Library Orientation Assignment

After reading the Library Orientation web pages…follow the directions in the questions to search the Library’s online catalog for books and the databases for journal articles. You will receive your assignment back with comments and a grade of COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE. To receive a complete grade, each question needs to be answered showing that you followed the directions.

Name:________Talal Kanoo__________________________

Background Questions:

1. Have you received library instruction in high school? Yes or No

If so, please place an “x” in front of all that you learned:

___x___ How to use an online catalog

___x___ How to read call numbers (Dewey Decimal or Library of Congress)

___x__ How to search the internet

___x___ How to search commercial databases for journal/magazine articles

___x__ How to use reference books

_______ Other _________________________________________________________



2. Have you used in the past as a source for school assignments or research papers? Yes or No

3. Reference librarians are available whenever the library is open to help you with finding books, journal articles, and other sources. We can even help with questions about how to cite a source correctly for a research paper. What type of communication would you most likely use to ask a librarian a question?

___x__ Ask at the library’s reference desk (face to face)

_____ Call the reference desk (617-989-4040 menu #3)

___x__ Email ()

_____ Instant Messaging (Not Currently Available)

4. What is the biggest challenge for you when using a library?





Finding a book

1. Go to the library’s website (, pull down the Library Catalogs menu and choose “online catalog”. Look up a book using a KEYWORD search that has to do with your major

Examples: Interior Design majors may try something like: design and restaurant Mechanical Engineer majors may try something like: automobile and handbook

List the full title of one of the books in your results list that could be helpful to you.

World is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century / Thomas L. Friedman. ______________________________________________________________


2. Click on the blue number (to the left) of your title to open up the “Brief Record”. Does WIT own this book? YES or NO
Is it on the shelves? (Available) YES or NO

If WIT doesn’t own the book, list one library that does:___1_________

3. Click on “Detailed Record” to see more information about your book (Gray button). This screen contains Subject Headings. Choose one of the Subject Headings and click on it.

Which subject heading did you choose?_____ Diffusion of innovations.

From this list of titles, find another book that could be helpful to you and write the full title:
Rich dad, poor dad : what the rich teach their kids about money

Databases: Finding Journal Articles

1. Go back to the library’s home page. Choose “Databases” in the top menu. Click on “Databases by Subject” and choose the subject CLOSEST to your major. Which one did you choose?


2. Look at the list of databases in your subject and choose one the says its contains “full-text” journal articles. Which one did you choose?

___________Boston Globe__________________________________________

3. Open the database and using a KEYWORD search, see if you can find a journal article that’s helpful to your major.

Article Title: Auctions with Financial Externalities________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Journal Title____ Auctions with Financial Externalities_________________________________________________________

Date of article___12/04/2006______________________

Not all articles in full-text databases are available in full-text. Is there a link to the full-text for your article (html or pdf formats)? YES or NO

You are done!!!!!

Submit to WebCt!