Library and Information Services Division

Current References 2006-1

International Polar Year 2007-2008

Resources on Polar Research in the NOAA Central Library Network

A Selected Bibliography

Leffingwell's Flaxman Island Base - in use 1909-1911 from: NOAA Photo Library

Prepared by Anna Fiolek

Edited by Doria Grimes

NOAA Central Library

1315 East-West Highway

Silver Spring, MD 20910

U. S. Department of Commerce

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service

National Oceanographic Data Center

NOAA Central Library

January 2006


This bibliography has been prepared to support NOAA Central Library (NCL) activities during International Polar Year 2007-2008. It reflects the NCL network’s unique printed and online resources on exploration and research in Polar Regions. The Bibliography includes citations formatted “by title” from NOAALINC, the library's online catalog and from the library's historical collections. The data and listings are comprehensive from the 18th century to the present. This resource contains all formats, including print, CD-ROM, online full-text documents, digital videos, digital images, online cruise data and Web resources. This document provides full-text access, copyright permitting, to significant Polar documents in the NOAA Library collections. Over one-hundred and fifty of the entries are linked to previously scanned unique documents online as well as to scientific datasets available online via the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) Ocean Archive System. The Bibliography is also published online under LISD Current Reference Series 2006-1 and is available to the international community via the NOAA Central Library's home page and its online catalog NOAALINC. This Bibliography may also serve as an Internet locator for printed and online resources in Polar research. Any comments and suggestions for corrections are welcomed.

Publications listed in this Bibliography may be requested through your local library’s Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. For more information on this contact NOAA Central Library’s ILL home page:

This publication is available online for downloading in Microsoft Word and in PDF formats at:

.noaa.g o v/rescue/Bibliographies/IPY2007.doc i es/IPY2007.pdf

Anna Fiolek, M.A., M.L.S.

NOAA Central Library

Silver Spring, MD


January 2006


This bibliography would not have been possible without the assistance of many individuals at the NOAA Central Library: Janice Beattie, Chief of the Library Information Services Division for her help and support for this project; Doria Grimes, Chief of Contract Operations Branch for her editorial work; Technical Information Specialists, Diana Abney, for coordinating the imaging of the selected publications, Skip Theberge, for his assistance with the selection of books; and librarian Liselle Drake and contractor Gulnar Nagashybayeva, for their assistance with formatting and correcting the citations.

Finally, special thanks goes to the NOAA Climate Data Modernization Project (CDMP) for including IPY documents in their funded projects, and Lason Incorporated for imaging the documents within a short time frame.


I. What is the International Polar Year? …………………………………………... 5-6

II. Historical Resources on Polar Research in the NOAA Central

Library Special Collections ………………………………………………...7-26

III. Current Resources on Polar Research in the NOAA Central Library

Network …………………………………………………………………...27-171

IV. Internet resources on Polar Research ………….…………………………….....172-182

I. What is the International Polar Year?

An answer may be found at the websites below:

IPY : International Polar Year. (.org)

U.S. Committee to the International Polar Year. (

NOAA Arctic Research Office. (

“The Polar Regions are remote areas of the Earth that have profound significance for the Earth's climate and ultimately environments, ecosystems and human society. However we still remain remarkably ignorant of many aspects of how polar climate operates and its interaction with polar environments, ecosystems and societies. To have any hope of understanding the current global climate and what might happen in future the science community needs a better picture of conditions at the poles and how they interact with and influence the oceans, atmosphere and land masses. Existing climate models do not work well in the Polar Regions and have for example failed to predict the dramatic break-up of Antarctic ice shelves observed in recent years. The three fastest warming regions on the planet in the last two decades have been Alaska, Siberia and parts of the Antarctic Peninsula, Thus the Polar Regions are highly sensitive to climate change and this raises real concern for the future of polar ecosystems and Arctic society.

There have been a number of major international science initiatives in Polar Regions (…) and all have had a major influence in overhauling our understanding of global processes in these important areas. These initiatives have involved an intense period of interdisciplinary research, collecting a broad range of measurements that provide a snapshot in time of the state of the Polar Regions.”[1]

The First International Polar Year (IPY), 1881-1883 was the first in the series of coordinated international expeditions to the Polar Regions. The first IPY, inspired by the Austrian explorer and an officer with the Austro-Hungarian Navy, Carl Weyprecht. Although he died before the commencement of the First International Polar Year, 11 countries participated in 15 expeditions, fulfilling Weyprecht's dream and heralding a new age of scientific discovery. [1]

The Second International Polar Year (IPY), 1932 – 1933 marked the 25th anniversary of the first IPY. It was proposed in 1928 at an international conference of meteorological service directors. Forty nations participated in Arctic research from 1932 – 1933, in the fields of meteorology, magnetism, aurora, and radio science. However, due to the worldwide economic depression, the second IPY was smaller than originally planned.

The Third International Polar Year (IPY), 1957 - 1958, later renamed the International Geophysical Year, was proposed in 1952 by the International Council of Scientific Unions, following a suggestion by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) member Lloyd Berkner. The Third IPY/IGY was based on the earlier IPYs, but included research outside of the Polar Areas. These international research programs involved 80,000 scientists from 67 countries. It produced unprecedented exploration and discoveries in many fields of research and fundamentally changed how science was conducted in the polar regions. Fifty years on, technological developments such as earth observation satellites, autonomous vehicles and molecular biology techniques offer enormous opportunities for a further quantum step upwards in our understanding of polar systems.

The upcoming Fourth International Polar Year (IPY) in 2007-2008 will mark the 50th anniversary of the Third International Polar Year to continue the tradition of international science years that began in 1882-1993 with the first International Polar Year and continued with a second International Polar Year in 1932-1933. “It will provide an opportunity to engage the upcoming generation of young Earth System scientists and to get the public to realize just how much the cold ends of the sphere we all live on really do influence us. To ensure that researchers get the opportunity to work in both polar regions or work summer and winter if they wish, the Polar Year will actually run from March 2007-March 2009” [2]

[1] IPY, International Polar Year. What is IP? (.org/about/what-is-ipy.htm)

[2] U.S.Committee to the International Polar Year, 2007-2008. IPY history. (

Historical Resources on Polar Research in the NOAA Libraries Network

[Note—the citations marked “Online access:” in red will be updated with the URL addresses to their full-text documents as soon as they become available]

Scoresby, William. An account of the Arctic regions with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery. Edinburgh : Printed for A. Constable & Co., 1820.

Online access, v. 1:

Online access, v. 2:

G742 .S42 1820 v.1

G742 .S42 1820 v.2

Bent, Silas. An address delivered before the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association, January 6th, 1872 : upon the thermal paths to the Pole, the currents of the ocean, and the influence of the latter upon the climates of the world. Saint Louis : R.P. Studley Co., 1872.

Online access:

G615 .B4 1872

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Alaska : coast pilot notes on the Fox Islands passes, Unalaska Bay, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean as far as Point Barrow. Revised by D.H. Jarvis. Washington, [D.C.] : G.P.O., 1902. Series: Bulletin (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) ; no. 40.

QB275 .B85 no.40 [1st ed.]

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Alaska : coast pilot notes on the Fox Islands passes, Unalaska Bay, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean as far as Point Barrow. Washington, [D.C.] : G.P.O., 1900.

Series: Bulletin (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) ; no. 40.

QB275 .B85 no.40 2nd ed.

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Alaska : coast pilot notes on the Fox Islands passes, Unalaska Bay, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean as far as Point Barrow. Washington, [D.C.] : G.P.O., 1901 Series: Bulletin (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) ; no. 40.

QB275 .B85 no.40 3rd ed.

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Alaska : coast pilot notes on the Fox Islands passes, Unalaska Bay, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean as far as Point Barrow. Washington, [D.C.] : G.P.O., 1902.

Series: Bulletin (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) ; no. 40.

QB275 .B85 no.40 4th ed.

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Alaska : coast pilot notes on the Fox Islands passes, Unalaska Bay, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean as far as Point Barrow. Washington, [D.C.] : G.P.O., 1904.

Series: Bulletin (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) ; no. 40.

QB275 .B85 no.40 5th ed.

British National Antarctic Expedition (1901-1904). Album of photographs and sketches with a portfolio of panoramic views. London : The Royal Society; Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd, 1908.

Online access:

G850 1901 .D652 1908

G850 1901 .D652 1908 (Maps & sketches)

Nourse, J. E. (Joseph Everett). American explorations in the ice zones : the expeditions of De Haven, Kane, Rodgers, Hayes, Hall, Schwatka, and DeLong, the relief voyages for the Jeanette by the U.S. steamers Corvin, Rodgers, and Alliance, the cruises of Captains Long and Raynor of the Merchant Service, with a brief notice of the Antarctic cruise under Lieutenant Wilkes, 1840, and of the locations and objects of the U.S. Signal Service Arctic observers.

Boston : D. Lothrop and Company ; [c1884]

Online access:

G630.A5 N9 1884

Murrey, George, editor. The Antarctic manual for use of the expedition of 1901. London : Royal Geographical Society, 1901.

Online access:

Q116 .A58 1901

Thompson, A. A. Antarctic seismological bulletin : Palmer Land Peninsula, Antarctica, south latitude 68o - 12', west longitude 67o - 00' in operation from 18 May 1947 through 15 February 1948 . Compiled by Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (1946-1948). Washington, D.C. : Office of Naval Research, Dept. of Navy, 1950.

Online access:

QC851 .R66 no.9

Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (1946-1948). Antarctic weather statistics. Washington, D.C. : Office of Naval Research, Dept. of Navy, 1948.

Online access:

QC851 .R66 no.1

Arctowski. Henryk. Aper?u des résultats météorologiques de l'hivernage Antarctique de la "Belgica." Bruxelles : Hayez, 1904.

Online access:

QC994.9 .A73 1904

Arc du meridien de 25 20 entre le Danube et la Mer Glaciale, mesure depuis 1816 jusquen 1855. Sous la direction de C. de Tenner ... Chr. Hansteen ... N.H. Selander ... F.G.W. Struve. Ouvrage compose sur les differents materiaux et redige par F.G.W. Struve ; publie par l'Academie des sciences de St. Petersboug. St. Petersbourg : Commissionnaires de l'Academie imperiale des sciences ; a St.-Petersbourg ; MM. Eggers et Cie ; a Riga : M. Samuel Schmidt ; a Leipzig : M. Leopold Voss, 1857-1860.

QB291 .A72 1857 t.1

QB291 .A72 1857 t.2

QB291 .A72 1857 t.3

Hubbard, Charles J. Arctic activities, summer of 1946 : installation of Thule Weather Station and surveys to Winter Harbor. [Washington, D.C.? : U.S. Weather Bureau, 1946?]

Online access:

G630.A5 H8 1946

Kane, Elisha Kent. Arctic explorations : the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55. Philadelphia : Childs & Peterson, 1856.

Online access, v. 1:

Online access, v. 2:

G665 1853 .K3 1856 v.1

G665 1853 .K3 1856 v.2

Harris, Rollin Arthur. Arctic tides. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Washington : G.P.O., 1911.

Online access: b

GC311 .H38 1911

International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska (1882-1883). Arctic views. [Washington, D.C. : U.S., Office of Chief Signal Officer, 1884?]

Online access:

Link to the First International Polar Year, 1881-1884 home page:

Q115.I6 U63 1884

Peterson, H. C. Atmospheric refraction project. Compiled by Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (1946-1948). Washington, D.C. : U.S. Navy Dept., Office of Naval Research, 1948.

Online access:

QC851 .R66 no.2

International Polar Expedition (1882-1883). Die Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der deutschen stationen. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Deutschen Polar-Kommission von Dr. Neumayer und Dr. B?rgen. Berlin : A. Asher, 1886.

Online access:

Link to the First International Polar Year, 1881-1884 reports’home page:

G700 1882 .I58 1886 Bd.1

G700 1882 .I58 1886 Bd.2

International Polar Expedition (1882-1883). Beobachtungs-ergebnisse der norwegischen Polarstation Bossekop in Alten. Im Auftrage des K?nigl. Norwegischen Cultus-Ministeriums ; hrsg. von Aksel S. Steen, Norwegischen Meteorologischen Institute. Christiania : Druck bei Gr?ndahl & Son, 1887-1888.

Online access (Excel file of Bossekop observations):

Online access (Diagram of Bossekp observations):

Online access (Scanned images) :

Online access (Online access (First International Polar Year, 1881-1884 home page):

G630.S33 B3 1887 v.1-2

De Nederlandsche pool-expeditie (1882-1883). Beschreven door Maurits Snellen. Uitgegeven door de zorg van B.J.G. Volck. Utrecht : L.E. Bosch, 1886.

Online access:

G700 1882 .S6 1886

Baily, Francis. The catalogue of stars of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, containing the mean right ascensions and north polar distances of eight thousand three hundred and seventy-seven fixed stars reduced to January 1, 1850 : together with their annual precessions, secular variations and proper motions, as well as the logarithmic constants for computing precession, aberration and nutation, with a preface explanatory of their construction and application. British Association for the Advancement of Science. London : R. and J. E. Taylor, 1845.

QB6 .B71 1845

Compilation of narratives of explorations in Alaska. Washington, [D.C.] : G.P.O., 1900.

Online access:

F904 .C66 1900

Mikkelsen, Ejnar. Conquering the Arctic ice. London : W. Heinemann, 1909.

Online access:

G720 .M6 1909

Kumlien, Ludwig. Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America : made in connection with the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877-78. Washington : G.P.O., 1879.

Series: Bulletin (United States National Museum) ; no. 15.

Online access:

Q11 .U6 no.15

Gerlache de Gomery, Adrien Victor Joseph, baron de. Croisière océanographique : accomplie à bord de la Belgica dans la Mer du Gr?nland, 1905 . Bruxelles : C. Bulens, 1907.