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Life Skills Training Vocabulary Terms

1. self-image – the beliefs and attitudes we have of ourselves

2. attitude – how we feel about something

3. beliefs – things accepted as true or valid

4. decision – the act of making up one’s mind

5. influence – a power indirectly affecting a person or an action

6. pressure – to force by overpowering influence or persuasion

7. persuasive tactics – a strategy by which someone convinces someone else to do, think, or say something

8. minority – smaller of two groups forming a whole

9. long-term – not immediate

10. risk factor – life-style pattern or characteristic related to an increased likelihood of developing a disease or condition

11. addiction – strong physical or emotional dependence on tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs with use of increasing amounts

12. socially acceptable – satisfactory to the community

13. secondhand smoke – the combined smoke from the lighted tip of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled by the smoker

14. biofeedback – a technique whereby a person consciously regulates a body function, such as heartbeat or blood pressure, by using an instrument which monitors and signals changes

15. carbon monoxide – a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas created by cigarette smoking

16. nicotine – the addictive drug in tobacco that is a stimulant

17. heart rate – the regular beating of blood in the arteries caused by the contraction of the heart

18. misconception – something that is interpreted incorrectly

19. abstinence – willful avoidance

20. tolerance – the capacity to absorb a drug in large doses without adverse effects

21. marijuana – the dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant with the botanical name cannabis sativa

22. euphoria – a feeling of great happiness or well-being

23. illicit – illegal

24. decriminalization – the removal or reduction of criminal penalties while maintaining that something is still against the law

25. legalization – the absence of penalty (for example, for the possession of marijuana)

26. psychoactive – mind altering

27. THC – the active ingredient in marijuana