your child is here by 7:45 a.m. to avoid tardy slips and more importantly to be involved in our opening activities. Your child may arrive as early as 7:30 (and no earlier). Please be sure to drop your child off at the parent loop, or say goodbye at the door if walking. This helps to develop independence and responsibility.
Anyone arriving after 7:50 will need to stop in the office and get a tardy slip.
Here is our regular dismissal procedure:
· Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Keith and Ms. Horton take children that are riding a day care bus, meeting their parents (without older siblings in 3rd-5th), or meeting their parents (that have siblings in first or second grade).
· Mrs. Wagoner takes children that go to the YMCA after school program
· Ms. Shoup takes children that meet an older sibling from third, fourth or fifth grade to the inside hallway (between the gym and office). The kindergarteners must wait inside with Ms. Shoup for their older sibling to meet and walk with them outside.
If at any time or for any reason your child’s current dismissal plan changes, please send a note in your child’s folder or notify the office. If you send an email the day of the change, I may not get the message in time! That includes if they are going to a friend’s for an afternoon play-date. Also, when picking your child up, PLEASE be sure to have your yellow name card in the window.
Absences: Please refer to the Student Handbook for the proper procedures to take if your child cannot be in school.
Recess: We will be going outside everyday that the weather permits. Please dress your child for the ever changing Texas weather!
Toys: We ask that your child leave all toys at home. There are many manipulatives and games provided at school, therefore, toys are not necessary.
Rules/Consequences: Please see the attached Classroom Management page for classroom behavior modifications and your Student Handbook for the Lakeside expectations.
Parent Opportunities: I want you to be involved! I will be in close contact with our room parent to schedule volunteer readers and helpers for various activities.
Communication: The kindergarten newsletter will be going home every Friday to inform you of weekly events. It will also be available online at the school’s portal site. If you need to contact me, you can reach me by email or by leaving a message with the office (214-496-7600). If you send me a note in your child’s red folder, please remember to put your first and last name on it. Please remember to empty your child’s backpack daily for the most up to date information.
Book Orders: Book orders will be sent home monthly, as long as there is an interest. I will send book orders on the first Monday of the month and they will be due back on Friday of the same week. Please send a check or money order for the exact amount. PLEASE do not send cash and PLEASE make sure the order form is completely filled out. The book order and check should be sent to school in an envelope with your child’s name and “Book Order” written on the envelope. THANK YOU!
Traveling Teddy: Traveling Teddy is a teddy bear that travels all over world with our students. He opens our eyes to different places, cultures, and people. Please let me know if you would like to take Traveling Teddy on your next trip! Hurry - vacation times book up quickly!
Please do not hesitate to contact me. What may seem like a small concern to you or me, may be of great concern to your child. I will be working very hard to keep you informed, but if you have questions, I want you to ask them.
Thank you for your support so far . . . support is the greatest gift you can give a teacher!